Chapter "Arrow By Arrow"

Mari Kubo from 2-B scored 7 points, while Freya Tahara from 2-A earned an impressive 9 points. But it was Ruby who stole the spotlight with a perfect 10.

Class 3-C erupted in applause and cheers, Fredy’s jaw dropping in disbelief. Hamond, Rurina, and Sheryl stood stunned, while Hamlyn and Henry exchanged knowing, confident smiles.

Ruby lowered her bow with a confident smile. Freya, visibly irritated, shot a glance at Ruby, who remained focused on her target, still smiling.

“Well, there it is—her first 10 points,” Hamlyn remarked with a grin.

“That was an incredible shot,” Sheryl added, her admiration clear.

“Yeah, absolutely brilliant,” Rurina agreed, nodding at Sheryl’s remark.

With a commanding tone, Narumi-sensei called out, “Take your positions for the second shot.”