Should i?

“Have you prepared all the contracts yet?” Alex asked his assistant, his eyes fixed on the screen in front of him. An excel sheet opened sent on behalf of the HR dep. It was a training sheet. Anna has lots of training planned today. She will be busy! It’s better to leave that conference finish first! Then I’ll plan a holiday…!

“So, everything is ready.” Mr. Tish answered. “Just a few more points to be reviewed. I think it would be better if you go through it first.” He handed him a file. “These are the menus the FOOD AND BEV department prepared. And the timetables of the sittings and setting of the conference room.”

“Hmm, I would like a meeting fixed with the concerned department first.” Suddenly an idea strikes him. “And include Miss Matthews as well. Find a time that would be convenient for her. But it is compulsory that she assist.”