Chapter 64

Steven boots Paul on his stomach; he quickly grasps Steven's legs and bows his head on his feet. He must do something, or he will die from this torture. How could he know this pauper is this glorious and can afford something this expensive?

“Mr. Steven, please, I misjudged him; I am wrong. Please forgive me.”

Steven gets his leg free from Paul and roars.

“Forgive who; you must be crazy!”

Steven moved his weight on Paul even more, but he moved backwards when he saw Donna.

Donna entered with her face full of smiles; she believes the scumbag must have been caught on something.

Upon seeing Donna, Paul quickly pointed to her; he remembered he was just doing his job in the VIP show room when Donna called him, and she already described Damien as a poor shit, not him; he didn't do anything.

“She gave me the order; she said he came here to take pictures and videos. I basically did my thing.”