Contemplation and judgment


"You and your soldiers should follow my flight trajectory!"

Up in the sky, Vee was continuously shouting in natural language.

[Even though it looks very effective, in reality, it's not as strong as I think.]

Vee is privately thinking about what she has seen.

[Just like this siege battle, although Shine did use some indescribable tactics, luring Centaur soldiers who were originally skilled in agile combat to a point where it was not suitable for them to maneuver in the swamp, Shine's tactics still have concerns.]

[That's because the quality of the warriors he used to surround these centaur warriors was too weak.]

[Form them into two semi-circles to encircle the enemy group, leaving no dead corner. This seems like an extremely perfect solution, but in reality, it is not like that.]

[Because you have exhausted your mental resources to form two circles, it will scatter on a large scale your originally small army.]

[So I just need to bring these Centaur soldiers to attack the outermost circle, and they can easily escape.]

[Shine, it seems that's all you have!]

Thinking of this, Vee's eyes couldn't help but reveal a look of pride.

In her imagination, as long as the Centaur soldiers below escaped the swamp, everything would be fine.

The Centaur soldiers will later in the process use actual actions to tell Shine the consequences of despising the enemy!

"Yes, Nature Spirit."

When Usok Windwaker later heard Vee say that, he naturally did not delay.

Anyway, no matter what the situation will be in the future, he now needs this "Nature Spirit" in the sky to be the eyes that guide their soldiers out of trouble.

"Ah, howl, howl, howl"

Usok Windwaker clapped his hand to his mouth and shouted.

"Soldiers, charge with me!"

After saying that, he immediately rushed out.

"Twin arrows!"

Just saw him yell loudly.

Two simple arrows, one in front and one in the back shot and killed Little Demons not far away who wanted to stop this group of centaur warriors so that their vile souls could return to the embrace of the abyss.

Accurate, yet deadly.

Seeing this scene, Vee couldn't help but admire Usok.

In her view, Usok just needs a little more practice, to let his level rise a little, and then he is only one step away from being the weakest race hero.

But just as Vee withdrew her gaze from Usok's body, less than a second later, she suddenly screamed again.

"Not good!"

"Quickly change direction!"

Usok and the others still don't know exactly what's going on, although they don't understand why Vee is so nervous. However, they still very obediently turned back in one direction and followed this "Nature Spirit" back in the same direction.

But right after they had just changed direction, Vee cried out again in worry.

"No! Can't break through the siege at this position, so quickly change direction."

The Centaur soldiers who were silent inside chose to follow.

But what they didn't think about was that it wasn't the end, it was just the beginning!

"Stop, right side!"

"No no, the left side!"

"It's not right, it's the direction…"

The sparrow in the sky kept calling, and all the Centaur warriors discovered in a dazed look that they were like...

Back to the original point?

From beginning to end, they could not escape this so-called swamp.

On the contrary, their original distance was still a distance away from the countless groups of demons that had forced their way closer to them.

Many of them have even heard that these devils' bodies exude a foul odor.

"Nature Spirit, why?"

"Are you betraying Mother Nature? Why do you want to do that!"

Usok felt that he and the Windwaker clan warriors were being deceived by this foreign Nature Spirit, and could not help but roar in anger towards Vee.


But Vee perched on the branch was just silent.

The reason she was silent was because she discovered a terrifying truth.

That's Shine himself, it seems like he's ten, no, a hundred times more terrible than the school rumor!

When she thought she saw Shine's weakness, she suddenly woke up and realized it.

The weakness she saw was just that Shine himself revealed the weakness to her.

The reason why he let her see this weakness was because he let her blindly move the group of Centaur soldiers.

This group of Centaur soldiers, from beginning to end, always remained there in two circles forming a moving center.

Because in the blink of an eye when they moved, all the demons outside the intersection once again formed into a dozen or so small square formations.

These small-sized square formations intersected together irregularly.

But each of these formations can prevent this group of Centaur soldiers from breaking out of the siege, and at the same time trap them from other demons coming to help.

This is the real reason why Vee keeps these Centaur soldiers constantly changing direction.

Every time, when Vee wants to find Shine's weak point, she will be discovered in the blink of an eye by Shine, and at the exact right time, she will be stopped, forcing her to go to another location where he wants her to go!

Every time!

In the end, Vee and the Centaur soldiers were in range of action, shrinking step by step.

That extremely chaotic array, in Vee's thoughts, magically transformed into a huge python spitting out its tongue.

It does not kill its prey first but uses a strong body to firmly restrain its prey, watching its prey suffocate little by little, watching its prey die little by little in its chest, and watching its prey's eyes gradually lose vitality.

"What a scary person..."

Vee woke up from her thoughts and finally couldn't help but tremble.

"How did he do all this?"

But very quickly, Vee threw all of this behind.

"So sorry... Usok."

Vee's eyes were filled with apology.

"The master behind this group of monsters is even more powerful than I thought. I am not his opponent."

"Because I made a mistake and put you in a heavy siege."

But immediately, Vee's tone became cold as ice.

"I don't want to deceive you, but the hope of you running away now is truly too slim."

"So, I would like to ask you to fight to the death for us and Mother Nature."

"See again!"

A second later Vee flew away, leaving only the Centaur soldiers in despair in the pond.

"No no no!"

Look at the "Nature Spirit" flying away Usok shouted, but this did not bring back anything.

Death, coming soon!


"What a pity!"

Vee heard a pitiful scream behind her, and for a moment her heart was filled with mixed emotions.

But just before she had time to sigh a few more words, she suddenly discovered at the far edge of the jungle, several shadows flashed past in the abyss portal that represented destruction and death!

"This is...!"