Summoned from the endless darkness

Recruit a hero.

This is the only way Shine himself can think of right now, the fastest way to stabilize the entire Trial Continent situation.

The Heroic Spirit that comes from the Throne of Heroes can greatly increase the strength of the army, and the generals from the military academy can automatically lead troops, but heroes are a more special type of existence.

First, each hero has a fixed race, each hero can only be recruited within a specific race, this also results in the hero specifications of each race being completely different.

Secondly, many heroes also can increase the army and lead troops, but in this aspect, their abilities are weaker than Heroic Spirit and generals.

However, this does not mean that the hero is weaker than the so-called Heroic Spirit and the general. On the contrary, in terms of individual strength and battlefield breakthrough, heroes have unparalleled advantages.

They can not only level up, but they can also purchase and gain more skills and attribute values as they upgrade.

Each hero only needs to be equipped with the right skills and combination, and they can become an unsurpassed existence on the battlefield.

For example, in [Age of Lords] the legendary lord Wu Rong left millions of classic battles, under his hand the hero Talsefin is the best example.

That is a dragon-blooded diamond-level hero, he always took the lead in countless wars that have been written into textbooks. He likes to be the first to rush into enemy lines, after tearing apart the enemy's line, he transformed into a dragon, taking advantage of the dragon language magic skill to completely disrupt the entire war.

For example, Grim, the dual-attribute elemental hero under the new lord Shi Tian.

That is a special hero who can almost endlessly change the battlefield environment.

Not only can he set up stone walls on the battlefield through the Earth element, but he can also use water element skills to directly turn the entire battlefield into muddy swamps.

Because of his existence, Shi Tian not only wiped out the other four legendary lords in one fell swoop but also caused the four lords to lose all of their elites.

In short, although heroes cannot command quantities of troops,

But they are the sharpest knives in war, and also the densest shield walls!

Therefore, they are the best in war to help Lords directly achieve all kinds of tactical survival goals, known as the lord's right-hand/left-hand man.

Strong personal strength, nearly unlimited growth, and all kinds of incredible skills.

All of these together are the characteristics of heroes.

This is also the reason why Shine is still upgrading his territory when his resources are not high.

Right now, he lacks the elite, and urgently needs someone who can change the situation on the battlefield at any time!


Shine looked at herself in front of the Divine Palace of Sin, falling into deep thought.

"How should I say this…"

"Even though I now know that the Endless Abyss's characteristic is extreme chaos."

"But I still didn't expect that recruiting heroes from the Endless Abyss is completely randomized!"

It's different from Shine's idea of having a fixed type of hero. Unlike other Lords, they can see the attributes of the heroes they recruit.

Divine Palace of Sin, this structure only provides Shine one option.

[ Summon Hero ]

[First-time summoning cost: 2000 kilograms of flesh and blood, 25 souls of those who died in battle.]

These two conditions are very easy to achieve for Shine and are even already there.

Because Shine had previously successfully destroyed Usok and his soldiers, the strong bodies they left behind could easily complete the first condition.

And this point of souls of those who died in battle is not at all difficult, after all, the number of soldiers who died in battle before, has already exceeded 25.

After bringing over the flesh and blood of Usok Windwalker and the warriors of his tribe, Shine pressed down on the Summon Hero selection.

Although Shine himself was a little concerned about this completely random thing, but as he gradually adapted to the environment of the abyss, he still decided to trust the abyss, and believe in the specialties of this world.

Very quickly, the Divine Palace of Sin in front of Shine moved.

A scarlet magic circle that is extremely evil and blasphemed all beautiful life appears in front of Shine.

It starts from a black spot, it quickly spreads to the flesh and blood prepared by him.

In the magic circle, the flesh and blood that had been prepared began to change!

They had already died long ago, but they began to move again!

Countless all kinds of strange limbs quickly grew from their flesh and blood, but quickly disappeared.

The five senses of the Centaur soldiers' corpses also began the process of melting and regenerating.

The eyes exploded, the ears and nose fell, and blood was everywhere.

One after another evil eyes filled with greed and madness appeared from this pile of indescribable flesh and blood.

And ugly mouths sprouted from the corpse, screaming madly.

All of these changes made Shine feel that within this pile of flesh and blood, there seemed to be countless souls competing for its control.

Finally, all the remaining five senses disappear.

Because there was a powerful and special soul, it finally dried up countless years later in the Endless Abyss, waiting for the opportunity to revive again and return to this real world.

This strange pile of flesh and blood formed a complete entity in front of Shine.

This is a monster as big as a hill and incredibly bloated, but its body was covered with blood-stained iron cages from top to bottom.

Even though these iron cages were empty, Shine did not have difficulty guessing what kind of tragic abuse the creatures once imprisoned in these iron cages suffered.

Moreover, this monster's purple-red skin is covered with large and small tumor-like spectacles.

As this monster took a breath, these tumors that were not even hidden at all spewed out some kind of filthy and foul gas.

After this monster returned to this world, it did not fall directly into endless chaos like other demons.

On the contrary, this monster, which was more than three meters taller than Shine's head, bowed to its lower body.

Just like a loyal servant meeting its emperor, it lay at Shine's feet, using its four pairs of starry red eyes to look towards Shine...

Shine firmly holds the Codex of the Abyss!

When it looked at this Codex in the blink of an eye, its four bright red eyes filled with greed and tyranny instantly disappeared without seeing anything again, replaced by endless fear and instinctive obedience.

"Supreme Lord of the Abyss, thank you for summoning from the endless darkness, I humbly vow to offer you endless loyalty!"

[You have summoned a new racial hero.]

[Little Demon Mistress —— Caroline!]