

"Ha ha ha ha, it's the Earth Dragons!"

"Burn, burn everything, burn to death these damned monsters, use the fire to purify this piece of poisoned earth!"

Because he had killed so many that his eyes turned red, it was also possible that the dwarves had been "infected" by the demon spirit's growl. One after another, the earth dragons were guided into the tunnel by special chains.

And these so-called Earth Dragons... Should not be misunderstood, they are not really dragons in the sense.

Compared to the Phantom beast species, the lowest is a legendary, powerful and arrogant dragon race, and as for the Earth Dragon, it is more like some kind of lizard and giant worm-shaped hybrid.

Their protruding mouths and everted noses, exactly like a lizard of some kind.

But their heads, for some reason, degenerated into an eyeless state.

Furthermore, their body structure was similar to that of a mollusk, not growing any scales, instead it was naked and semi-transparent skin.

Even if it's a layer of skin away, everyone can see the Earth Dragon's malevolent internal organs underneath their skin.

Moreover, on this semi-transparent skin. They are still excreting non-toxic but foul-smelling transparent mucus every hour, so that their twisted and weird bodies can walk in the tunnel.

However, with such a disgusting appearance, "Earth Dragons" is truly worthy of that word.

Because they do have a special skill that is only available to the dragon race.

Dragon Flame!


As the Earth Dragon group roared, waves of "Flames" rose from the tunnel, spraying towards the Little Demons who couldn't dodge.

The dwarves led these Earth Dragons, constantly using these fires, little by little to reclaim their territory.

These flames are not ordinary flames.

In these flames, they carry a trace of dragon blood.

Therefore, this flame can help the dwarven kingdom dissolve the most difficult metals.

And the bodies of that group of Little Demons are completely incomparable to metal.

In just the blink of an eye, countless Little Demons were immediately completely burned by the dragon flames ejected by the Earth Dragons.

Burned, they cried out, screamed desperately, and rolled on the ground, planning to extinguish the flames on their bodies.

But unfortunately, all of this is completely unnecessary.

One after another, the Little Demons under the Earth Dragon flames were completely roasted.

Their bodies could not even maintain the state of coke, because these fires would completely burn their bodies, until only a trace of ash remained.

"Ah! My children!"

Little Demon Mistress Caroline saw the children's miserable situation and immediately screamed loudly and came forward.

After hugging the Little Demons, Caroline immediately turned around, using her back to help the Little Demons block the second wave of dragon flames.

No matter how these flames wreaked havoc on her back, she had no intention of leaving.

Her plump but strong body also successfully prevented several Little Demon souls from returning to the Endless Abyss.

But Earth Dragon's flame can also intimidate Little Demon Mistress Caroline.

Her fat body was also set on fire like her children.

Countless polyps instantly exploded, turning into stinking pus and pus everywhere, and the thick fat under her skin was quickly burned by the dragon flame.

She has high Hp, but it dropped by more than 1⁄5 in an instantaneous.

Seeing this, Shine immediately reacted in the most timely manner.

However, there are a few differences between him and Little Demon Mistress Caroline.

He himself doesn't really care about the deaths of those Little Demons and Lemures, what he really cares about is the Earth Dragons themselves!

[Finally, appears!]

[ Monsters that allow the Blood Contamination Room to be used, appear!]

In the darkness, a pair of eyes with long, small holes appeared.

These pair of eyes were at an infinite distance, away from the silent darkness, looking from another place towards those unbearably ugly Earth Dragons.

But unlike the other demons who feared the flames, Shine's eyes lit up.

[No, this time no matter how big the price is, even if I temporarily put down the strategy for the entrance to this passages, I must still capture an Earth Dragon alive!]

Thinking of this, Commander Shine immediately started.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the situation on the battlefield that had originally become extremely chaotic because of the Earth Dragon's appearance had changed.

Countless Little Demons, under the oppression of Codex of the Abyss, were forced to submit to Shine's plan.

One after another, while running away from the fire, the Little Demons, almost instantly, formed into a line nearly 10 meters long.

Moreover, there are dozens of lines like this!

Under such a long formation, the dozens of Little Demons in front, once sprayed with dragon flames, would almost die in the blink of an eye.

But this is exactly what Shine wanted.

He doesn't care about the lives of these Little Demons, he cares even more about his own goals.

Because the Little Demons were placed behind, after the Earth Dragon sprayed dragon flames, they still had abundant fighting power.

At least before the next dragon flame erupts, there is plenty of fighting power.

As a result, under such a formation, countless Little Demons immediately entangled several nearby Earth Dragons.

Their attack was as fast as the strange formation, causing many dwarf soldiers stationed next to Earth Dragon to react and suddenly die on the spot.

Little Demon Mistress Caroline, under Shine's orders, forcibly swallowed several Little Demons to restore her HP.

Next, she used her own chain to lock an Earth Dragon and desperately began to drag it from behind.

When they saw the Little Demon Mistress doing so, the remaining dwarves immediately launched an attack, wanting to protect this precious Earth Dragon from being dragged away.

But this is definitely a waste of effort, because Shine planned this.

Even though many Earth Dragons were under siege, Shine's actual target was only this Earth Dragon from beginning to end.

So next to this Earth Dragon, the number of demon soldiers is the largest.

One after another Little Demons boldly went to die, just to delay the opponent for a second.

And after their deaths, Little Demon Mistress Caroline finally succeeded in capturing a living Earth Dragon as prisoner.


"They retreated!"

Because of the temporary change in target, Shine did not directly attack this end of the passage, and could only temporarily withdraw his demon army to its previous position.

Seeing those terrifying demons finally retreating, all the dwarf soldiers couldn't help but cheer.

But what these poor dwarves didn't know was, this time, Shine's complete retreat meant to them.

Although Shine temporarily gave up on his original goal, the reason he withdrew was because he gained something more important!

This bunch of dwarves will regret it for countless years because of today's cheering.

Because the true monster must appear.

This captured Earth Dragon will be the source of those monsters!