The Twin

"Lord... Lord... I... Hello!"

Inside the bandage monster's chest hole, thick maggot with a human face crawled out of the hole tremblingly, a frightened face looked towards Shine.

Shine also looked towards her at the same time.

However, in the moment of his position, Lord of the Abyss looked at her with his scarlet eyes with vertical pupils.

"Aah ah!"

Mara, this little thing was immediately frightened and crawled back into the hole, and kept talking nervously.

"The lord really looked at me, his eyes were really scary!"

"If I keep running like that, will he be angry?"

"Shouldn't, shouldn't, he's a lord, I can't say bad things about him."

"Furthermore, does he think I'm very useless! Then strangle me to death!"

"Huhu, the real world is so scary!"

"It's all your fault, I clearly don't want to go to the real world!"

"It's clear that it's so safe in the dark, so warm..."


Even though Plague Breeder Mara was just talking to her younger brother, the place she was talking to was in the hole in the skin.

So when the sound came out of the hole, Shine could very clearly hear every word she said.

"Ah… Lord, my sister, she…"

"She's a bit afraid of socializing, and she's also very shy."


U say this is a bit?


However, after experiencing Mara's chaos, Shine discovered a problem.

That's because after the hero was summoned, he accidentally missed a piece of information.

There was no problem with Heavenly Dao's warning system. He really used all the hero names.

Because the Divine Palace of Sin gave him this time, not one hero, but two!

Responding to Shine's summoning this time were two souls.

[You have summoned a new racial hero.]

[Son of Purity —— Hel!]

[You have summoned a new racial hero.]

[Plague Breeder —— Mara!]


The attributes of the two heroes with slightly different forms are as follows:

[Son of Purity —— Hel ]

[Hero level: 1 (Experience: 0/500)]

[Hero attributes: Strength 25 Intelligence 9 Stamina 90 Perception 7 Agility 11 Charm -7.....]

[Hp: 400, Mp: 0]

[Physical Defense: 189, Magic Defense: 124]

[ Hero Skill one: Pure body ]

[ Pure Body: Passive skill.]

[Skill effect: Because of possessing the perfect body from illness, Hel can forever be immune to any disease, bloodshed and other negative effects.]

[ Hero Skills two: Pure Blood ]

[ Pure Blood: Passive skill ]

[Skill effect: Hel's blood has undergone a plague training to possess extremely strong vitality, so he can restore 3% of his maximum HP every second.]

[ Hero Skills three: Plague Bandage ]

[ Plague Bandage: Passive skill ]

[ Skill effect: The bandages on Hel's body were caused by long-term bacterial infection, will be highly contagious. Any who comes into contact with Hel will inevitably be infected with the disease, and there is no upper enemy limit on the types of infectious bacteria.]

[Equipment: None.]

[Loyalty: 100 (Eternal).]

[ Other: ...]

[Evaluation: Although Hel's blood is immune to every disease in the world, but if you want to drink it and get the same immunity..... I swear, you will die very miserably.]


[Plague Breeder —— Mara!]

[Hero level: 1(Experience: 0/500)]

[Hero attributes: Strength 1 Intelligence 19 Stamina 1 Perception 1 Agility 1 Charm -1.....]

[Hp: 1, Mp: 0]

[Physical Defense: 0, Magic Defense: 0]

[ Hero Skill one: Source of Plague ]

[Source of Plague: Passive skill.]

[Skill effect: Mara will automatically create three types of unstable diseases every second, and store them in Hel's body.]

[Current disease storage: 360/999]

[ Hero Skills two: Mother of Flies ]

[ Mother of Flies : Passive skill ]

[ Skill effect: Mara, as the source of all plague flies, fly eggs will be automatically generated in Hel's body. Every fly has a chance of being infected with some disease from the Source of Plague, and each plague fly can only be infected with one disease at a time.]

[ Hero Skills three: Directed Evolution ]

[Directed Evolution: Passive Skill ]

[ Skill effect: Mara can greatly change the characteristics of a certain disease according to her or the lord's needs, and spread it to demons and enemies.]

[Equipment: None.]

[Loyalty: 100 (Eternal).]

[ Other: ...]

[Evaluation: Plague Breeder Mara sadly refused all "Interviews", so there is no evaluation for now....]

[Note, Plague flies creature created by Mara, does not belong to the Abyss Hatchery Pool crafting category, properties are as follows.]

[Plague flies.]

[Hp: 1 point.]

[Survival time: 3 hours (180 minutes).]

[The upper limit of diseases that can be carried: 1]


Two completely different types of heroes, but both extremely powerful!

This is Shine's first thought when looking at these two Hero's attributes.

Even though the two heroes, Hel and Mara, only have passive skills, the strength of the two of them is extremely powerful.

First is Hel.

This hero is positioned differently from Little Demon Mistress.

He is a pure virus "Conductor", and a "Conductor" that is very difficult to be killed!

Although Hel's own attack power is not strong, at level 1 he possesses nearly 200 points of Physical Defense power, along with more than 100 Magic Defense power. Coupled with the recovery ability brought by pure blood and the ability to be immune to negative effects, enough for him to adapt to any type of battlefield and all kinds of extreme situations.

Furthermore, any enemy that attacks him can be infected by the Plague Bandage on his body.

So Shine couldn't figure out what kind of enemy would be able to hold him, or kill him!

As long as Son of Purity Hel does not die, then Shine will have an absolutely solid "Super Barrier in front" on the battlefield.

He will use Shine's will to spread chaos and disease on the battlefield until all enemies are defeated.

As for his sister, Plague Breeder Mara...

She was equally powerful, but Shine was still very skeptical about the effectiveness of her skills.

Shine still needs to ask her a few questions and receive answers before he can make a final judgment...