
As the demons sound the horn of war.

The two armies on the battlefield in the King's Passage quickly ended the confrontation phase, starting a close-quarters battle.

A large number of demons with plague blessings brandished the blades of disease in their hands, bringing death and decay to the mighty alliance.

On the other side, the allied forces of the Dwarf Kingdom also put aside their fears at the critical moment of life and death, responding with all their strength to begin fighting against this evil army.

In the blink of an eye, the two sides collided at the same place.

Regardless of how both sides treat the other, the decision between the two sides is ultimately a matter of sword and fire.

But right in the process of the two armies fighting, the dwarven coalition internally began to strangely split.

"Kill them!"

"Here today, we absolutely cannot retreat!"

A part of the lords looked at the evil demons in front of them and said evilly.

The reason why they say so is because they think they have great hope of victory.

Through previous small battles, they knew that the demon's attributes were not elite.

It can even be said to be extremely trash!

Due to premature pursuit of force size, Shine's army currently has 90% or more of its army still being Little Demons.

So at first glance, the quantity between the two sides doesn't seem to be much different, but in reality, the quality difference between the two sides is extremely large.

Even though Shine wasted a huge number of Demon slaves, letting them die from the pestilence to create dozens of extremely large Epidemic Demons.

However, the appearance of more than a dozen giant monsters still did not change the entire battle situation.

Because in front of these dozens of Epidemic Demons, there were more than a hundred of the lord's elite soldiers along with their heroic units!

These giant Epidemic Demons were killed on the battlefield after the first contact between the two sides.

The remaining Epidemic Demon group, even though Shine tried his best to use Little Demon as a meat shield to protect them, their blood was still rapidly decreasing.

It can be predicted that these Epidemic Demons will definitely die on this battlefield with their kind.

"We can win!"

Even though Shine used such a despicable pestilence to contaminate almost all the soldiers, even though his subordinates were all ugly-faced, monstrous, terrifying monsters.

But in the face of absolute strength, he is absolutely not invincible!

But some people have completely different opinions.

"We must retreat!"

"Otherwise, we will suffer huge losses, we may even be completely destroyed here."

In the eyes of intelligent people, this one battle is over.

Today they are just in that mud quagmire of war, groping around in chaos.

Their theory is supported by the fact that the number of casualties among coalition soldiers and the ratio of battle losses between the two sides.

At present, the number of deaths among coalition soldiers is no more than 1/10, and the number is not much.

Even in this 1/10 of this number is also included the soldiers who died during the advance due to illness.

Some lords have noticed the continued impact of the plague.

Under the influence of the plague, more and more soldiers coalition began to die suddenly, but the number of soldiers who died in the plague also revealed how much growth there was, far from the turning point of this plague.

In theory, as the war lasts, this group of coalition forces will suffer greater and greater losses.

Furthermore, except for the epidemic that leads to death, there is another more important point that makes some lords think that they should retreat at this time.

These demon soldiers are not immune to pestilence.

These terrifying dark monsters and the dwarven coalition were all plagued by pestilence.

But this is the scariest thing.

Because when all the dwarven alliances were infected with the plague, no matter how severe their symptoms were, the phenomenon of a loss of combat power appeared.

On the contrary, those twisted and dirty demons not only did not suffer the negative effects of these pestilences, but also became stronger because of the pestilence's appearance.

In theory, these are extremely terrifying pestilence symptoms in the eyes of ordinary creatures, but its essence is to strengthen the demonic creatures!

After analyzing this point, many lords immediately understood.

If they continue, it will be an unwinnable war.

Although the quality of the dwarf coalition is much higher than that of the demons, but under the influence of the epidemic, the bilateral gap is rapidly decreasing.

As time goes on, the strength of both sides will sooner or later reach a critical point, a critical point that must be lost.

This is also the real reason why some lords want to quickly withdraw their troops.

And Li Qi, is the fastest!



"You want us all to retreat, Li Qi, are you kidding us?"

A lord questioned Li Qi in front of the Dwarven king, and the Dwarven king and the other lords also looked at Li Qi, wanting to receive an answer from him.


"I really want all of you to retreat."

"Because we have already lost, if we continue this war now, then we will just be accepting the damage for nothing."

Li Qi spoke without being arrogant or self-deprecating. At the same time, he also gave some of the data he had worked hard to calculate to everyone present.

These are mixed data, not every lord can read and understand.

So Li Qi thoughtfully put his prediction results at the end of the data.

"No more than five hours, we will lose 50% or more of our army."

"If the two sides' contact time exceeds twelve hours, then we will have a 60% chance of our entire army being destroyed here."

"But if we retreat directly now, and promptly rescue our soldiers, then we will preserve 70-80% of our current army."

"Those demons don't have much ability to stop us."

He didn't lie, in fact he didn't need to lie.

Because numbers don't lie.

In his prediction, the outcome of the battlefield would certainly be like this.

But Li Qi would never have thought that his kindness would instead take the direction of the war to another extreme.

"Lord Li Qi."

The Dwarven king looked at him with a pale face and said.

"You have been officially kicked out of the alliance!"

"Furthermore, from now on, you will no longer have any trade relations with the alliance!"

"Now you are the enemy of the Dwarf Alliance."

What, let the Dwarven king make such a decision?