Never ending war

"I didn't expect that it would be you who asked me for an alliance.."

As The Polyglot's countless tongues made sounds, he also turned his eyeless face towards Gu Changqing and the others.

"This is really disappointing!"

"In my opinion, you don't have even a shred of alliance value."

Having said that, The Polyglot wanted to leave, and Laurent Demon who brought him here could no longer wait.

But at this moment, Gu Changqing spoke again.

"No value? Ha ha, do you really think like that!"

"If you really think that my companions and I have no value as an alliance, then I can only say that you are just as chicken in terms of strategy."

Hearing that, The Polyglot stopped.

"Is that so?"

"Of course!" Gu Changqing looked at The Polyglot and said.

"Do you really know what kind of situation you will face after you win this war?"

"I don't know, I don't care." The Polyglot said.

"Ha ha ha, sure enough!" Gu Changqing suddenly smiled, and smiled happily.

"You, the person who keeps saying others are trash, are actually the real trash!"

This Gu family's eldest son has confirmed one point.

Is that his strategic vision is much better than that of the lord in front of him.

"Even though you won the war with the Dwarf Kingdom and destroyed the Dwarf Kingdom, do you know what that means?"

"This means, you have attracted the attention of all the lords."

"Everyone will continuously attack and harass you until you fall!"

An unusually realistic future slowly spoke from the mouth of the Gu family's eldest son.

"But do you really know why? I'm here to help you explain!"

"Now the dwaf empire will be like the corpse of an elephant that fell on the steppe, new and rich in meat."

"And all the meat-eating animals on the steppe will also gather here after smelling the scent of meat!"

"Everyone will want to compete for a part, thereby growing themselves."

"But you want to swallow a whole body in front of everyone. This is undoubtedly absolute delusion."

"You must know that there is such an old saying in the Age of Lords."

"The territory you conquer is not really your territory."

Gu Changqing looked at The Polyglot in front of him, saying every word.

"Only the territory you conquer and hold is your territory!"

Regarding what Gu Changqing said, these words were not some sensational talk, but the real thing that was about to happen.

Because if Shine truly wins and conquers the Dwarf Kingdom, all the forces on the entire Trial Continent will care about the territory and resources he now has!

Therefore, this was Gu Changqing's true intention.

He was extremely confident that this lord could not maintain such a large amount of resources and territory with his own strength.

Even if he can maintain Royal City, the truth is that he cannot continue to interfere with other dwarf cities.

Because of that, Gu Changqing had a plan to form an alliance with Shine.

"Do you really think you alone can dominate the entire underground kingdom?"

"Even though the dwarves really lost, but what about the lords!"

Gu Changqing said.

"Can you really guarantee that they won't get greedy about the area you have now?"

"Your strength alone is ultimately limited. When other lords really form an army, you can only be torn into pieces by them little by little."

"But if you form an alliance with me, it will be different!"

Gu Changqing said.

At this moment, he no longer cared about Shine's previous words.

After all, a qualified lord should learn to manage his emotions and not be influenced by emotions.

In the eyes of the lords, profit should come first.

"As long as you and I form an alliance, then you and we will rule this land together, taking over all the dwarves' benefits until they are gone."

"Besides, you wouldn't really think that I represent myself, would you?"

Gu Changqing pointed at his teammates behind him and said to Shine.

"I represent, in fact, the entire Gu family."

"In this one time, there are more than a dozen members from the Gu family like me."

"These dozen lords each have their own team, forming a huge but invisible alliance."

"So, can you understand strength behind me?"

"If we are your friends, we can benefit from each other."

"But what if we are your enemies?"

"Do you really think you can survive like this?"

"Not long after you enter Royal City, we will destroy your army, destroy your gate, and then turn everything you rule into ashes."

"So, do you still think I'm trash now? Do you still think that you can humiliate me at will?

Hearing that, The Polyglot stood there motionless as if in silence.

After seeing this scene, Gu Changqing finally revealed a smile.

Because he knows the other person is afraid.

But let him not think about it...

"Ha ha."

A weird laughter came from The Polyglot's body.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Even more crazy and crazy laughter appeared, his laughter was so wild, that all the tips of The Polyglot's body were trembling.

"Of course!"

"In my eyes, you are still trash!"

"No, you guys are lower than trash. You are now in my eyes already a weak-minded existence!"

Shine sound appeared from The Polyglot's body.

"Do you know what you were saying just now?"

"You're actually using war to threaten me? You're threatening me with the war I've always wanted, the war I've been segueing?"

"Do you know who I am?"

Gu Changqing's face turned cold.

He really didn't know who this mysterious lord in front of him was or what kind of student he was.

"Who exactly are you?"

Shine answered very quickly and came.

"I am Shine!"

"Gu Changqing, tell your friends my identity, tell all the lords, tell all the forces, tell them…"

"I, Shine!"

"I will not form an alliance with any force, nor will I care how many benefits I can gain."

"Because I just want to start a war!"

"Even if all living beings are wiped out at the Trial Continent, the war will absolutely not stop!"

"If you want something from me, then you can only harvest it with war!"

"Because what I pursue is a never-ending war!"