first greeting...


Hearing this name, Li Sinuo's eyes immediately turned into an o-O look.

She understood!

"I heaven!"

"My dear Miss Luna, I ask you to think clearly about one thing..."

Li Sinuo put her hand on Luna's shoulder and spoke with a strong voice.

"First, this kid Shine really doesn't deserve you. No matter how much you help him, he's just mud!"

"Second, we are still in a lord's trial! Besides, I am still your trustworthy ally. You and I share the honor and humiliation. Please don't delay the lives of the two of us because of your personal feelings."

Speaking of this, Li Sinuo is also really helpless.

"I really don't know why you value Shine…"

"Talented? It's impossible, he's really bad at school."

"Power? It's impossible, those things were long gone because his parents died."

"Appearance? Honestly, I don't think that gloomy-faced Shine has anything to do with handsomeness."

"So why do you want to do this, because your father adopted Shine and you grew up with him, so you thought he was your childhood friend?"

"The meaning of childhood and childhood is not like that!"

Hearing Li Sinuo say so, Luna's expression became serious.

"No, Li Sinuo, you misunderstand."

"I absolutely did not choose to avoid the miserable desert because of personal feelings."

"On the contrary, I made this choice for my own benefit and yours."

"Trust me, if Shine's goal is really the miserable desert, us casually participating in such an area is truly an extremely dangerous act!"

"Because all his goals are to expand his war."

"Whether it's the dwarves, Beast-Man, or other coalition forces, as long as they dare to engage in war with him before they're ready, everything will become chaos, literally chaos! "

"I had a premonition that that miserable desert would be dyed red by blood and death!"

Hearing this, Li Sinuo turned into an O-o look.

It was very clear that she completely did not believe everything Luna said here.

"Sigh... Calculate, I'll assume you're not selfish, I'll go to the warehouse to collect resources and recruit more silver knights."

"I hope Shine, this rotten brat, can remember what you did for him."

Looking at Li Sinuo's leaving back, Luna helplessly shook her head. Next, she looked at the map representing Shine's ground forces.

On the map, countless arrows representing Shine's soldiers collided chaotically with each other.

They intersect each other, orbit each other, some even conflict with each other, collide with each other.

Going on this route, even Luna couldn't see the purpose of it, and couldn't imagine what Shine was going to do.

And at this time, there were also people like Luna who couldn't guess what Shine wanted to do.


Near the above-ground entrance to the Dwarf kingdom.

"Damn it, Shine is sending troops once again!"

"There are so many, there are so many of them!"

"Gu Changqing! Do you know where his reinforcements came from?

As the cursed sling made by the Demon Artisans shot out stones carry Abyssal Fire one after another, the gate of an advance base where two thousand barbarian warriors were stationed was blown to pieces.

Then this group of barbarian troops, who were howling and preparing to fight bravely, discovered that they were more barbaric than them, bloodthirsty, and countless times more cruel, flooding into the advanced base like a tide.

The number of this group of demons is more than ten times their number, and the army also includes a large number of Snake Devil soldiers.

These assassins, with bodies like snakes, were mixed among countless Little Demons and Lemures, using highly poisonous daggers to continuously stab and wound one barbarian soldier after another.

Even though this group of barbarians was extremely far apart in numbers, even in the state of being secretly attacked, they still fought heroically, rushing into all the invading demons.

However, the group of evil demons had no pity or respect at all.

Below the Lord of the Abyss's order, there is no one left alive among these barbarians.

They were all brutally killed.

Moreover, when other reinforcements arrive, they will be angry and frightened, and will discover that...

The heads of this group of barbarian soldiers were cut off, and then they piled up in the center of the damaged advance base as if they were performing some kind of ungodly ritual.

Countless Plague flies were already circling around, inserting their eggs into these heads.

Countless maggots crawled out from these soldiers' mouths, noses, ears, and even the wounds on their necks.

This is a sign of the demon's arrival

It is also a sign of evil and destruction.

However, what really angered these reinforcements was that because of the Plague flies' harassment and pollution, the bodies of these barbarian soldiers could no longer be buried normally.

Because burying them would cause a greater hidden disaster, this was a point of view that was recognized by many Lords in that battle with Shine.

Therefore, these barbaric people should have been buried solemnly, but now they can only be cremated.

Seeing this scene, the lord leading this group of barbarians was so angry that he was shaking. He did not expect that he had just built an advance base within the scope of Shine's expansion, and would encounter such a crazy counterattack from the other side!

"This cruel, inhumane monster!"

And what he didn't even expect was that...

After he had just finished cremating the first group of barbarian soldiers, he immediately had to organize another cremation for the group of barbarian soldiers who had just arrived!

Because that group of demons, when they left, they actually circled around, strangely coming to the back of this group of reinforcements.

Moreover, this time the demons also brought their reinforcements.

A bunch of monsters called beholders!

Before this group of barbaric Shaman could release Bloodthirsty Magic, Petrification Magic, etc..., this group of blood mages from the abyss suppressed them to death with just "Eye of Magic".

So what the first group of barbarians suffered, the second group has now also encountered

However, do you think this is the end?

No, this is just the beginning.

Next, the countless demon legions under Shine were divided, divided into several hundred small-sized legions.

In less than 4 hours, 3 mines, 2 sawmills, and countless fields were set on fire by the demons.

Next, a large number of villagers were taken prisoner by the monsters, either turned into their own food on the spot, or brought back to Hell Prison to be turned into soul fuel along with... food. food.

Even the farthest demon army secretly attacked a certain lord's transmission gate of the Gu family.

A semi-stable transmission gate worth at least 20,000 resource points, just like that it was turned into ruins amid the mockery of demons.

The alliance formed by Gu Changqing fell directly into absolute chaos.

No one could have predicted when the next demon army would knock on their door, bringing evil and death to themselves.

And all of this is just Shine's first greeting...