Twenty days countdown

"Seed of the Abyss, construction begins!"

As the black sun rose in the sky, Shine found the right moment to speak.

At this moment, he will lead the entire continent towards the dark age called the Abyss!

Just like this is destiny, Endless Abyss gives Shine war, Shine also must pay a worthy price for it.

And the high price he paid was to become the claw of Endless Abyss and help it complete its resurrection!

And he, under the invisible abyss' guidance, began the first step of resurrecting the Endless Abyss.


However, when Shine officially gave the order, his resource points in the system instantly turned into a single digit!

A total of more than seventy thousand resource points turned into a pitch-black, ordinary spherical object like a black hole core, appearing in Shine's hand.

This is the original form of Seed of the Abyss!

[Seed of the Abyss.]

[Period Architecture (Initial form period)]

[ Method of use: Can plant in any area, after planting, Seed of the Abyss will automatically begin to grow and gradually grew into a giant passage that is completely connected to the abyss. Once this giant passage is built, then this continent/plane/world will automatically become part of the Endless Abyss after twenty days, the resources therein will also be counted as belonging to Lord of the Abyss.]

[Resources needed for construction: 70,000 resource points.]

[ Resources required to build the first Seed of the Abyss: Sacrifice one hundred thousand creatures eroded by the abyss (The first time is one hundred thousand, the second time is three hundred thousand ).]

[Architectural effect: Provides a random bloodline evolution to all demons (including all demons in the future).]

[ Maximum number of structures: None!]

[Note: For each continent/plane/world, there is only one Seed of the Abyss placed.]

[Warning: When you plant the Seed of the Abyss later, all creatures who have reached a certain level in this plane will know, you will be besieged!]

Seed of the Abyss is a seed of death, and is also a seed of destruction.

But its appearance is what Shine longs for and hopes to exist.

Because he noticed, once he finished building a Seed of the Abyss, the current demons, and even all future demons, would have a random bloodline evolution option at birth.

This type of strengthening effect is permanent.

And he will also have Soldier type that can evolve!

Moreover, it is a Soldier type that can evolve an infinite number of times!

The appearance of this structure has only one meaning in Shine's eyes.

That is, the more planes/worlds he pulls into Endless Abyss, the more times the demons will evolve.

Although Shine appears to be so indifferent towards everything in the world, he is extremely passionate in war and many aspects related to war.

So when Shine saw the effects of Seed of the Abyss, today's crazy plan had already been created in his mind.

The reason why he would come to the miserable desert is because he determined that only miserable desert environments were suitable for Seed of the Abyss to build into.

In addition to the miserable desert itself, which is an easy-to-attack desert area, the miserable desert also has a large number of creatures inside, which will be affected by the abyss.

Which are the slaves that these stupid Beast-Man captured!

There is no group of creatures more desperate and more shattered in their worldview than these slaves. Wouldn't they be more suitable to be transformed by Shine into creatures affected by the abyss?

But similarly, the appearance of the Seed of the Abyss, along with the construction of the Seed of the Abyss, will cause the entire Trial Continent to completely enter a state of silence after twenty days.

In addition, Heavenly Dao system has "Warned" through Shine, once he really established the Seed of the Abyss. Then all the creatures on the entire Trial Continent who have reached a certain level will know, he and the demons will be surrounded.

As long as the number is more sufficient, Shine will most likely not be able to protect his Seed of the Abyss, thereby causing the plan to fail.

So, to be safe, Shine directly built a location in the miserable desert where there were the fewest lords.

At the same time, as a precaution, Shine also proactively released countless "smoke bombs".

He first made his own attack extremely chaotic, leaving the enemy unable to judge, and also actively abandoned the Dwarf kingdom, treating this rich land as a target to attract attention for him.

Countless lords had already turned their eyes away from Shine.

Furthermore, because Shine hid the Seed of the Abyss's phenomenon when creating it, he also proactively released the Black Setting Sun.

With this Black Sun present, even if other lords discovered the existence of Seed of the Abyss, they would not be able to determine in advance what Shine was doing.

Everything is just for this seed that represents the rebirth of the abyss, the Seed of the Abyss.


Very quickly, Shine dropped the Seed of the Abyss in his hand into the ground.

In an instant, this pitch-black, ordinary black core-like spherical object suddenly expanded, countless black tentacles stretched out towards the surrounding area.

But after it expanded, nothing substantial appeared inside.

This is because Seed of the Abyss essentially, it was originally a low-latitude passage intended to connect the Trial Continent to the Endless Abyss.

As Shine continues to invest in creatures affected by the abyss, this passage will quickly expand, eventually becoming a true low-latitude passage.

The so-called low-latitude channel is an extremely complex knowledge.

Shine did not have this knowledge, because his high school position in the course did not have anything related to this curriculum knowledge.

There are only a few colleges that specialize in studying these less-obvious knowledge.

But these are all things for later.


As Shine successfully planted the Seed of the Abyss, a certain type of peace of mind from the Endless Abyss quickly occupied Shine's heart.

Moreover, in his heart there was still a vague expectation.

"Twenty days of death countdown?"

"At the same time, it also means that in twenty days, there will be endless wars!"

A smile appeared on Shine's face.