Chapter 7

Returning home, Ji Jiu took bamboo shoots fried with garlic and put them on a plate. Took the burnt chestnuts out of the oven and sat down to absentmindedly eat the fried bamboo shoots.

 Ji Jiu thought that she didn't have even a single penny right now. If she migrated along with others, she would definitely not be able to buy water or food. But if you're still here and there's no water She would still starve to death like her original body.

 Thinking over and over until nightfall, Ji Jiu thought of a way to dig up a water source that she could remember from her previous life. But she didn't have any equipment to find the water source, so what should she do?

 In the end, there is still no practical solution. Ji Jiu decided to lie down and rest first. Tomorrow it would be better for her to go up the mountain to the stream to see the source of the water first. Then think of another way.

 The next morning she cooked a simple meal, prepared some burnt chestnuts as provisions and boiled water in a bamboo tube. Including an empty barrel and a mountain knife again.

 It was an hour and a half before she reached the same stream the first time she rose from the dead. Ji Jiu could only pant from exhaustion. She didn't expect her body to be this weak. Maybe because she had just passed away before, she didn't notice this weakness in her body. Plus, when she went to pick chestnuts, it wasn't a long distance like today, so she didn't feel too tired.

 Ji Jiu sat and drank water to rest until she was tired, then went to scoop up clean water and fill the empty bamboo tube first. The water is now much drier than before. The fish that were there last time are now dead all over the area. Seeing this, Ji Jiu was only sad.

 Ji Jiu looked at the path and walked up the stream to find the source of the water. Along the way, she saw something edible and put some into a basket. Keep walking up until you almost reach the top of the mountain. Ji Jiu saw several large, almost dead trees at the beginning of the stream. Now there was only dried up water at the bottom of the large puddle.

 Ji Jiu bowed her knees and sat down on the ground solemnly. At first she thought that someone had intentionally blocked the waterway and thus caused a drought. But from what it seemed, it was probably because there had been no rain for a long time that the water on the mountain had dried up. d The trees were unable to collect any more water and stood and died.

 Ji Jiu sat and thought for a long time. She hurriedly brought some water to wash her face to refresh herself and drank another gulp of water. Then she decided to try digging out the water source from the puddle first. After all, this mountain probably hasn't had any wild animals for a long time due to the drought.

 After giving yourself encouragement. Ji Jiu hurriedly found some dry leaves and placed them next to the puddle of water to rest in for the night. She dug a hole and lit a fire so that she wouldn't have to rush in the evening. She prepared a resting area and a large pile of firewood. Ji Ji went to find a large piece of wood that was the right size for her hand. She sat down and sharpened the stick like a shovel to save her strength in digging for the water source. It took some time.

 Ji Jiu takes off her shoes. He rolled up his pants and walked into the puddle. Then he began to dig a path to allow the water in the middle of the basin to flow out first. As the water in the center decreased, Ji Jiu noticed that a little sponge had sprung up. But even though it wasn't much, Ji Jiu was encouraged. This indicates that there is probably water underground. Only, this puddle was not deep enough to reach the water table. Because of the long drought, the water that emerged was not enough to moisten the land.

 Ji Jiu hurriedly dug at the spring's surface. She dug and expanded it to the side to make the spring bigger. Dig and dig until the hole is more than a meter deep. Water shoots up from the spot and expands along the path she made earlier. With the water pressure, the hole gets bigger and bigger. Ji Jiu laughed with joy and hurriedly ran back up to the edge of the puddle.

 When she came up, she went to add wood to the fire pit. Sitting drying clothes and eating chestnuts that were brought to boost energy after two long hours of tiring. Her efforts were successful. Tonight she will sleep well and tomorrow she will see if the water beneath the mountain will be enough to nourish this stream.