Chapter 29

Ji Jiu spent three taels of silver in the clothing store, and the expensive one was probably a good mattress. Who gives her only a rotting bed? Anyone who buys it then takes the good one and throws it away.

 Leaving the shop, she invited Aunt Qiao to go to the market to buy some fresh produce to take home. Aunt Qiao asked what she wanted to eat so she could choose the right thing. Ji Jiu told her about 10 different menus that she wanted to eat, making Aunt Qiao laugh at her boss' greed. But Aunt Qiao was happy to make her eat anything.

 When we arrived at the fresh market, Aunt Qiao took Ji Jiu to buy things at various shops. She put the things in a basket and carried it herself. Ji Jiu is only responsible for paying the money. All the items for Ji Jiu's delicious menu that can be eaten for several days. She paid the price for only 2. Only gourd It was very cheap for Ji Jiu, but Aunt Qiao was sweating for her boss. few meals Her boss spent 2 taels of money to buy ingredients. If she ate like this every day, would her boss have enough money to buy it?

 Aunt Qiao walked and thought as they walked out of the market to wait for the village headman at the city gate. But when she finally looked at her boss' face, which didn't look like someone suffering from spending, she was finally relieved. If her boss doesn't think too much Why did she have to think for me? Just doing her duty well is enough.

 Arrived in front of the city gate and found an elderly man waiting in the cart. Ji Jiu asks the elder uncle to help her pick up the things from various shops that she left behind. The elder uncle then went around every store to pick up things for her. When I saw it was so full I almost couldn't sit down. The old man could only complain to Ji Jiu all the way to the house. He took a detour to send Ji Jiu off because he understood that she didn't want the people in the village to know.

 Arriving at the house, the three of them helped to lift things up and place them in front of the house. Ah Yu also came to help, so it didn't take long to finish.

"Thank you to the elders who helped me today."

 The elder uncle hurriedly handed the land title deed to Ji Jiu before he forgot.

"It's okay, this is Uncle's duty. If there is anything, hurry and tell me. Do you understand or not? Uncle and Auntie won't have to worry about you too much."

"I understand you, Uncle."

"Oh, Uncle, I want a medium sized bed for Aunt Qiao and her daughter to sleep in the hall of your house. Uncle, can you find it for me or not?"

"Alright, I'll go look at the houses of the people who evacuated and bring them to you. Uncle will wait for his son to help bring him here for a short time. You wait first."

"Thank you, Uncle. You can tell me how much it costs."

"Hai, I won't take your money, Ji Jiu. However, no one uses these things. It will only decay with time. Give it to me so you can use it well so it won't go to waste."

 Ji Jiu accepted Uncle Elder's words. The village headman also told Ji Jiu that if he ran out of seeds, he would sow seeds in a few days. He will come and tell her to plan the construction of her house. Ji Jiu accepted and said goodbye to the elder uncle.

 Aunt Qiao and her daughter carried things to the kitchen to do her work. After carrying things into the house for Ji Jiu, Ji Jiu told Aunt Qiao to prepare enough food for the three of them to eat together. She will arrange things in the house first.

 First, she hurriedly carried her treasure box into the room and closed the door. Ji Jiu moved the red reishi mushrooms into the iron box. Due to the large size of her remaining 15 red reishi mushrooms, once they were placed they filled up the entire space of the box. Ji Ji cut up her old clothes and placed them between each layer of mushrooms to prevent damage. When the important matter was finished, she locked the box and put it under the bed. Take the bedsheet and cover it again. And her wooden box held all the bills of exchange. Today, she had spent a total of 51 taels, 700 I Pae, now she had 6 1000 tael bills of exchange, 1 500 tael bill, 3 100 tael bills, and her remaining silver taels totaled 148 taels and another 288 I Pae, considered that she still had enough to pay for materials and equipment. Home builder wages

 Tomorrow if there is nothing important Ji Jiu would have to find some paper to draw the house she wanted first. Luckily, she had some drafting skills during her working days where she had to invent things.

 Finish packing up your things. She put the clothes to be washed, both old and new, into the basket first. I'll wash it tomorrow. She then walked out of the room and looked into the kitchen to see if Aunt Qiao had made something delicious for her.

"It smells so good, Auntie." Ji Jiu scrunched up her nose. It made the mother and daughter laugh.

"Stewed pork, stewed chicken, and stir-fried ribs that you want to eat."

"Wow, my fortune is truly on my way, Auntie. I'm waiting to taste your amazing skills, hehe," Ji Jiu said, teasing Aunt Qiao as well.

"I assure you it's delicious, little sister," little Qiao Huang Yu hurriedly called out.

 Outside of the house The elder uncle made a noise to call Ji Jiu. So she hurriedly cried out and went out to open the door and let the old man and his son bring the bed into the house for her. She had the bed placed on the wall of the house opposite the kitchen, in the corner next to her room. There will be no food smell stuck to the bed.

 Uncle Elder also brought another set of tables and chairs for her. Uncle said that she has more people now. There aren't enough seats to eat. Uncle saw that everywhere beds had been brought. Those that were still usable, he brought them as well.

 Ji Jiu hurriedly thanked Uncle Phuyai and ran in to bring him 30 baht in wages. Uncle Phuyai evaded him many times. Until Ji Jiu had to threaten her if she didn't accept. Next time, Ji Jiu won't ask Uncle for help. The elder uncle only complained and asked her to keep some of the money.

 Ji Jiu accepted with a cheeky smile and said goodbye to the elder uncle and his son before entering the house to continue making beds for the mother and son. Leftover money 258 It's already here. Wait to find paper or a notebook before she sits down to make an account so we don't forget.

 Finished making the beds for both hers and Aunt Qiao and the child. Ji Jiu went out to collect the dried herbs and brought them into the house first. She looked and saw that she could sell it tomorrow. So he poured the herbs into her little cart. Then find a leaf to cover the top. Tomorrow she will push it to sell in the district.

 The food was finished and Aunt Qiao and the child put it on the new table that they had just gotten. They happily sat down to eat their first meal together. Ji Jiu even ate two bowls of rice for the first time since recovering. Aunt Qiao's skills are really good. She will definitely be as fat as a pig this time.