Chapter 41

Yesterday, after agreeing with Aunt He This morning, Ban Ji Jiu woke up before dawn. It wasn't even light until they finished eating breakfast when they heard Aunt He's voice calling out to Aunt Qiao. Ji Jiu handed Aunt Qiao 10 taels of money and urged her to buy something nice, not to save money. Aunt Qiao promised and hurried out. Ji Jiu and Uncle Yu finished sending Aunt Qiao off and went to do other work.

Ji Jiu went to inspect the herb garden that she had not looked at in a long time. Found to grow very well, if the growth rate continues like this. After the middle of next year, we should start collecting leaves to dry. After looking at the herbs, she walked towards the chicken coop. Ah Yu, who was feeding the chickens and playing with them, hurriedly invited Ji Jiu to come look at their cuteness together. Ji Jiu looked and saw that these chickens were really fat. It should be another month before they start laying eggs. Ji Jiu encouraged A Yu to take good care of them so that they would have delicious eggs to eat. A Yu promised as well. willingness

After checking everything Ji Jiu then went into the room to see what she would do after the house was finished. In fact, she wanted to go up the mountain to dry the leaves first. But now people come to build houses and walk around. Ji Jiu likes her privacy so she doesn't want anyone to see what she's doing. Last time she went to sell herbs, she promised the boss that she would bring them again quickly. But until now, she was so busy worrying about her house that she forgot about it. Ji Jiu decided that if there was nothing much today, She would invite Uncle Yu to go up the mountain and gather some herbs first. The needs of the army were more important than the privacy she cherished.

Late in the morning, Aunt Qiao brought back a lot of things for cooking. Uncle Ai brought some workers to work. Not long after Aunt Qiao went to the market, Ji Jiu hurriedly told Aunt Qiao that he would take Uncle Yu up the mountain to collect herbs. because he promised the boss Aunt Qiao saw that Ji Jiu had nothing to do and would be bored. She urged caution and let the two of them go. She and the four aunts worked together to prepare the ingredients for today's lunch.

Ji Jiu took Uncle Yu to push the cart and carry the basket up the mountain, and it was late until it was almost noon. Ji Jiu asked Uncle Yu if he was hungry. Ah Yu isn't hungry at all. So they collected the tiger leaves first. If you're hungry, just sit down and eat. The two of them finished collecting the tiger leaves. It was almost an hour before dinner. Ji Jiu then invites Uncle Yu to go home.

Once home, she brought the herbs in to collect first. Then he washed his hands and sat down to eat dinner, listening to Aunt Qiao tell stories about the house and where she had been. The fence surrounding the land is now complete. As for the door, Uncle Ai said he would have it installed tomorrow. And the base of the house, drilled with holes according to Ji Jiu's design, is ready. Wait for it to dry before laying the tiles. If it doesn't rain, it will likely take two days. During these two days, Uncle Ai will build a warehouse and basement just in time. Ji Jiu listened to everything until it was finished. Aunt Qiao took the remaining money from today's shopping and gave Ji Jiu 6 taels, 300 Yi Pae. She said that the rice she bought last time was still left over. Today, she only bought 10 jin. As for the ingredients, she bought them to prepare for three days of cooking, and she didn't buy a lot of additional seasonings because she had already bought a lot last time. Ji Jiu took the money without saying anything. She trusted Aunt Qiao to do things. Aunt Qiao also knew what Ji Jiu was like after living together for a long time.

After all this was done, they took a shower and went to bed. Ji Jiu deducted the account before going to bed again, leaving 87 taels and 908 taels. Yi Pae Ji Jiu put the money in her pocket. Tomorrow she had to clean the herbs and dry them.

Today is another day where it rains in the evening, but it doesn't fall for long. Makes the weather today very nice. Ji Jiu finished her morning routine with the mother and daughter. I invited Uncle Yu to wash the herbs. Aunt Qiao also came to help while waiting for the aunts to help prepare the food.

With three people working together, it took less than two people to finish washing and putting them on a tray. Aunt Qiao and Ji Jiu helped put the tray on the shelf. Little A Yu also helped put it on the lower shelf. One incense stick was all it took. Just as the aunties arrived at the house, Aunt Qiao separated herself to work. Aunt Yu went to get a handkerchief to practice embroidering while she had nothing else to do. Ji Jiu had another day of free time and her hands were itchy, wanting to find something to do, but still. Can't figure it out She sat there and sighed for a long time and decided to tell Aunt Qiao that she would go up the mountain again. Aunt Qiao will let Uncle Yu go with her. But Ji Jiu said that she would not be gone for long today. Let Ah Yu rest first. Aunt Qiao then urged her to be careful and hurry back. Ji Jiu then pushed the cart and carried the basket up the mountain.

Today, Ji Jiu went to collect the leaves and put them in the basket first. It didn't take long to fill up. She dragged the cart to continue cutting firewood. Ji Jiu's body is now strong. She cut wood and chopped firewood with ease. In the afternoon, she had a truck full of firewood. Ji Jiu hurried home before Aunt Qiao complained to her again.

Aunt Qiao saw Ji Jiu came back early today. He smiled happily and helped her carry the basket of herbs to place in the house. Ah Yu came to help Ji Jiu put firewood in the kitchen. Aunt Qiao also rushed to help. The three of them then went to collect trays of herbs to dry and bring into the house.

After finishing their work, they sat down to eat comfortably. Aunt Qiao told Ji Jiu that the warehouse only had to put up the roof and it was finished. As for the basement, we are waiting to have tiles laid all around to prevent the soil from subsiding. Uncle Ai's basement door had workers help make it. After listening to the report, they had just finished eating. Ji Jiu hurriedly took a shower and washed her hair and went into her room. The mother and daughter took a shower and rested as well.

Good thing it didn't rain last night. It is expected that today the base that was built will be quite dry. Today Ji Jiu told Aunt Qiao that she would go up the mountain. After eating and drying the herbs, Ji Jiu dragged the cart and carried the basket up the mountain as usual. She picked up a basket full of sage leaves as usual. and continued cutting firewood. She planned to make a charcoal kiln after building the house, so she had to find good quality firewood to store first. I fear that as winter approaches, the more villagers will go to collect firewood.

It was only late afternoon when Ji Jiu returned home. She first brought the firewood cart into the kitchen. Now there is no place to store firewood. Ji Jiu placed a basket of herbs in the house. Baskets waiting to dry from yesterday until today. Ji Jiu called Uncle Yu to come get the money.

She went to buy another 10 drying trays. She gave Uncle Yu 100 baht. Ah Yu immediately ran out to buy them. Because he was still young, Uncle Yu's wife helped her carry them back to the house.

Ji Jiu finished sending Uncle Yu to go shopping and went to inspect the warehouse and foundation. She saw that the base was beginning to dry. Tomorrow the wall will probably be bricked. Including laying the floor with tiles. As for the warehouse today, workers finished laying the roof tiles before noon. After noon, they were helping to compact the basement floor to lay the tiles. It was estimated that before dinner was finished, her cellar was so wide that there were 50 workers. People can live without being crowded. Uncle Ai first asked Ji Jiu for confirmation that he was sure he would build something this big. Ji Jiu said that she was sure. She made it in case for the future as well. Ji Jiu also told Uncle Ai that if the money is not enough, she can tell. She wants everything to be the best and last for a long time. So Uncle Ai said that for now the money she gave is still enough. If it's not enough, he will tell you again. Uncle Ai also said that if the rain stops and doesn't fall during the daytime after this. Building a house should be much faster. Ji Jiu acknowledged this and excused himself so as not to put too much pressure on the workers.

It's now been 5 days since she started building the house. It's been a lot of progress. Seeing this, Ji Jiu was relieved. If the basement was finished this evening, Ji Jiu would take her firewood cart and put it away first. She had her build a warehouse that wasn't very big, but the basement below was nearly three times bigger. Ji Jiu also had Uncle Ai cut a ventilation hole and hide it inside the warehouse. If she went to work inside, she would be able to stay for a long time. safe