Chapter 43

Once on the carriage, Ji Jiu inquired about the county with Old Lady Yuan. He told her that in the county there was an official slave shop. Including many various luxury items. Ji Jiu was very interested. Her shopaholic spirit has taken over again, hehe.

It's good that Ji Jiu went to the shop early today. The boss said that he should probably reach the county before the city gates closed. Tomorrow I'll go shopping. Ji Jiu then told the boss that she had no problem with this matter because she had already told Aunt Qiao. She also said that if she got there, she would buy some clothes to change into. The boss himself forgot to bring a change of clothes, so he said he would take them to see together.

They reached the county just before the doors closed. The boss then got out of the carriage with Ji Jiu. The cost of the carriage was 1 tael, which Ji Ji paid for. She told the boss that it was her duty because she asked for help. The boss was not considerate. He knows Jiji's personality well. So it was better not to go against her decision.

Boss invites Ji Jiu to walk to the ready-to-wear clothing store he used to go to. We walked for almost three miles before reaching the shop. The city was indeed very big. Ji Jiu walked along and looked at the many large shops along the way. The boss explained to her at length.

As soon as we entered the shop, the boss asked to see his ready-made clothes and Ji Jiu's clothes. The seller saw the boss and knew he had money. She looked at Ji Jiu strangely, but she didn't dare to be aggressive for fear that the boss wouldn't buy it. The seller brought clothes for the two of them to choose from. She still used the same fabric that Ji Jiu was wearing for her to choose from. Boss Yuan's eyes narrowed. He told her to bring out the best clothes for Ji Jiu to choose instead. The seller was afraid of Old Man Yuan's eyes so he hurriedly exchanged it for him.

Ji Jiu seeing the dandy clothes made her eyebrows twitch. Ji Jiu likes to go up the mountain wearing casual clothes. When she sees this, she starts to get a headache. But seeing the boss say this, she has to follow suit first. Moreover, this is a county. If you don't dress well, people will look down on the boss as well. Ji Jiu recited that for the boss's appearance, she will be patient.

The boss had already chosen the outfit and waited for the pendant. She chose a light blue dress according to her liking. And the price must be calculated together with the boss's outfit. She told the boss that she would pay for everything this time. Therefore, the boss could not be offended by her. Boss Yuan teased her that he was lucky to have a daughter to care for in her old age. Making Ji Jiu giggle.

The seller charged 10 taels for both sets. Ji Jiu took out the money and paid without blinking an eye, causing the seller who had looked down on her in his heart to be shocked. At first she thought that this boy was a servant. Just now the boss was teasing her that she was his daughter again. She almost missed out on a big customer. She took the money and hurriedly thanked the customer and handed them the two sets of clothes.

Leaving the shop, Boss Yuan took her to rent a room at an inn near the county government office. Because the slave shop was nearby, the rent for a good room was 500 baht per night. Ji Jiu paid 1 tael for 2 rooms and also ordered food to eat with Boss Yuan. She paid 400 tael for this meal because she likes to eat delicious food. So he ordered only 5 famous dishes, which made the old man's eyes twitch. He asked her if she was going to eat them all, and Ji Jiu confirmed that they would definitely run out. If it's not all gone, let the boss help out. Causing Boss Yuan to look up at her. But in the end it was probably because we didn't eat lunch. The two of them then ate the entire table.

After eating Ji Jiu, he excused himself and went back to his room. She also asked Xiao'er to send her hot water to bathe in. Boss Yuan also asked for the same. They bathed and then went to sleep comfortably.

In the morning, the boss went to call Ji Jiu down to eat. They each brought down a package of clothes from yesterday. Ji Jiu told the boss that after purchasing the slaves, they could go back. If many people bought it, they would also buy horse-drawn carriages and donkeys. She had wanted it for a long time, but just didn't know how to drive it. This made Boss Yuan laugh at her desire. He also teased her that her money would go moldy if she didn't use it. Ji Jiu only smiled and said that she would buy whatever she wanted today so it wouldn't go moldy. Hehe.

After eating, Ji Jiu followed Master Yuan to the official slave shop. When he arrived, he told the seller that he wanted a skilled and honest slave. Including people who can drive donkeys and carriages. The seller said there aren't many at the moment so he'll show them to me. Then invite the two of you to take a look.

Ji Jiu soon followed and found many slave cages. Some people are crying out to buy it. Ji Jiu's face turned pale. When they reached the cage at the end, the vendor ordered the people in the cage to get up and let them choose. The boss called Ji Jiu to have her take a look. Ji Jiu looked at the men in front of him, there were almost ten people in total. Everyone didn't bother to look at her. This made Ji Jiu feel bad. They had martial arts skills, but what if they wanted to kill and steal her? Won't she die free?

Thinking about it, I asked the seller if there were any others. The seller said that there were others. But those people wanted to buy the whole family. The family had been slaves in the court of a corrupt noble and had been punished by the authorities. All the slaves were sent to be resold. Ji Jiu asked the seller to take her to see first.

The vendor walked Ji Jiu back the same way for about three cages, then called the five people in the cages to stand up and show her. These five people included adults who were probably their parents. There was a boy who was about 16 or 17 years old, another boy who was about 14 or 15 years old, and another was a girl who was about 13 years old. Ji Jiu asked, What could they do? The father said he had been a bodyguard before. His wife used to be a servant who helped with general chores. can cook He can do housework. His eldest son is skilled and can read and write. So did the second son. The daughters could do embroidery and do housework. The men in their household could ride horses, drive horses, and carts. Ji Jiu looked at it and saw that this family could use it, so she asked the price.

The vendor went on to explain the virtues of honesty a bit more before telling him the price for this entire family was 40 taels. Boss Yuan thought that was too expensive. So he negotiated the price. The seller said that all the children could help with the work and that this price had already been reduced. Normally they sell all 50. Ji Jiu's gourd didn't want too much, so he told the boss to buy it. Boss Yuan did not continue further.

Ji Jiu saw that the people who seemed to be able to protect her were too few, so she further inquiring about the people with martial arts skills, are there any other people besides that cage? At first the seller was hesitant and didn't want to tell him. Finally he said that there were two or three other people but they were sick so he didn't want to introduce them. Ji Jiu didn't care. She asked the seller to take her to see. The seller took her to turn in another direction. Most of the cages here are filled with people who are not as good as before. Ji Jiu saw this and felt sorry for him. But she couldn't help anyone blindly. She followed the seller all the way to the end.