Chapter 57

Ji Wenting, who was assigned to take care of the five people, went in and said that after dinner he would send them down to the basement to recuperate, to protect them from their enemies who might search the house at any time. Guarantee that they could stay there without fear of breathing difficulties because their mouse had hidden ventilation holes in the top in the first place.

 Duan Yang nodded without protesting, as long as the little mouse mother let them rest and provide them with food, it would be very good. If they survived, they would definitely come back to repay her.

 Ji Wenting had told them something important and asked them not to walk outside now. Wait until all the workers have gone, then he will come in and call you to eat together.

 The five people nodded in unison. Seeing Ji Wenting leaving and closing the door, he began a conversation.

"General, are you sure that doing this will really be good? I am afraid that the Vice General's men will harm innocent people." One of the guards was named Bao Hong. asked the boss anxiously.

"Well, you don't have to worry. I think the Vice-General wouldn't dare do anything beyond reason. Another thing when we came in I saw more than 30-40 workers working in her house. If those people really dared to cause trouble, it would not end well." Duan Yang, the Northern Commander who had been on the run for more than two weeks, said something. He had already predicted it.

"Sir, then we will hide here for a while as the general wishes."

 Duan Yang nodded and told them to rest and wait for some time. They are safe now. You don't have to be so paranoid that your wounds heal slowly.

 The five of them were the only survivors out of 100 people from the northern army. Even all the high-breed fast horses had been killed by the enemy and had to use the Lightweight Technique to travel for the past three days. No matter how small and large the wounds each received, Again, they didn't even have time to take a break after encountering the group of assassins earlier. It was heaven's mercy to have my mother take me to stay in such a secret place.

 Uncle Kang brought his four brothers. As Brother Fan Rong and Brother Zhao Gu had come down from the mountain not long before, they had arranged a resting place for the five guests in the basement. Now all the workers have left their homes.

 As for Aunt Qiao, Li Hui and Gui Hua helped to prepare additional food. Ji Jiu got a lot of mushrooms today. She didn't have time to share them with Elder Uncle and the villagers, so it would be better to wait until tomorrow morning to give them to Uncle Yu. She thought that the villagers would probably go up and pick chestnuts. It was a good thing today that she had taken the five strangers to another route instead of the main route that the villagers took up the mountain. Otherwise, she would have had to answer a lot of annoying questions.

 When it's time for food Ji Wenting went in and called the five people out to eat together in front of the house. They brought a set of tables and chairs and placed them there. Outfits for everyone in Ji Jiu's house.

 Little Ah Yu saw the stranger and still didn't ask anything. She just pretended not to know. If Sister Ji Jiu and Mother don't tell... She would not ask blindly. Li Hui and Gui Hua had already been warned by Uncle Kang earlier. So they didn't dare to speak up.

 Ji Jiu, who was sitting at the same table as the guests, didn't feel anything at the sight of the people in the house and the people at the same table as her. She continued to eat the delicious food that Aunt Qiao made like every day. Until I could eat for a long time. The old man who was the most seriously injured spoke up first.

"Mother, thank you for bringing us medicine and food. If I survive this time, We will come back to repay your kindness." Duan Yang looked gratefully at the thin girl who had devoured a lot of food and was still not fat in front of her.

"No need. I only helped you by accident. I don't want anything in return from any of you. I just want you all to leave well. It is considered that I have made a great merit. Don't think too much about it." Ji Jiu gave the old man a small smile. If she was too harsh, it wouldn't be good. She didn't want to be like her previous life when she didn't look as good as her elderly parents. Seeing the old man in front of her, He was seriously injured and wanted to do good to atone for his sins.

 After eating Ji Jiu and Ji Wenting took the five of them to the warehouse. The others dutifully put away the dining tables. The five of them entered the warehouse and looked at them in surprise. Where can a warehouse this small be hidden? Even if you say there's a basement.

 Ji Jiu saw their expressions and guessed most of them. She slid out two wooden planks with wheels that held firewood on top in a row. Underneath was a door the size of which one adult could fit in without discomfort, near the inner wall of the warehouse. Ji Jiu led everyone down the stairs together. The second-hand lanterns that Uncle Kang had bought were prepared along with a jar of lantern oil for them.

 When everyone saw the basement below in full view. They hurriedly turned to look at Ji Jiu in shock. The bottom was an unknown number of times wider than the top. They only know Even if there are hundreds of other people Still able to live without much discomfort.

 Ji Wenting led them to the beds arranged on one side. He also brought scraps of wood that were left over to make a small table for the five people to sit at and eat at. He also told them the time to come in every day to deliver water and food because of the various medicines that Uncle Kang had brought with him when he left. Going to buy essentials, they put everything in the basement in advance. As for going to the restroom, Ji Wenting, who knew that their martial arts skills were probably not inferior to his own, told them to use the light technique to go to the bathroom next to the kitchen of Ji Jiu's new house. No one dared hang around there anyway. After listening to the various explanations from the person my mother often called brother, Duan Yang even thought that he really was my mother's older brother. If they didn't hear the words "Miss" coming out of their mouths, It's his.