Chapter 61

"How are you guys?"

"Much better. Thank you, Miss." Duan Yang also greeted her with a rare old smile.

"I think the people who came looking for you probably won't come anymore. Do you want to go up and stay with me?" Ji Jiu took pity on them being stuck in the basement and invited them to have a look.

"Are you sure?" Duan Yang was still unsure. He didn't want these people to suffer because of them.

"I'm sure. I had really threatened them before. They probably wouldn't dare come into my house again. and my brother took turns on guard duty. You don't need to worry," Ji Jiu explained to the old man in front of her trustfully. Seeing how serious he was about this matter, she reminded her of when she was mean to her parents in her past life. Would they also have this expression on their face? Now she was really sorry, but since she couldn't go back. She could only pay for her karma as much as she could.

"Then We'll bother you for a few more days, Mom, until you're completely healed. We will continue our journey to the border." Duan Yang accepted Ji Jiu's invitation and told him his next destination. If she had any problems, she would have someone follow her. They really wanted to repay her.

"Well, you guys are free to live as you please. I'm just an orphan. The only people with me right now are my slave Aunt Qiao and my daughter. I'm not in any trouble." Ji Jiu saw that the old man dared to tell her a secret, so she equally told him the truth.

"Oh, so you don't have any parents, dear?" Duan Yang was shocked by what she said. He thought that those people included both the servant and her family, who had not seen any adults in the house. He thought that her parents only went to work elsewhere.

"Without you, I have been left in front of the village since I can remember. Everyone in the village has taken care of me until I grow up." Ji Jiu said with a sad expression. She thought about when she was a child, when her father and mother pampered her. Raise her like a little princess.

"Oh, I'm sorry I asked, Mom. Don't be sad. At least I can see the people around you. They all look quite concerned and sincere towards you. So, live your life well." Duan Yang couldn't help but comfort the girl in front of him.

"Thank you. Do you guys have anything to take with you? So you can hurry up before dinner time. The older brothers should have gotten off the mountain."

"It's just the clothes you provided. Let's go, I'll make you talk until you forget, haha." Duan Yang laughed for the first time since he had fled.

 Ji Jiu saw them pick up their clothes and led them up the basement stairs. After everyone came out Ji Jiu closed the door and moved the shelf to cover it as usual. She walked them to her house first. On the way, Aunt Qiao, who had been experimenting with making soybean steamed buns, hurriedly called her over to taste them while they were hot.

 Ji Jiu invited the five guests to go together. She likes to eat delicious food made by Aunt Qiao. If you eat it, you probably can't criticize it too much. Because no matter what Aunt Qiao does She always felt that everything was delicious.

 They invited each other to sit in front of the old house. Aunt Qiao held out a tray filled with large steamed buns that were still smoldering with smoke. Ji Ji Bao went and ate it with gusto. Hmm, this taste was what she liked. Ji Jiu also praises Aunt Qiao with her mouth full of steamed buns. This made Auntie Qiao shout out loudly because she was afraid that she would choke. Ji Jiu only smiled wryly and hurriedly ate before continuing with praise.

 Not long after the young men who had gone up the mountain came down, Ji Jiu hurriedly called them to wash their hands before eating the steamed buns together. The six young men hurried to clean themselves before coming to taste the new steamed buns that Aunt Qiao had made. He also liked Aunt Qiao's cooking skills quite a bit. Whoever made Aunt Qiao make everything delicious.

 With the praise from everyone who tried the steamed buns today, Ji Jiu suggested that Aunt Qiao make them and sell them in the winter in the district. After all, there wasn't much to do at home. Aunt Qiao can have Uncle Kang's son help drive the cart and help with sales. Income is divided among themselves.

 Thinking about their income, Ji Jiu suddenly realized that she forgot to give them a salary. Ji Jiu hurriedly ran into the house. She saw Uncle Kang return from buying vegetable seeds. She immediately came to tell Uncle Kang about their wages and sent each of the nine people 1 tael. As for Aunt Qiao and Uncle Yu, she gave them 3 taels because Aunt Qiao made something delicious for her. So she gave her more wages than anyone else.

 The nine slaves looked at their young mistress with bloodshot eyes. Never before had their master paid so much money. At the most it was only a hundred and two hundred e-pae. Ji Jiu was puzzled by the servant's expression until Aunt Qiao whispered to her. Ji Jiu let out a long sigh and spoke to them before seeing them shed tears for her in front of her.

"Don't all cry in front of me. The fact that I'm paying you this much is something I've thought about well. Besides, don't you know that I'm very rich?" Ji Jiu even went out of her way to smile at them to comfort her. She was really afraid they'd cry. She doesn't know how to comfort people.

"Thank you, Miss. We will serve you well." Uncle Kang led everyone to bow to Ji Jiu from their hearts.

"Well, you all hurry up and collect the money. Whatever I have to do next, don't displease me, that's enough. This money you will receive every month. Next year I will consider adding it again. But I have to look at your expressions first." Ji Jiu immediately stated her conditions.

"We know, Miss," Uncle Kang and the others responded with smiles through tears.

 Jijiu who paid his wages was relieved. She doesn't like using people for free. It's not fair, even if they are slaves. But slaves are people too. If they want anything Having money on hand was a necessity. She strode up and led the old man back to the guest bedroom. His bodyguard asked to share a bedroom with her four brothers instead. They knew that she liked her privacy. And they also wanted to help her brother watch the guard. They are now almost fully recovered. Just keeping watch is not enough.