Chapter 65

After leaving Hun He Village, Ji Jiu told Brother Wenting to follow the main route. If it was getting late in the evening and there were no villages or towns to rest in, they would find an area with a river to wash their faces and dry their bodies and cook instead. She didn't want them to travel in such a hurry that they would get suspicious.

 Ji Wenting willingly accepted Ji Jiu's orders. He knew that she must have thought everything out very well as always. This trip to the border was the first time for the four siblings as well. Therefore, he often had to scout out Ji Jiu's place to stay.

 On the first day of the trip, the city that Boss Yuan had described had not yet been found. Ji Jiu suspected that it would probably be tomorrow until the city was discovered, so she had Ji Wenting ride a horse to find a place to stay for the night. It was good that she had brought Aunt Qiao's stove and cooking utensils with her. Her carriage was quite spacious. So she brought away a lot of things. Even though there were three people sitting together, it wasn't uncomfortable at all.

 Ji Wenting found a river not too far away. He guided the two carriages to a stop near the river. Tonight, his young lady would have to sleep in the carriage for now. But looking at Ji Jiu and Qiao's mother and daughter, he couldn't see that they were in any distress. So he hurriedly went to get firewood with his second brother and prepare it for Aunt Qiao to cook.

 Ji Fanrong and Ji Zhaogu dug the ground near the stream to make another stove. Ji Jiu told them that it would help Aunt Qiao cook faster than using just the stove they brought. The two of them The people immediately dug and placed stones on top as the young lady ordered. Ji Jiu saw many fish in the river. When the two brothers finished making the stove, she had them dig a trench and make a fish trap to try. In case tonight she has some fresh fish soup to eat to boost her energy.

 Ji Jiu thanked Ji Wenting for timing it well. It's not very cold right now. She still had quite a bit of time to wait for the fish. It still took time for Aunt Qiao to finish cooking the rice. Most of the supplies they brought were dry goods, because they feared that if they brought fresh food, it might spoil first. So she didn't buy it either.

 The two young men looked puzzled at the trench that had been dug according to Ji Jiu's orders. They had always gone down to catch fish among themselves. Makes it difficult to catch fish because it swims fast. When they found out the method that their young lady had told them about, they wanted to know if it would work or not. Less than two kilos Many fish swam towards the channel they had dug. Until not long ago, the small pond that was dug to trap fish had almost ten fish at once.

 Ji Jiu heard Ji Fanrong's excited voice and Ji Zhao Gu was not surprised. They must have caught fish to be so happy. It wasn't that she didn't notice their strange expressions when she ordered, but she was too lazy to explain. Just waiting for them to see it with their own eyes is no different.

 Aunt Qiao went to take the fish that Ji Fan Rong and Ji Zhao Gu had killed and then went to clean it. This evening, she was going to cook some fish dishes. It was good that she had prepared quite a few condiments in the first place. Knowing that your young lady likes to eat delicious food. She didn't know if there was an inn where she could cook, so she prepared everything she needed. And she was really not disappointed that she had prepared so well this time.

 Ji Jiu sat and chatted happily with Uncle Yu and General Duan. Most of the time, it was Uncle Yu who invited General Duan to talk. She kept asking him about other cities that General Duan had visited. General Duan who had never had such a flirtatious girl felt even better. He thought that even though he had experienced hardships and nearly died, he had had the fortune of finding one. Two girls as cute as this could not be considered as having lost their birth. Who allowed him to grow up in the capital and only meet the young ladies of the big family? No matter what, you have to be very polite. It's not like these two people act so naturally that he's comfortable like this.

 Aunt Qiao, who had Ji Fan Rong and Ji Zhao Gu helping with the cooking, didn't delay. She made two stir-fried dishes, one fried fish and one pot of thick fish soup. It was the four young men of Ji Jiu's house who brought food to the five guests. The two girls sat and ate together as usual with Aunt Qiao. As for the 9 men They sat down to eat together as two groups. Ji Jiu even complained the first time they forbade her from bringing the bowls. Now we have to use it all. The people who had stopped her before didn't dare say anything. They could only complain that next time they wouldn't stop their young lady from doing anything. If she wants to carry anything, that's up to her.

 That night General Tuan slept in his chariot alone. His bodyguards all lay guard outside. As for Ji Jiu, Aunt Qiao and Uncle Yu, they slept together comfortably in the carriage, with the four brothers waiting to guard them outside the carriage as well. Ji Jiu had originally prepared blankets for them. She had left it in General Tuan's carriage before leaving. After all, it was better to be prepared than not to be able to find anything if she wanted to use it.

 Nothing was out of the ordinary tonight. Ji Jiu's group ate the breakfast prepared by Aunt Qiao before leaving today. Ji Jiu likes to eat breakfast that isn't porridge. Everyone knows this. Men also like it. They always feel that they don't feel full after eating porridge. But since they couldn't find anything to eat, they had to eat that way. Now that they could choose, they also wanted to eat what Ji Jiu had led them to eat.