Chapter 68

The dawn is before the sun rises high. Ji Jiu's group hurriedly washed their faces and got on the carriage to continue their journey. The young men were all asleep even though it was very late and were doing their duties. They were still young and had more energy than the others in the first place.

 Ji Jiu's expectation was indeed not wrong. An hour later, the soldiers who had come to question them followed her to the spot where they had slept last night. Fortunately, they left earlier. They did not meet again. These groups of soldiers did not dare to go near the border town. They knew that Prince Jun would definitely take action against them if he found out that they were hunting down General Duan.

 Ji Jiu's group reached the border town a little past noon. General Duan ordered the carriages to travel to the border general's residence immediately. He wanted to see his grandson to tell him something important, so he couldn't delay any longer. He didn't know if the news he had sent earlier had arrived or not.

 But before reaching the General's Mansion, Prince Jun, who had been reported after he had defeated the Hui Province and returned less than a day ago, said that Grandfather was on his way, probably today, so he wanted to go out and meet him. by himself because he was afraid that the rebels would follow and attack his grandfather again. This caused Prince Prince's convoy to encounter two carriages, which were now leading General Duan's carriage instead of Ji Jiu's carriage.

"Stop the carriage!" General Duan ordered Ji Fan Rong, who was driving the carriage. He felt the breath of his grandson that he had taught him since childhood and ordered him to stop.

 The military convoy led by Prince Prince heard a familiar voice and ordered everyone to stop as well. Soon General Duan in disguise opened the curtain of his car and beckoned to his grandson. At first, Prince Jun couldn't recognize his grandfather, but when he saw him beckoning, he hurried over as was his wont.

"Salutations, Grandpa." Prince Jun dismounted and paid respects to his elders with full ceremony. He had not seen his grandfather for many years. Now he doesn't look like a border general. Instead, he looked like a rich merchant. How strange

"Get up, lead your eyes to the palace. My guests must be very tired. Please prepare food for us. They haven't eaten anything yet because of the rush." General Tuan hurriedly gave orders to his grandson. His little Ji Jiu must be very hungry.

"Grandfather." Prince Jun got back on his horse and signaled for his soldiers to lead the way back to the general's residence quickly.

 Ji Jiu and the others heard every word the old man said. She secretly smiled and laughed at his loud voice. This must have been the old man's true personality. She thought that when he talked to them, he must have adjusted a lot. I'm probably afraid that the girls who are children won't dare to talk to me. Therefore he spoke softly every time.

 Not even two miles later the carriage stopped. Aunt Qiao was supported by Ji Baohu first. He then carried Little A Yu down. As for Ji Jiu, she has always disliked being touched by others. She just jumped down out of habit. Aunt Qiao, who was watching, could only roll her eyes. Heck, didn't her young lady want to be ashamed of the many strangers who were watching? Why is she acting like she's at her own house again?

 General Duan hurriedly summoned Ji Jiu to meet his handsome grandson. He wanted to know if these two were destined to be together. Ji Jiu saw the old man calling her and walked over with a polite little smile. She didn't even bother to look at Prince Prince who was standing there looking at the girl Grandfather was calling.

"My mother Ji Jiu. This is my second grandson, Zhao Jinglong. Let's get to know each other a little. If in the future you have any trouble, you can come see Brother Jinglong. Do you understand?" General Duan smiled and said to Ji Jiu.

"Respect to you sir. Grandpa, don't worry about me. I don't think anything will disturb your grandson. You know how things are in my village." Ji Jiu respectfully bowed to Prince Jun. She still acted like she didn't care about him. Even her smile, she didn't even care to give it to him. She just smiled a little and talked with General Duan out of habit.

"Sigh, this one. Come on, let's hurry up and eat. I know you must be hungry." General Duan saw that Ji Jiu really didn't care about his handsome grandson. Or was it because of his icy face? Sigh.

 Ji Jiu called her people in to eat together. Prince Prince could only look at his grandfather's face in surprise. He had never eaten with an outsider before. But Grandpa didn't say a word. So he had to reluctantly lead everyone into the dining room where someone had already prepared the news.

 During eating General Duan continued to inquire with Ji Jiu about how many days she would be staying here. Ji Jiu found this border town quite interesting, so she wanted to explore it for a day or two before returning.

 General Tuan knew that she would be resting for another two days. So he asked them to stay here together. But Ji Jiu saw that this was the general's residence. She didn't like dealing with big people, so she directly rejected him. She could stay in the inn herself.

 Since the invitation was unsuccessful. General Tuan therefore made an appointment to take her for a walk tomorrow instead. After eating at the General's Mansion until we were full. Ji Jiu immediately bid farewell to General Duan and his grandson.

 Ji Jiu's procession still had two carriages as before. Right now, she was sitting alone in the front carriage. In the second carriage, Aunt Qiao and Uncle Yu were sitting together. Clothes and belongings of General Tuan and his bodyguards. Ji Jiu had them all unloaded from her carriage. The things they used, she didn't plan on bringing back to her carriage.

 Ji Wenting saw a medium sized inn. He immediately led the carriage and asked to rent four rooms for two days. Ji Jiu had given him quite a bit of money for this trip. She said that she was too lazy to talk so much and let him do all the work for her. Except for when she went out to buy things with Uncle Yu, she would pay for it herself.