Chapter 89

Ji Jiu sent the restaurant design to Aunt Qiao the next morning. Aunt Qiao sat and looked at the overall picture of the restaurant that her young lady had designed with a smile. Just from the picture she saw, she really liked her very much. If the renovations were finished, she guaranteed that customers would definitely enjoy eating here more than eating at their own homes.

"Aunt Qiao, do you like it or not? If you don't like it, I will fix it for you."

"I like you, Miss. You are very beautiful. Thank you Miss for your help."

"If you like it, that's good. You don't have to thank me. However, this restaurant requires you all to help manage it. I'm disappointed that I'm just waiting to eat the food you made."

 Ji Jiu smiled slightly at Aunt Qiao. She saw that Aunt Qiao liked the way she drew. She was happy now. She asked for a few more details about the shop. Until Aunt Qiao asked about the price of the food the restaurant would sell. Ji Jiu thought for a moment and then answered.

"This shop, I want ordinary people to be able to afford it too, Aunt Qiao. It's not that it's only open to rich people. But this shop doesn't matter how low income people have. You must be able to eat certain foods. You may reduce the amount of food if you order normal food and keep only a few dishes per plate. In any case, you should think about it with Aunt Li and Uncle Kang first. There's no need to hurry."

"Okay, Miss. So, I'd like to go talk to them first. Oh, miss, please put on some thick clothes. I feel like this year is actually colder than last year, like you said. I'm afraid you'll get sick first."

"Yes, sir. You and Uncle Yu are the same. If you want to buy fabric to sew everyone's robes, you can come and get the money with me. Guihua and Aunt Li should work together to sew it and it will be finished in a few days."

"Okay, Miss. I'll go talk to them and then I'll come pay for your clothes."

 Ji Jiu nodded and let Aunt Qiao go about her business. The clothes she had bought earlier were just ordinary fine cloth that was thicker than cheap cloth. When she went to the cloth store She had never seen that there were thick robes for sale there. Ji Jiu realized this and walked into the room to prepare some silver taels. Because you may need to sew a coat that looks like a thick quilt to protect from the cold.

 Ji Jiu sat and thought about how she could make the sweater not be so heavy that it was difficult to walk in it. She remembered the down jacket from when she was a child. Her house was not rich. But Mom and Dad still went out of their way to find the money to buy her an expensive down jacket to wear in the winter.

 Aunt Qiao returned to Ji Jiu a little later. She immediately said what she had just thought of. Before the weather got any colder, she had to prepare.

"Aunt Qiao Chao. Please buy some thick cloth. And go to the market and find someone who will sell me ducks. I want lots of duck feathers. And cotton to stuff winter coats with."

"Miss, why did you bring so many duck feathers?"

"I will have you stuff your winter coats with down feathers and cotton. You don't know that down feathers are much warmer and lighter than cotton."

"Oh, then I will do as Miss tells you. But Miss, won't you give me too much money? I thought the price of the cloth wouldn't be more than 20 taels, but you gave me 200 taels. Like this, I think it's too much, young lady."

"You manage your money well, Aunt Qiao. This money I gave I have you buy a lot of cloth and three times the amount of down. As for cotton, you don't have to buy a lot. Just buy one equivalent to the amount of cloth that is enough."

"Why did you buy so many things?"

"I will have you all sew a lot of them, Aunt Qiao. If anyone in the village doesn't have a sweater I will have the elder uncle take it and give it to them."

"Wow, you are really nice to the villagers. But I think if you want them to help you, would you try talking to Aunt He first? She will find someone to help us sew faster. I also don't know when the weather will start to get cold. I'm afraid we won't be able to do it in time."

"Then do as you say. I'll go look for Aunt He after she goes out to buy things."

"Yes, Miss. So I'll hurry and go first."

 Ji Jiu walked Aunt Qiao out of the house. She didn't know if the weather would be as she thought. Only, she felt strangely unwell since winter began. Therefore, she wanted to prepare everything as best as she could. She still had a lot of money left. Using this much money, she didn't feel anything at all. In her previous life, she died with a lot of money. But she couldn't bring it here with her. In this life, she didn't have to act like she did before. Whatever should be used to help others, she will help. In case it can make up for some of the sins she has committed.

 Ji Jiu walked back into the room and put on another coat. She probably wouldn't be able to walk outside in this cold weather. In her house, it was warm because of the heat that she often added coals to. Late at night, her older brothers came to help put it on for her as well. She had only recently learned that they were afraid that she would be cold. Each of their houses already had beds that she had made in the first place. So she was not worried about them.

 Before reaching the village headman's house, Ji Jiu saw that the villagers were diligently making soap in the yard amid the increasingly cold weather. The more she saw that they were wearing some old clothes, She was even more determined to make warm clothes for them.

 Ji Jiu called out to Aunt He in front of the house. Not long after, she came and opened the door for Ji Jiu.

"Why did you come here? Ji Jiu? Come in quickly. It's very cold outside. Auntie has already lit the stove in the house." Aunt He hurriedly led Ji Jiu into the warm room inside her house. The weather is quite cold today, even though it's only been a couple of days since winter arrived.

"I came to consult with Auntie about the villagers' winter coats."

"Hmm, why? What do you want to do to Ji Jiu?"

"I want to make winter coats for everyone. Right now, I have Aunt Qiao go out and buy some fabric and cotton, but I'm afraid that the few people in my house won't be able to sew them in time before the weather gets even colder. So I came to consult with my aunt to see if I could find someone to help me.

Can you come to my house too?"

"Oh Ji Jiu, you have been so kind to us. There are almost a hundred people in the entire village. You still paid so much money for them."

"Auntie, you don't speak like this. I do everything like this. I myself don't really get into any trouble if I do anything beyond my means. I myself wouldn't think of doing it for you. May you and Uncle rest in peace. that I will not do anything that will be detrimental to myself."

"Sigh, well, you don't have to worry about people. I'll find ten or twenty people to help you. Those old ladies who haven't done anything will have work to do. In fact, they wanted to help make soap, but the children and grandchildren were afraid they would be tired so they rested in the house. I think they would be happy to do something to help their children and grandchildren."

"Thank you, Auntie, for helping me with my errands. As for lunch while sewing my coat, Let my house be taken care of. Only this time I didn't pay the wages."

"Phew! Let them use all these things. How dare they demand money from you? You don't have to worry about Ji Jiu. Auntie takes care of these things for you herself. Auntie will go help as well."

"Thank you, Auntie. Don't forget to have Uncle check the total number of people to see how many there are. If anything is lacking, I will have someone go and buy more."

"Alright, alright, you go wait at home. This afternoon, I will bring someone to your house to help."

"Okay, Auntie. Therefore, I will excuse myself first."

 Ji Jiu said goodbye to Aunt He and walked home. She wasn't sure exactly how many people there were in the village. When they went to help her build the house, they saw there were only thirty men. When they brought their families to eat, Most of them were just elderly people and a few children.