Chapter 94

General Duan was already waiting for Ji Wenting and Ji Baohu in the guest hall. The two of them arrived and hurriedly paid their respects with full ceremony. During the period after returning to Hunhe Village, They sent the general a letter reporting on the situation at home every week, making General Duan work with peace of mind knowing that Ji Jiu was well. But before sending the coat this time, They didn't send a letter to tell me first. In their rush and because of the weather, they had not thought of sending the letter before.

"Did you guys come in such a hurry? Did something happen to Ji Jiu?" General Duan asked impatiently. He saw the two of them coming by himself and kept thinking of bad things like this.

"No, General. You see that the weather this year is unusually cold. So she had someone at home make some robes for you to wear. The young lady said that she was afraid that you would be sick, so she immediately sent our men to deliver them to you personally." Ji Wenting had his younger brother hand over two robes to the guards. of General Tuan

"Why are there two?"

"The one on the left belongs to you, sir. As for the other one, Miss told you to give it to your grandson. She thought that you guys probably didn't have anyone to help make it for you. So we have prepared one for each person."

"Oh, it's like this. Thank you Ji Jiu on behalf of me and my grandson. So, are you guys staying here first or not? We will travel back tomorrow."

"Yes, General. So, we would like to disturb you for one night."

 General Duan's bodyguards who had seen their horses earlier hurriedly whispered to General Duan. General Duan asked immediately before sending them to rest. He hadn't seen it yet, but he wanted to see what those things looked like on a horse.

"My people say that your horses wear strange things on their bodies. May I ask what those things are used for?"

"Oh, this is what you designed. If the general is interested, please come look at the stables. We'll be able to explain it clearly, sir. You told me before that if you want it, I'll order the blacksmith to make more for you. You can send someone to the village to pick it up, or we can have it delivered to you as well. "

"Then take me to see first. I will also know if it is suitable for use in the army or not."

"Please, General."

 " The guard led them to the stables where Ji Wenting and Ji Baohu's horses had been picked up by someone earlier.

 Ji Wenting pointed out each part and explained their benefits to the general and the guards in detail. He also added that the cost of each set was as much as 50 taels per set. General Duan was not at all worried about this matter. They could have the royal court create it themselves. There is only a missing model for making it, and so do the people who have to learn how to make it suitable for each horse. He would probably have to send the engineer to see Ji Jiu to have her explain the principles.

 General Duan asked them to go and rest first. He would try to find one or two knowledgeable people to meet Ji Jiu with them tomorrow. General Duan's guards rushed to find the artisans in the barracks. urgent He would definitely go with him tomorrow, because the general wouldn't trust those people who thought of themselves as the chief technicians in the camp. He was afraid that these people would make Miss Ji Jiu angry. Even the general didn't dare to make her unhappy. If these people behave badly, He must have been punished.

 General Duan's bodyguard went to find the artisan. He tried to inquire about voluntariness first. But the more experienced mechanics refused to go. Claiming that he was old and feared that he would be a hindrance in his journey. They pushed out two quiet young men as their representatives. The guard was so angry that he blamed these men before taking the two young men away saying,

"If they come back and have good results, then you all prepare to pack up and leave this camp. The Zhao Province does not want arrogant people who accept official pensions and refuse to work."

 After speaking, he immediately shook his head and led the people away. The middle-aged and above people who had been here for a long time were only annoyed at being looked down upon by such a small guard. They wanted to know that without them, the weapons and armor would not exist. Will future generations be better than them? In fact, they had to work in the capital. Instead, they had been conscripted to work on the border like this for many years. They held grudges for a long time. Now that the war was over, they didn't need to stay here either.

 These technicians didn't even realize that In the near future They would actually be kicked out just by waiting for those young men to return first. Their knowledge would not count for anything.

 After breakfast the next day. General Duan would like to thank Ji Jiu once again. and urged Ji Wenting to remember to give him a New Year's gift on his behalf. If he finishes his work here early in another two weeks, He will also travel to the village to celebrate the New Year.

 Ji Wenting happily accepted the old general's orders. Their young lady was really lucky to have such a caring general. They were afraid that they would be late returning to the village. Therefore, he immediately asked to leave with three other generals' men.

 General Duan looked expectantly at the five of them sending him off. If those two could learn things from Ji Jiu well and use them to develop the country's army, then it would be great. He thought that the Zhao Province would be even more stable in the future. News from his grandson said that Now they are chasing the rebel army on the northern border. And the grandson of the throne has already arrested the collaborators. Now they are only waiting for punishment according to the laws of the region. As for those deadly concubines who are causing trouble in the palace. Until it's all chaotic It was good that his grandson never paid any attention to them. He loves and cares only for his hon. So he punished the concubines to become ordained as nuns for the rest of their lives. As for all the illegitimate children that the emperor had never slept with, those concubines. They were reduced to commoners and banished to all border labor. As a result, now there is only the Royal Palace. Tai Hao and Prince Princess born only from the Hong Kong House

This made General Duan very satisfied with his grandson's arrangement. His Duan family had never allowed three wives or four subordinates since time immemorial. It was heartbreaking that his grandson had to ascend the throne and was oppressed many years ago. Luckily, he was wise in not having sex with those concubines. Otherwise, the matter would be even more chaotic.

 General Tuan walked back into the house to continue his work. He didn't have much work left in this border city. It was good that the grandson sent a nobleman to the Hui Province last week. This spared him the headache of managing the Hui Province again. Right now, he was only arranging the details for his second grandson to take care of after the rebellion was suppressed. If the work is completed here He would immediately go find Ji Jiu. The Deputy General here can now take care of the work for him as well. He was very excited to celebrate the New Year with her and surprise the villagers. He had also sent someone to deliver the coat to his grandson at the northern border since yesterday. It should be nearly half a month until it arrives. But if traveling normally, it would take almost a month.