Chapter 102

Ji Jiu taught the two technicians according to the schedule. She also taught them the basics of steel forming. It gives them a better understanding of the material. She had been teaching them for a week now. In a few days it would be New Year's Day and Aunt Qiao would be holding a pin-pin event for her as well. Ji Jiu refrained from teaching and allowed them to celebrate the New Year for a few days.

 Ji Jiu also asked Uncle Kang to buy a lot of red envelopes for her and exchanged a thousand Yi Pae silver and silver taels for her. Ji Jiu still didn't know how much she would give each person. But for those who prefer having more than not having enough, they must prepare it first.

 Butler Kang has to prepare for the New Year's event with Pak Pin for his young lady. They didn't want to embarrass the young lady. At first, they were only holding the event for the people in the house. But when the village headman and his wife found out and went to talk to Miss, they didn't dare disobey the elder who had taken care of her for so long. So she agreed to organize an event for the villagers to join in as well. But she didn't accept money or valuables as a gift. She just wanted everyone to join in the fun and eating.

 "So what they thought would be a small job suddenly turned into a village job. They had to rush to buy things within the district several times like this. Luckily, the snow was not as heavy as last week. As a result, shops in the district are still open to sell goods as usual. Otherwise, they don't know if they will have to travel all the way to the provincial town to buy things.

 One day before New Year's Day General Duan and nearly twenty bodyguards arrived at Hun He Village. At first the village headman was shocked to see the procession of people suddenly entering the village. But when he saw the people who had opened the curtains and talked in the carriages, he remembered. Knowing that it was Ji Jiu's grandfather, he allowed the group to continue on to Ji Jiu's house. The villagers who didn't know that Ji Jiu had relatives were shocked. They saw a procession of people carrying things behind the horse carriage and knew that this Ji Jiu's relative must be quite wealthy. Why did Ji Jiu have such money to help them?

 In fact, General Tuan had only been traveling from the border town for nearly ten days, but the snowy roads had delayed his journey until now. At first, he was more afraid that he wouldn't even be able to arrive in time for the Pin Ji Jiu embroidery event. But now that he had arrived just in time, So he was finally relieved.

 General Duan's convoy arrived at the door of Ji Jiu's house. Their guards shouted for someone to open the door. The young men who were shoveling snow in the morning wondered who had come this early in the morning. They turned their gaze towards the door that Ji Zhao Gu was opening. They saw a procession of people and carriages, along with General Duan's voice coming out. Everyone then knew that the general had arrived.

 They hurried over to pay respects to the general with full ceremony. Kang Jie and Kang Jin, who didn't know that the grandfather the young lady was talking about was a general, looked at each other in shock. But they followed the lead of the four brothers until the general told them that they didn't have to be too polite. So they straightened up normally again.

 General Duan got off his horse carriage and immediately inquired about Ji Jiu and Uncle Yu. He brought many souvenirs for them.

"Young lady is at the house. As for Uncle Yu, I'm staying at the house with Aunt Qiao."

"Then I'll go find Ji Jiu first. You guys take things to my grandchild's house first. As for whatever work you all have, let's do it. I can go myself."

 General Duan finished giving his orders and walked towards Ruan Ji Jiu as usual. His men moved not far behind. They were waiting to unload things for the general.

 Ji Jiu heard a loud noise outside the house. So she walked out to the front of the house. When I saw that the old man had arrived Ji Jiu was really happy. She didn't expect him to actually come through the snow to find her on New Year's Day. It was good that she could still see him wearing the robe she gave her. Otherwise, she would definitely be afraid that he would get sick first. When General Tuan walked closer to her, Ji Jiu hurriedly greeted him with a smile.

"Grandpa, how did you get here? Why didn't you tell me before?"

"Ha ha, if I tell you first. And will you be astonished? Well, let's go inside and talk. I brought a lot of New Year's gifts for you and Uncle Yu. Wait for my people to bring it down first. You will see if you like it or not."

"Oh, why are you having trouble bringing so many? Just come and celebrate the New Year with me. I am very happy."

 Ji Jiu walked General Duan to sit in the chairman's seat. As for her, she sat next to him and talked about the past. General Tuan had already heard the news about how she had helped so many villagers in the first place. But he listened to her again. When she finished, he patted her on the head and praised her for doing a good job.

 Ji Jiu received praise and affection from the old man. Tears welled up in her eyes, thinking of her father and mother in her previous life. But Ji Jiu regained her senses after a while. She smiled at the old man and said that this was what she should do.

 General Duan saw her like this. He even more wanted her to be his granddaughter-in-law. If his family had someone like her, the Zhao Province would definitely be able to develop more steadily. Just the things she designed that could be used in many ways would bring many conveniences to the people. And how could he not have expectations of her like this?

 Ji Jiu had no idea that she would be able to impress someone as great as General Duan to such an extent. Everything she had done was just to make amends for her sins. She would dedicate this life to someone who deserved it. Kindness from her It wasn't like she would blindly help people until they brought danger to themselves.

 When Ji Jiu found someone she could consult with. Ji Jiu immediately told him about her desire for the furnace. General Tuan is also very good. He said he would arrange for her quickly. But we'll have to wait and see the weather again first. He will send a message to his eldest grandson. Bring someone to make a stove and bring iron to her here. I don't know how much travel time it will take. Anyway, he had to find it for her.

This Ji Jiu listened to Grandpa's promise and was happy. Now she could count on someone to rely on. He truly was a grandfather that she respected. He could easily help her solve her difficult problems.

 " Uncle Yu and Aunt Qiao and the entire village of Kang came to pay their respects to General Tuan. They already knew from Kang Jie that this man was a general of the region. It was fortunate for the youngsters to receive such kindness from this old man.

 General Tuan beckoned Uncle Yu to come look at the souvenir he had brought. Little Uncle Yu smiled sweetly at the old man. She thanked him and praised the many things that General Tuan had brought. General Duan took the bracelet that Ji Wenting had left earlier. He handed the box to Ji Jiu and said that it was a New Year's gift he gave her. Ji Jiu opened the box and saw that it was a jade bracelet. White and fine, she hurriedly thanked him with the widest smile she had ever smiled since coming here. She put the bracelet on her wrist and looked back and forth like that.

 General Duan saw that she liked it and was happy. Aunt Qiao and Uncle Yu looked at each other at the expensive bracelets they had seen. In fact, the General secretly bought them for the young ladies. The mother and daughter both smiled with satisfaction. That their young lady received such a valuable thing.