Two hearts

                         TAE'S POV


Da hell are you?



                                                 Just dropped

                                               at home


I'll be there in 30


                                            I'll be waiting.

                                           How is he?


Cool.. just a bit



                                         How did you let

                                         it happen?


I can't control

his mind babe...




Babe I'm sorry...


Fine.. I'll come



I was so furious that I refused to text Shinwoo back.. but then the dick kept his words.. he came... He walked up to my room.. "hi" he said with a sad smile.. I just nodded and lit a cigarette.. he looked at me wearily.. "when did you start smoking?" He asked in disbelief.. I scoffed puffin out.. "do I need to report to you everything I do" I said dryly.. he sat beside me.. "don't do this to yourself.. you'll hurt both Kim and yourself" he gently said slowly rubbing my back...he knew how to comfort wow.. I sarcastically said in my head.. but yeah he was awfully right..I started some bad habits after I went away from Kim.. smoking, drinking alot, playing with people's emotions... I was such a mess... I would have gotten in depression, but I had to remain strong for Kim.. he would be worse if he found out the person he chose to protect decided to ruin his life.. I didn't know what I was thinking,I felt my skin burn an I hiss in pain... I actually used my fingers to light out the cigarette... Shinwoo took my hand.."are you nuts" he scolded.. I could feel him tremble.. was he scared? He took out the first aid kit and applied an ointment for burn, then bandaged it.... Tears welled up in my eyes,I just needed a little push and I'll cry... And I found it.. "Kim misses you alot" he said.. I burst out crying.. he finally pulled the string holding me from crying.. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you" he said . I just let my emotions take control.. I cried like a baby..yes I was Kim's baby.. but a big baby.. I can also be his daddy... But now I was .. I was a cry baby who was looking for a chance to cry.. I've lost my temper.."I'm I that unlucky?" I asked.. he hugged me... He felt hurt for me... He loved me just like a family member should..and I .. I was great-full for that... "It's not your fault ok baby" he said letting me soak his shirt with my tears....  I  sniffled, then look at him with a fake smile.."I'm so lucky right?" I sarcastically said.. he just shuffles my hair "you might not believe it,but trust me, you have no idea how lucky you are.. Kim loves you,I love you,mom and dad loves you.. you are so lucky" he said.. I smiled,but not fully sincerely.. "thanks" I said.. he nudged me.. "oh c'mon what are family for?" He said.. I smile.."yah.. tomorrow is his 22nd birthday... What are you planning for him?" He asked enthusiastic.. I smiled remembering how we spent all his past birthdays together.. how fast time flies... We spent 3yrs on the island.. he was just 18.. after 3yrs on the island,he was 21.. now tomorrow, he'll turn 22..


Kim's POV

I sat in my room, thinking about all the memories we made together with Tae.. I really missed him.. I wish he was here to celebrate my 22nd birthday.. and he'll turn 23 next week... I wonder where he went off to.. I really hate myself for pushing him away.. I never thought about how it will affect him.. but then again, if he stayed it'll be.. it'll be hard for him to accept that I'm no longer alive.. I don't want to cause him a lot of trauma.. I took my pillow, hugging it... I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear... Then I remember how Tae usually does it for me.. tears rolled down my pretty flawless face.. I smiled wiping it off.. I clutch my chest.. it was so painful.. he was close.. yes he was close.. I smile,but my heart hurts.. "Tae" I whisper.. a weak and sad smile tugging at my lips... I was sure.. I could bet with my life that Tae was here.. I really needed to find him.. I'll start with going to his house..


Jinsik house

It was my first time going to his house in a while... It was still as peaceful as always.. I hid my nervous sweaty hands in my black baggie hoodie.. I can say that I lost more weight.. and I look so pale.. I wore my best smile... As I stepped into the living room, no one was there... I clench my heart.. yes I was right.. he's here...I smiled faintly.. my heart hurts a lot... I was about to climb up his room, someone grabbed my hand.. I turned "my dear.. when did you arrive?" She asked.. her smile was sincere, but she was nervous... I smile back, barely holding up with the rapid beating of my heart.. it hurt, but I was so stubborn.. and my willpower was high.. I was determined to see him.. "he's back right" I asked.. she shifted nervously from foot to foot... "Who do you mean?" She asked.. the smile I had on my face vanished.."Taeyang.. d.. didn't he come back" I asked.. " we..we haven't heard from him since last year" she said... I felt she was lying.. but I didn't have proof.."but I can feel it.. our heart is connected.. I can feel when he's close to me" I said.. my clutch my heart harder.. pressing on it.. she offered to take me to sit and I agreed... I was on the verge of crying... If I didn't see him, I think I'll have a break down.. the doctor warned me to avoid having break down.. if I should have more than 5 break down, I'll not be able to make a year.. but fuck it.. I've had about 3 break downs.. I have to stay strong for Tae, but my heart is too fragile... It was beating again.. I looked around, and my eyes landed on his door.. I stood up and walked back up.. the closer I got, the more my heart beat.. she tried to stop me, but I already opened the door.. and what I saw made me shocked.. "you.. what.." I was unable to finish my sentence.. I felt betrayed.. how could he keep such an important information from me.. "Kim listen it's not what you think" he said.. what.. is he trying to play with my brain?.. I may have a sick heart, but my brains function clearly... "Kim.. I'm Taeyang's cousin that he told you about.. the one that calls him baby" he said.. now it made sense to me.. Tae left and Shinwoo came.. "you betrayed me" I said.. barely a whisper.. I clutch my chest with one hand, and my head with the other.. I slowly sank to the floor as tears streamed down my face.. I could feel he was in the room.. but where?.. "where is he?" I asked.. he was quiet.. I hated it.."where is he?" I asked my voice shaking.. he seems to be thinking about something.. "he didn't disclose his whereabouts to me" he said.. I was broken.. "please.. I'll die if I don't.. I.."but I passed out.. I was no longer able to hold on.. I passed out and I can swear I heard Tae's voice.."Kim baby please open your eyes.. don't do this to me" he said.. with the last strength I had, I opened my eyes.. with a smile, I pulled him and kissed him.. then went limp..