Psychological Games

Candy presents her findings on Dr. Green. 

"So, it turns out Dr. America Green isn't just any doctor. She's a Psychologist. She's married and has kids. Her husband works at a law firm downtown, and they've been living in the same house for over a decade. She's deeply rooted in the community, which makes her involvement all the more complicated. They've built a life that seems perfectly normal on the outside."

Everyone listens intently, the gravity of the situation settling in. Candy continues, 

"We'll need to be careful about how we approach this. She's not just a doctor; she's a mother and wife. This means she has a lot to lose and possibly even more to hide."

I dart my eyes between everyone in the room. Zayn suggests, 

"I think we should approach Dr. Green nicely and discreetly. We don't want to alarm her or make her defensive. If she's involved, coming at her aggressively might just push her to cover her tracks even more."