It was a painless gender change

"Retrieve item, Blood Amulets."

Five white objects fell into his palm, heavy.

Looking down, John nearly tossed them away in disgust.

Damn it!

It turned out to be a sanitary pad, and a bloodied one at that. Truly disgusting!

"Is this thing even useful against ghosts?"

Without giving it much thought, John placed them in his inventory and then, carrying the dish, returned to the table.

"Sir, your dish. Please enjoy."

John carefully placed the dish on the table.

The bandaged ghost looked at the heart, immediately grabbed it with its hand, and stuffed it into its mouth, splattering an unknown liquid all over the table.

Halfway through the meal, the bandaged ghost's body trembled slightly. Lifting its head, even though its eyes were wrapped in bandages, John could feel its gaze, carrying a sense of bewilderment and sorrow.

Already dead, yet still waiting for that girl to find him...

A coin was pushed forward.

A Ghost Coin, the universal currency of the Thriller World.

Ghost Coins are very versatile, especially useful for transactions with ghosts and for making connections, particularly for participants.

Unexpectedly, John's first service at the Fierce Ghost Restaurant earned him a tip.

John pocketed the coin: "Enjoy your meal, sir."

After stepping away, John took out the Ghost Coin again, finding its value to be 100.

A substantial tip indeed!

"Wealthy ghost," John remarked.

"Congratulations on completing your first delivery task. Customer rating: Satisfied."

"For your second task, please go to Table 3 to fulfill the customer's request."

"Just two more deliveries, and today's task will be complete. Keep it up."

John thought to himself and walked away.

Passing through the corridor, he happened to meet Jessica, who was holding a dish covered in eyeballs that blinked.

Her expression alone told him she was quite frightened.

"John, you've completed your first delivery?" Jessica was surprised and envious, wishing she had such strong mental resilience.

"Done, now off to the second table. How about you?"

"I'm okay, made some mistakes because I was nervous, but the guest was very understanding, didn't blame me," Jessica said, still shaken.

"But Asher... when he was delivering his dish, a finger accidentally fell onto the customer's hand, and that ghost ate his testicles!"

"Really, that's quite unlucky," John's expression remained largely unchanged.

Asher wasn't close to him, and he had even tried to bully John at school. Hearing this news, John felt quite indifferent inside.

"By the way, where's Karl?"

"I don't know, but I ran into a girl from the class next door. She said he seems to be working as a cleaner, responsible for the western area."

"And, I heard that being a cleaner is even more dangerous than being a waiter!"

John nodded, "Got it, go on with your tasks."

Jessica hurried back into the restaurant with the dish.

John had only asked out of curiosity. Rather than worrying about Karl, he figured it was better to focus on completing his own tasks first.

The guests at the second table appeared to be a couple.

Sitting face to face, both were expressionless, their eyes as lifeless as those of dead fish, with their pallid skin writhing as if maggots were squirming beneath.

The atmosphere couldn't be creepier.

The ordered dishes were Stir-Fried Penis and Vagina Soup.

Hearing the words penis and vagina made John's mouth twitch, then he picked up the menu and rushed to the kitchen.

The chef had changed, not as malicious as the first one, and quickly prepared the dishes, which were then served.

The rating was average.

John didn't mind, as long as it wasn't a bad review.

The reason many received poor reviews was due to excessive nervousness in the presence of ghosts, leading to frequent mistakes. A bad review was the least of worries; losing one's life was the real loss.

After these two services, John had become very proficient, quickly completing the service for the third table as well.

Then, he waited in the hall for the results.

Passing by various ghosts, many eyed John with greed, but upon seeing his uniform, they reluctantly averted their gaze, refraining from looking at him as if he were food.

Soon, a bell echoed throughout the restaurant.

The ghosts gradually left, and in the blink of an eye, the restaurant returned to its eerie quietness.

Jessica and Asher also arrived at the restaurant.

Jessica looked as if she had been reborn, tears of excitement nearly falling.

Asher, on the other hand, had a gloomy face, mixed with a hint of panic.

His testicles and penis were gone, his crotch was clean, unbundled and bloodless.

"It stuffed my testicles and penis into its mouth and took them!" Asher's throat emitted a mournful roar.

"Look on the bright side, at least it was a painless gender change. You can now consider becoming a woman. " John glanced at him.

Seeing John unharmed and even able to maintain optimism, Asher's face was filled with resentment: "Why are you completely fine?"

"I'm just that good."

Asher's face flushed with anger, feeling insulted.