Then how come you can't beat me?

The headless body suddenly burst into an excited dance and dashed into the darkness.

Soon, merry laughter echoed from the dark.

The headless body ran back, holding its own head.

The little boy's head showed a satisfied smile, "Yay, Lucas has a new ball to kick!"

"It's convenient, isn't it? Whenever you want to play soccer, just take off your head to kick it around. When you're tired, put it back on. No worries about getting it dirty or losing it."

"Mm-hmm, thank you!"

Saying this, he tossed his head onto the ground again and began kicking it around joyfully.

Watching the little boy play happily, John felt sweat seeping out. "I hope this innocent kid doesn't realize the seriousness of the situation."

When Lucas had played to his heart's content, John finally took him downstairs, instructing him to keep his head on his neck until next time he wanted to play.

Downstairs, the meat grinder had disappeared. Ghost Granny seemed to have just finished some task and was massaging her back.

Seeing his grandmother, the little boy happily threw himself into her arms.

"Grandma, this person is so nice, letting Lucas take off his head to play soccer!" The little boy pointed at John, as if praising him.

But that statement soaked John's back with sweat.

Children speak their minds, innocent and unrestrained...

Fortunately, Ghost Granny did not probe further but looked up at John.

John extended a hand, "I've found your grandson, and here are your eyeballs."

After pressing the eyeballs back into their sockets, Ghost Granny's mouth cracked into a smile, "Not bad, remember to return the key after you use it. Just leave it on the table."

"Angel System: You've gained +3 fondness from Ghost Granny, rewarded with 10 Ghost Power points!"

Ghost Power symbolizes strength, the higher the value, the more formidable it becomes.

John had not expected, as a human, to possess Ghost Power.

He glanced at the detailed dashboard for Ghost Power. It matched human physical attributes, meaning an increase in Ghost Power also enhances strength, speed, and other aspects.

Moreover, the higher the Ghost Power, the more terrifying the force when wielding Ghost Items!

"Thank you."

John expressed his gratitude and rushed upstairs with the key.

Upon reaching the top, he swiftly headed towards the bathroom at the end of the corridor.

With free time almost over, he needed to hurry!

However, John soon realized that the corridor seemed endless, the black mist in front of him refusing to clear.

Stopping in his tracks, John coldly rebuked, "What, you want another nail as a gift?"

Clearly, the Wall Ghost was up to its tricks.

"Do you want to enter that bathroom?" the Wall Ghost asked.

"Is there a problem?"

"There's a Ghost inside, trapping your friend. But it's not easy to deal with!"

"Stronger than you?" John asked, hesitating.

Although he still had four Human Bone Nails, if he encountered a tough Ghost, these items would be no better than toys, utterly ineffective.

Like that Half-Ghost little girl.

"Not much stronger than me," said the Wall Ghost.

"Then I'm relieved."

"???" The Wall Ghost felt insulted.

"That ghost died by hanging itself in the bathroom; that's its territory. Your Ghost Items, though capable of injuring it, aren't enough to deter it."

"Just a hammer and a few nails won't save your friend and might cost you your life!"

John asked, "So, you're suggesting you have a way?"

"Just lure it to this corridor, and I'll take care of it," said the Wall Ghost.

John's eyes narrowed into a half-smile, "What's your angle, buddy?"

A ghost offering help is like a fox offering to guard the henhouse—definitely not well-intentioned.

The Wall Ghost wasn't surprised by John's reaction, calmly stating, "My existence... is to kill that guy!"

"Do you have a grudge against each other?" John inquired.

"The guy in the bathroom was a murderer responsible for over a dozen lives. My girlfriend was raped and killed by him, and I was dismembered and stuffed into a wall, filled in with rebar and concrete. Later, when his crimes were exposed, he was surrounded by the police in this building and hanged himself in the bathroom."

The voice in the corridor trembled with intense hatred, sounding genuinely sincere.

John paused before asking, "Can you beat it?"

"As long as it's in this corridor, I am invincible!"

"Then how come you can't beat me?"

John's pointed question left the Wall Ghost speechless.

It was also puzzled. How could a mere human manage to get the upper hand in this corridor?

It might be due to the Human Bone Nail or perhaps the blood on the Bloodied Bone Mallet, which just happened to suppress it.

In any case, if John didn't take away that Human Bone Nail, it might have been completely obliterated.

"Alright, I'll trust you this time!"

John said he believed, but his actions spoke otherwise as he swiftly hammered another nail into the wall.

"You!!" The Wall Ghost was both shocked and angry.

"Don't worry, this is just a precaution. If things go as you say, I'll help you remove it later."

Although the Wall Ghost was irritated, it had no choice but to disperse the Ghost aura at the end of the corridor.

John made his way to the door enveloped in Ghost aura, inserted the key, and turned it.

With a creak, the door automatically opened, unleashing an even colder chill.

Shivering, John entered.

The bathroom was spotlessly clean, every corner as if it had just been scrubbed.

However, there was standing water everywhere, with the clear sound of dripping water echoing around.

Though the bathroom appeared small, John could see the row of individual stalls stretching endlessly ahead.


John shouted, his voice echoing back as if he were in a valley.

John had no choice but to kick in each bathroom stall door, not giving a damn whether someone or a Ghost was taking a dump inside.


He kicked open the first door to find a clump of tangled black hair stuffed in the toilet.

Suddenly, the black hair began to wriggle and slowly rose up. Beneath the dense black hair, a pair of dead eyes stared fixedly at John.

"Sorry, wrong door. Carry on," John said, moving on to the next door.

The second door.

The third door.

The fourth door.


Continuing on, each toilet contained various terrifying ghost items...

After opening a dozen doors, John began to hear some noises.

Following the sound, he kicked open one of the stall doors to find Karl inside, furiously scrubbing the toilet with a brush.

Muttering non-stop, "Almost done, almost done, the foreman said I could go home after cleaning."

"Keep it up, keep it up..."

"You've given me quite the search, what are you doing scrubbing toilets at a time like this? Come with me!"

John stepped forward to drag Karl away, but the latter remained immovable, continuing his task and muttering as before.

"It's dirty, so dirty, how did it get dirty again?"

John stepped and left a black footprint, which Karl immediately pounced on, scrubbing furiously until not a single stain remained.

His desperate scrubbing was so intense it seemed he might scrub the floor bald!

"Has this guy gone mad?" John was taken aback.

No matter how much he pulled, Karl stuck to his task, even flinging John aside with surprising strength.

John wondered if he should drive a nail into his head.

After a moment of silence, John suddenly backhanded Karl across the face, "Idiot, snap out of it. Do you want to get out of here or not?"

Surprisingly, this slap seemed to bring Karl to his senses.

He stopped his actions and looked around somewhat dazedly.

Finally, his gaze focused on John, "John?"

Did that slap actually snap him out of it?

John was startled, somewhat taken aback.

Could it be that his 10 points of Ghost Power had broken the illusion on Karl?

"John, I've finally found you. I was about to lose my mind! I thought I'd never see you or my old baby again," Karl threw himself on John, sobbing uncontrollably.

"You have no idea..."

"No time for your woes, let's get out of here first!"

John pulled Karl out of the stall, but the Ghost aura in the bathroom grew even denser.

It was impossible to tell where the door was, let alone the cardinal directions.

A shadow appeared in front, the Ghost responsible for supervising the cleaning of the bathroom.

"Is the toilet clean yet?"

"It's not clean, huh? Get back to it, or I'll tear your flesh off piece by piece!!"

The Ghost revealed itself, its face covered in bloody wounds, with clear bruises around a neck that had been stretched a meter long, the head bobbing wildly above like a kite in the wind.

Clearly, this was the deranged murderer the Wall Ghost had mentioned, now a hanged ghost.