I'm Still Alive

I HAVE RETURNED!!! Well, kind of anyway. To put it simply I will be back shortly, to sum it up I'll probably start posting again in about two weeks or so, this is mainly because I'm still not feeling all that great at the moment, not that I'll probably be feeling all that amazing for quite some time. So yeah, as for what exactly is wrong with me, well, apparently I have IBS and it appears to be the kind that can last several months or maybe even longer, maybe it'll last for my whole life, I honestly don't know.

If you don't know what IBS is, well, it's full name is "irritable bowels syndrome" and it is really fucking annoying. To list some of the symptoms that I'm dealing with currently: headache, disorientation, nausea, diarrhea, difficulty sleeping, stomach pains and so on. It's honestly driving me a little crazy I'm not gonna lie.

Thankfully the tablets that I've been given are helping greatly, I still have moments were I feel awful but it is nowhere near as bad as it was a few weeks ago. I know some of you are going to say something like "you don't need to write, just focus on recovering", however I'm currently bored out of my fucking skull with very little to do considering my current circumstances, so I'm gonna start writing again soon to help with said boredom.

Although I should just warn you a head of time, this is probably going to be a long time problem I'll have to deal with, so if I suddenly don't upload for a while it is probably because I am not exactly in a condition to write anything. Moving on though, like I said I'm going to start uploading again relatively soon, to be more specific the next chapter should be out either on the 17th or 24th of this month. P.S, sorry about any spelling mistakes you may find, I was kind of in a rush while writing this.