Repaying a Drop of Kindness with a Gushing Spring

This page of the Ancient God’s Desolate Blood Diagram possessed only two abilities.

The first ability was to refine various energies and convert them into divine power.

The second ability was to consume divine power, perfecting and merging similar techniques on the Golden Book's fragment.

“Though there are only two abilities, each one is extraordinary.”

Chen An’nian swallowed hard, feeling his heart about to leap out of his throat.

“Even though it can currently only refine the lowest-level first-stage divine power due to being a fragment, it surpasses the energy levels of this world countless times.”

“This is the foundation, the cornerstone!”

“The second ability is equally astonishing, allowing me to deduce techniques and correct any errors within them.”

“Even if one technique exhausts its potential, I can continue searching for other similar techniques, consuming divine power to continue deducing and achieving seamless integration.”

“Therefore, as long as I have enough techniques and divine power, I can deduce the highest-level methods!”

Chen An’nian clenched his fist tightly.

“That drop of golden blood just now was residual divine power!”

He looked down at his body.

Although still sorry, the ferocious wound had already healed significantly, and the bruises had faded considerably.

More importantly, the deficit in his body caused by cutting his wrist had been replenished by more than half.

If he were to receive one or two more drops, he estimated that he could fully recover.

“With this fragment of golden paper, why should I worry about passing the assessment? Why should I worry about not avenging my grievances?”

Chen An’nian immersed himself in indescribable excitement.

However, suddenly, Chen An’nian thought of something and froze on the spot, as if a bucket of ice-cold water had been poured over his head.

“Where does the energy come from? And where do the techniques come from?”

“It’s like having the most advanced production techniques and equipment but lacking raw materials!”

“I have nothing, so what’s the point of cultivating?!”

Chen An’nian felt a toothache coming on.

Just when he had hope, he realized that although the future seemed bright, he was currently empty-handed and in the dark.

Chen An’nian squatted on the ground, hands in his pockets, staring blankly at the ground.

Worse off than a beggar.

“Energy... where can I find energy?”

Chen An’nian racked his brains, and his meager knowledge instantly sounded the alarm in his mind.

“Does kinetic energy count as energy? What about wind energy? Oh, and fire, water, electricity, aren’t they all forms of energy?”

“Does getting beaten count as kinetic energy?”

With this thought, Chen An’nian took action, closing his eyes and fiercely punching himself.


This punch almost worsened his injuries.

“The Ancient God’s Desolate Blood Diagram remains completely unresponsive. It seems I’m almost beating myself up for nothing.”

“And the wind...”

Chen An’nian walked out of the house and faced the mountain wind for half an hour.

“Hehe... hehe...”

Chen An’nian’s tears and snot flowed uncontrollably, his face becoming blurred, but nothing happened.

For the next half hour, Chen An’nian attempted water.

As for fire, he didn’t dare to try.

The Golden Book fragment remained lifeless.

“All those things taught in physics class aren’t that useful, huh? Or maybe I remembered them wrong?”

Chen An’nian stood in place, doubting his life for a full half hour.

Suddenly, a thought crossed his mind.

“Although they are all forms of energy, if I can’t absorb them, what’s the point of refining them?”

He felt anxious, his whole body tingling as if electrified, not knowing where to put his hands.

His eyes saw gold everywhere, but he couldn’t dig it out.

“Gurgle, gurgle...”

After toiling for over an hour, his internal organs began to revolt.

Chen An’nian grabbed a white steamed bun from the table and stuffed it into his mouth.

The original host had a strong sense of pride. Half of the time he couldn’t complete menial tasks, yet he refused to ask for help.

As a result, he often went hungry, sometimes only eating one bun a day.

But now, what’s the point of pride?

Isn’t staying alive more important?

Chen An’nian had experienced the turbulent era before his transmigration and deeply understood this.

“He’s truly a good person.”

Recalling Lu Zhongmu, Chen An’nian couldn’t help but feel sincerely admired.

According to the original host’s memories, this guy had been coming over every few days for the past month, bringing him food.

While eating, Chen An’nian earnestly said to himself, “Repaying a drop of kindness with a gushing spring.”

“If I have the chance, I must repay Lu Zhongmu properly!”

“He truly is a great person!”

Chen An’nian wolfed down the steamed bun, washing it down with water, leaving no crumbs behind.

Suddenly, Chen An’nian’s face changed dramatically.

It felt as if his stomach had been fiercely twisted, leaving him breathless.

He fell to his knees, the pain shooting through his kneecaps as they hit the pebbles, causing excruciating agony.

“Damn it!”

Chen An’nian trembled all over, his face pale as a sheet.

It seemed like he couldn’t bear it any longer.

In the next moment, Chen An’nian abruptly opened his eyes, and the twisting pain in his stomach disappeared as if the previous events were all a dream.

At the same time, two strands of aura appeared on the Ancient God’s Desolate Blood Diagram.

One strand displayed a faint golden color.

The other was black, making one feel uncomfortable with just a glance.


Chen An’nian took a few deep breaths, afraid that he had sensed it incorrectly.

He focused his consciousness on the Ancient God’s Desolate Blood Diagram, confirming it several times.

It was indeed poison.

Moreover, most of the divine power he had just consumed was not used to heal his wounds but to detoxify himself!

The original host had unknowingly ingested a considerable amount of poison.

Based on the dosage, it would probably take effect within the next two days.

It was only when the Golden Book fragment recognized him as its owner just now that the crisis was completely resolved.

A twisted smile appeared on Chen An’nian’s face.

“What a great person indeed.”

“Repaying a drop of kindness with a gushing spring.”

“Whether he likes it or not, I must repay him properly!”


Lu Zhongmu appeared to be helping him on the surface, but in reality, he wanted to gain his trust and then poison him!

If it weren’t for the Golden Book fragment, Chen An’nian would have likely died from the poison.

On the other hand, it was precisely due to the toxicity of Lu Zhongmu that Chen An’nian discovered a new world.

Who would have imagined that even the poison could be refined from the remnant of the Golden Book?

The only regret was that the previous toxins, as the Golden Book fragment hadn’t recognized him at the time, could not be refined and instead required the consumption of divine power to eliminate.

The crimson aura represented divine power, while the black aura signified impure energy after refinement.

Impure energy couldn’t be utilized on its own, but it could certainly be bestowed upon others.

“Bastard, you have quite the knack for tricks.”

Chen An’nian clenched his fist tightly, making a creaking sound.

“Just wait until I prepare a nourishing bowl of soup for you!”

“No amount of soup can save you, I swear I’m not related to you!”