
After my meeting with Haisley I immediately assigned her as my head housekeeper. I cannot always keep Abelard by my side, and he is busy enough being my butler and running the information guild he had. 


Haisley will start tomorrow and will live in the Manor while she is working with me. Abelard and Haisley do not seem comfortable with each other, I can see the judgmental gaze of Haisley towards Abelard and Abelard holding himself not to say any rude things to her. 


That will be their problem, they will eventually work well since they will be working with each other frequently now. Even if Haisley will not like Abelard's being a commoner she does not have any choice since he is my butler. 


I opened my notebook again and listed all the information that Haisley said. My death. 


My death in the original novel, beheading. Death by poisoned tea, dying in my sleep and my death in the national tournament.