Archduchess is Dead? (2)

A/N: This chapter is written in the Third Person's POV style, this chapter is the flashback to the time that Adeline went back into her world. 


Lyle, Haisley and Abelard were confused as to why the Duke of Borgia would visit her. Haisley tries to remember if there has been a time that the two had an interaction, on the other hand Lyle cannot understand as to why these men keep visiting Madeleine. 


'Is there something she needs to them?' he asked in himself knowing her lady's attitude, he knows why those men will be here. It is because they have something to report on her. 


He wanted to turn them down and yelled at them, but he could not, He did not have the position to do that and that was more annoying because he could not do anything because of his mere title.