The Past(1)

We stopped over into town to find a place to sleep, after that before the sun rises, we leave and back into travelling again. I do not have the time to leisurely sleep since every minute and every hour is important, because if we are too late Jacquetta might die. 


While we were in the carriage, I closed my eyes and tried to sleep but I could not. I have been thinking about something that seems outrageous, it is about the memories that Gioffre was talking about. 


I have a hunch about it, but I do not want it to be true, because it sounds ridiculous. If it is Gioffre who placed the fake Laura, then it would be too difficult to believe if he also killed the teal Laura. 


I mean why would he put someone to act in someone else's life that he was the one who ended, and if that is the truth then what was he thinking? Does he really want the throne? Is being the emperor what he wants?