Flashback, Sweets, and Bedroom Thoughts P2

Flashback Jutsu, activate! -Conversation with Gramps-

As all things do when you're speaking to the Hokage, practically grandfather or not, their conversation led back to training. "So outside of Chakra Control which I'm glad you've finally taken up, how is the rest of your training going?"

Playing with the hem of her shirt a little she'd think on how to respond before finally just grimacing. "My improved Chakra Control will help with Genjutsu breaking, but Taijutsu will have to wait till I get back to the academy or find someone to spar with. Shuriken and Kunai uh." She'd blush a little bit before looking away. "I'll get better eventually, y'know!"

The low chuckle that escaped from Gramps was not just embarrassing but also heartwarming. "My stealth is top of the class for a reason, the only way I can train that at this point is by playing Hide and Seek with my ANBU, and you already banned me from doing that!"

That was an interesting few weeks she remembered fondly, alas. Her greatest prank victims had finally complained at some point and she got a stern talking too. Younger her truly was an expert at causing chaos! In response, seemingly knowing her internal thoughts Hiruzen would glare. "No. The last time you did that I had ANBU requesting to head to Kiri instead of being assigned to you." She shrugged. Not her fault a new recruit couldn't keep up with the amazing Naruko Uzumaki! Imagine what would happen now.

"Well, besides that. My trap-making is my trap-making. Gramps, y'know even before heading to the academy I was better than graduates at that!" At that, a fond, yet sad smile would momentarily appear on his face, 

"Indeed my dear, I definitely know that." Little out a giggle that masked her own sadness because her days fishing in the woods were dark, she finally added.

"As for my actual physical training..." She'd shrug. "I meant to ask you about that gramps! Ya think you can get me a doctor's appointment with someone trustworthy? I wanna know if I can start wrapping weights around my legs, but I'unno how to do that, or if it's safe."

A particular gleam would appear in his eyes. "I didn't think you'd think of that for quite a while, but no need to ask a doctor. I trained a genin team around your age you know! Starting with leg weights is quite safe, especially with how fast you heal, but the only thing you have to be careful of is not going at your absolute maximum. Besides that, take them off when not training, and you'll be fine. When you're a couple years older you'll only have to take them off when sleeping."

Nodding along an interested gleam would appear in Naruko's eyes at the mention of him training a team. "Yeah, I know about that team of yours gramps! The Legendary Losers!" Continuing over his head banging against the desk she'd continue on, "Where should I get those weights though gramps? I don't have that much money, y'know!"

Recovering from the way she remembered his students Hiruzen would cough to clear his throat and embarrassment before finally saying, "Well, usually people have to buy them from the Village, but I suppose just for you, I could make them myself. They're quite marvelous really, invented by the Yondaime Hokage himself!"

She'd lean forward in her chair, eyes practically sparking. 'Dad made them? Cool!' "You see, there's ten bars that wrap around your leg, each of them connected. Each of these bars is inscribed with seals, and each of these seals can be activated by pushing chakra into them. For beginners, each seal goes up to ten pounds and starts at one pound, so in total each leg when mastered would have to go up to 100 pounds and would start at one pound. After that of course there are higher grade weights, but at that point, the actual poundage is relatively irrelevant. But the most important thing is that they act as weights for your chakra as well when you're reinforcing your body, so even when you're training in the Shinobi Arts, they still work!"

This entire time Naruko was practically bouncing in her chair, before finally, she said, "That's perfect gramps! You're the best! The Yondaime Hokage sounds great too!" 

A smile would grace his lips as he said...


Hurriedly putting her clothes back on, she'd then grab the leg weights out of the box and put them on. 'Hey, aren't these what Rock Lee and Might Gai use? I suppose it makes sense, but I didn't know they were made by Dad!' Placing her hand against one of the ten bands on her right leg, she'd push some chakra in and - "Oh, that's definitely the 10 pounds, not one pound!" Slowly pushing less and less chakra to finagle with the 'settings' of that one band, she'd finally stop at 5 pounds. 'Well, five pounds on each leg to start with should be good enough.' Doing the same for the other leg she'd stand up and hop around for a little bit before, 'I'll probably be done with these pretty soon, but should be good enough until the break is over! How much was Rock Lee using? I think the nerds said something like 10,000 pounds for each leg... Albeit that was Reddit math from a 2000-something animation.'

Shrugging it off, because like Gramps said the numbers didn't actually matter, just that you were progressing! "Alright Clones, off you go!" With that said all four of her clones popped, and she rapidly blinked for a couple of seconds before the brief bit of pain went away. 'Now let's see...'

Pressing a foot against a tree she would slowly walk up it. 'It's a little more challenging, but not too bad. Huh, these things are pretty good! I guess every village has something similar, just not as easy to use?'

That was a question for another day, however. Getting off the tree she'd rub her hands together. "Alright, squad! It's Ramen time! Off we go."

Taking a few steps she'd pause. "One of you is gonna have to move me back to the village, y'know!"

An amused, yet still monotone voice said, "We were waiting to see when you'd realize it." With that said the Elephant-Mask ANBU appeared next to her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

A blur of motion later Naruko was in front of Ichiraku. "Teuchi-Ojisan, I need a double order STAT!"

Pushing the curtain and hopping onto one of the stools, a couple minutes later she was inhaling the food of the gods!

A few minutes after that she left two very horrified customers and a deadfaced Teuchi behind. 'Mhm... Back home we ago- oh!'

Barely stopping herself she managed to not stumble into what was a blank-faced Hinata Hyuuga, nor did she bump into her apparent bodyguard struggling under what looked like ten pounds of cinnamon rolls. "Sorry about that, wasn't looking, y'know!"

"Please watch where you're going in the future Uzumaki-san." The cold, formal, and monotone voice wasn't from the bodyguard, no - it was from Hinata Hyuga herself. 'Fuckkkkkkkk. I never saved her in this Universe. Plus, who knows how much worse her kidnapping was!' In response to Hinata's words, she would nod her head rapidly.

"Of course! Sorry about that, have a good day!" No, she wasn't fleeing from her alternative selves future wife. No, she wasn't thinking about the fact that it was possible that this Hinata would turn out like that Hinata, what are you talking about?!? 'Alright, well. I suppose I should have focused a bit more on my younger part's memories instead of my older parts...'

Walking on into her apartment and plopping down face-first into the bed, she would nearly masterfully ignore the ANBU now blatantly snooping around her apartment. 'Alright, let's see what else is different. Mhm... Shino isn't blatantly ignored for the gag. If Sakura and Ino did diet at this time, they aren't now. Mini-FTG otherwise known as Replacement jutsu isn't taught. Choji is a bit stronger than he should be when he's convinced to fight. Hinata is the highest-rated Kunoichi in the class. There are more students, teachers, and classes than 'yeah we only have 3 teams a year' would indicate. There are three semesters a year, each set of classes starting on a different semester. This makes Canon Naruto failing to graduate multiple times before makes more sense, he probably just tried to graduate early. Oh? Small Naruko seems to have forgotten this, but people are also taught around the country and then come to Konoha to become Ninjas. They don't learn just in Konoha, which makes sense. Konoha acts more as the home base for all Shinobi, which again - makes sense. Also, we were taught about how to promote to Chunin. Field Promotion, Formal Evaluation, or Chunin Exams.'

There was quite a bit of minor things different as well, but they didn't attract her attention that much. 'Could be just being in a proper Universe, could just be things not mentioned.' What was interesting is that titles like 'Shinobi of the Year' and 'Kunoichi of the Year' did in fact MEAN of the year, not just in that class. This would explain why Sasuke and Neji were looked so highly upon, they weren't just the best Shinobi out of twenty dumb kids. 'Seems like not every year has a Shinobi or Kunoichi of the Year. Interesting.' Going over it all in her head a few times, a small smile that turned gigantic appeared on her face.

'Life definitely won't be boring. But I wonder Golden Dude, what did you have planned for that little soul of yours I kicked?'

It was to these thoughts that she ever-so-slowly fell asleep.