We where just talkin, I promise!

With each step closer she got to the light, a vague pressure pushed down on her, increasing more and more. It wasn't chakra - no. It was something else. 'Is this remnants of his Killing Intent?' 

With each step, it felt like the air was getting thinner and thinner as the pressure mounted. Yet, she continued on, for where else would she go now that she was inside of the seal? Then, she stepped through the light.

What lay in front of Naruko was what she had expected. A titanic room, with the bottom having a layer of liquid. In front of her rested titanic bars with a singular paper seal over its lock and behind it pure shadows.

Sheer malice and hatred wafted off in bursts of Killing Intent from the gate, yet strangely enough, she wasn't affected. 'Just like how Naruto wasn't. Or how Naruto never seemed to react to Killing Intent really.' She stepped forward, a few steps away from the bars. Unafraid of the threat of being skewered.

BANG! Titanic claws slipped through the cage, yet stopped merely inches away from her. A mountainous formed appeared, lurking in the shadows. Eyeballs the size of buildings opened up in the darkness, slitted red pupils glowing ominously. As the titanic creature took a step forward it revealed itself. Brown fur rippled and swayed to an invisible wind. A muzzle that with one snap could eat a skyscraper, and teeth longer than a human body.

The Kyuubi - no the Yin Kyuubi stood in front of her. 'Aah, shit. Dad gave me hardmode, huh?' "Uzumaki!" The word spilled out of his titanic mouth, such that if she were in the real world her eardrums would have shattered.

Yet Naruko didn't move. "Kyu-chan. Lower your voice please, I know you have better manners than that." His teeth glinted as he leaned down to glare at her,

"Don't presume to know me Uzumaki." Her clothes ruffled as he spoke, yet she didn't blink. A large smile appeared on her face.

"But I do know you, Kura-chan. Don't you know me?" He reared back.

"How do you know my name Uzumaki?!" She took another step forward, so she was directly in front of the bars.

"Can't you sense it K-chan? Didn't you sense it with Hashirama? Come now, don't act dense! I know you can sense the darkness in people's hearts and their hatred. How else would I have no hatred for you y'know? No fear?" 'Here goes nothing.' She took another step forward, this time stepping into the seal. For a brief moment, she felt a surge of chakra. Not large, yet... It was the most horrifyingly sharp chakra she had ever felt. The Kyuubi's. Gramps. Kakashi. The Coyote ANBU. Even the Kyuubi's chakra was only a tiny bit more potent compared to that Chakra, even though it was so minuscule in size. 'Dad?' Yet that didn't deter her, as she fully stepped into the seal.

"My name is Naruko Uzumaki. I am the reincarnation of Asura Otsutsuki. It's nice to meet you once more, K-chan. I suppose you can call me 'sister' or 'Onee-sama' if you wish too."

The Kyuubi's muzzle pulled back into a snarl, his claws slowly, as if intending to slowly impale her. "You DARE!" She reached up a hand. Staring directly at him. She couldn't do this in the real world, not yet. But -

"Pillar of Heaven" Above her hand appeared a titanic translucent Rasengan, which held numerous other Rasengan that swirled and ground against each other. She stared into his eyes a smile still on her face. "I do not hate you. I may not be Ashura truly. I may not be HIS daughter truly. But we are one, you and I. If I die, you die. I have her chakra nestled inside of me, y'know! Is there a reason to fight between us Kurama?"

For a brief moment, the claw hesitated. Just for that very split second, she could see a flicker of indecision in his eyes, before...

The claw came down and eviscerated her body.

She woke up with a gasp, a gloved hand on her forehead, the ANBU's second hand wrapped around their first hand's wrist. She wearily blinked, only for shock, and then recognition struck her. Staring coldly into her eyes was that same Coyote-masked woman. "Are you back Uzumaki?" Her voice was cold, and harsh, unlike other times.

It took a moment for Naruko to respond but she finally said, "Yes. I'm back." The woman's hand pulled back, and for a brief moment, she saw that oh-so-famous Kanji seared into the woman's hand, before the ANBU-Standard glove self-repaired. 

"What happened Uzumaki?" She took a moment to lock that key information away - something the women definitely didn't expect her to understand considering no actual wood style was shown, and a few seconds later she responded.

"I focused my Mind's Eye of Kagura onto myself too much and found myself inside of the seal. Needless to say, the Kyuubi wasn't happy." She rolled her eyes. "The big dude thrashed about a bit before he roared loud enough that I managed to leave before he hurt my ear drums."

Was she blatantly lying to the ANBU? Yes. Did she give a fuck? No. Did she suspect the ANBU would know she was lying? Yes. Big woop, only the last part was a lie, and even that wasn't that big of a lie! He was quite loud, which was quite rude.

"I see." No, the Coyote-ANBU whose secrets were slowly unraveling for her clearly didn't see, or understand. "Very well then, I'll be reporting this to Hokage-Sama. Have a good night Uzumaki."

She flickered out of Naruko's room, the rest of the ANBU missing as well. In response, she rolled her eyes. 'What a bunch of babies. Wait till I wake up with my first period. THAT'S when you'll wanna be afraid. It's like they forgot I held the biggest-strongest-meanest and also fluffiest Fox on the planet.' Snorting she said out loud. "You do realize if he could actually escape staying outside of my room wouldn't save you?" She got no response. 'Ugh, what a bunch of babies. How disappointing. This was the boring squad too, they'll definitely never make it far in life.' She ignored the fact that ANBU was just about the highest position a person could ever ask for.

"Ugh, I suppose we'll go back to the old ways. If other ANBU squads keep acting like that though, I'll go back to playing hide and seek."

With that said she'd force herself off the ground and walk on over to the bed while grumbling, before slumping into it and falling to sleep.