Change, and Chakra Theory

Things were different now. Her clone that had been working on Water Style Jutsu was now working on Rasengan training. Naruko herself although she didn't add more time for her clone's training, did push herself to stay out later, practicing harder. She added more upper-body work exercises and had begun sparring against her clones. The adjustment was harsh but necessary.

After all, times had changed in just a short week since the 'incident', and what she had recognized as a possibility had turned into a reality. 'War is coming.' She didn't know why war was coming, or what caused the change. Was it Nagato? Was it Sasori being loyal? Was it the fact that Leaf had hidden weapons they didn't in Cannon? Was it just because she was a girl? Was it because the spies of other villages noticed her rapidly getting stronger?

She didn't know. Maybe it was all of them, maybe it was none of them. Maybe, war was just inevitable.

-Academy Clone-

"Now remember class, our schedule has changed and so has our syllabus. Sparring will be on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. The Chakra Control lesson you will be taught today will be mandatory homework that will be checked every week. Auxillary courses will be lessened to focus on Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, and Shurikenjutsu. The Ninjutsu course will be adjusted to teach more offensive and defensive Jutsu. Those who wish to keep their Auxillary Courses at the same level will have to submit to the Headmaster what pathway they think they should take as a Shinobi.

Anyone who wishes to drop the extra Ninjutsu for extra Taijutsu lessons must also do the same." Iruka-Sensei looked around his eyes serious. "Those who believe they are not fit to be frontline Ninja - Medical Lessons, Fuinjutsu Lessons, Cryptography, and Subterfuge as full-on classes have been added pending approval for each individual person. Early graduation is now allowed at the age of 10 pending approval of your Sensei, me, and the Head of the Genin Corps. Or special permission from Hokage-sama, Danzo-sama, or Shikaku-sama."

The class through the entire speech had been dead silent, even Kiba. Everyone knew something had been happening the last week, but most of them didn't know what. 'I bet Shikamaru and maybe Sakura had even noticed a shuffling of Shinobi, and how new faces never seen in Konoha have been coming in by the dozens, before leaving. The signs were there, but that was just the beginning stages... This is a full-on build-up to war.'

"I know this will be a change, for ALL of us, but remember, The Will of Fire burns strong in all of us, and we'll make it through stronger than ever."

The words 'war' had never left any of the Sensei's lips, but it was between the lines, and the vast majority of students, including her of course, understood what was really happening. 'What did Gramps notice that day? What caused his mind to change? What caused this mobilization?' They were once again, questions she couldn't answer. It seemed like that was the most common theme in her life, questions she couldn't answer. 'It's getting real annoying too!' 

As Iruka-sensei's lecture continued, outlining in detail all the different changes, a wry grin appeared on her face, 'Sorry Itachi, it seems like I super scammed you in that deal.' Oh well, that wasn't her fault. She gave Sasuke scrolls with incredibly detailed instructions on different training methods for both Tree-Walking and Water-Walking, alongside Ninjutsu. If anything, Itachi had won in that deal! 'Not really. But oh well.' 

As she listened to the changes, occasionally tuning out, inevitably her mind would turn back to the class. 'Sparring time! Most useful time of the Academy.' She pocketed the Leaf that had been in her hand and stood up. 'Time to beat people up again.' 

-Main Body POV- 

Walking through the streets, there were some noticeable differences. People where a bit more hurried, a bit more deliberate. Children weren't running through the main streets anymore, sticking more to the side streets and back alleys. The Konoha Police Force had a more prominent presence, and clan shinobi could be seen more often 'walking around'. 

Occasionally she could see people wearing Chunin and occasionally Jonin Flack Jackets that she didn't recognize, and she knew each day there would be new faces, only for them to leave and probably never be seen again.

'How many Genin and Chunin exist in Fire Country that aren't in Konoha? How many Jonin? I know that most Shinobi are Genin, and about 30% are Chunin. But what about Special Jonin? Is that rolled into the number of Jonin, or Chunin? Are the Genin who deny promotions counted as Chunin? What about the Chunin who deny promotions? Are ANBU and ROOT counted in our Shinobi Numbers? How much of our Medical Shinobi are in our Shinobi numbers? Cryptologists? Shinobi we have out-of-country implanted as spies? What about the Sealing and Sensing Corps? Are they within our numbers? After all, most auxiliary corps members are generally Chunin. If they all are, then wouldn't the number of battle-ready Chunin drop to say, 10%?' 

Naruko knew these weren't things she had to ponder on, after all these were all known quantities to Gramps and the rest of his 'Council', Clan Heads, etc. but it was still important information. Why?

Because she was one of nine people who could theoretically abuse a certain technique - Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu. Of those Nine, an even smaller number could actually do it. 'Multi-Shadow Clone is a Forbidden Jutsu, because it doesn't matter how much Chakra you have, it's just... not able to be used.' Except if you were her. Except if you were Killer Bee. Except if you were Yagura, and maybe Yugito Nii, Han, and Roshi. That was six out of the nine that could maybe use the Jutsu. 'Because it doesn't matter how much Chakra you have... The more clones you make, the weaker they're supposed to be. The lower your chakra reserves. Theoretically, no one should be able to make more than 25 Shadow Clones. People aren't meant to live off lower than 4% of their Normal Chakra Reserves.' Then why could she theoretically use it?

K-chan. 'More specifically, how the seal works. When I run low on Chakra, or a Jutsu would take me low on chakra, it gives me more Kyuubi Chakra filtered to be regular Chakra. Killer Bee and Yagura could of course just manually replace it. Thus, comes the conundrum. You're splitting a human-sized amount of Chakra, yet you actually have a tailed beast's chakra reserves, thus creating hundreds or even thousands of Shadow Clones, yet they aren't drastically weakening. Truly... Turning a forbidden Jutsu into a weapon of war.'

Of course that wasn't an exact explanation, she knew FAR too little about Fuinjutsu, or even the exact way how Bijuu's even exist. But, it was close enough. It also wasn't accounting for the fact that if she took too much, the seal would in fact give her pure Kyuubi chakra in a 'tail-less' amount, or that she herself could drag out even more if she tried too.

'Close enough to realize why no one ever abused it besides Naruto however.' Shaking her head, as that was WAY too much Chakra Theory for an academy student to be spitballing inside of her head, she'd push her way into Ichiraku Ramen. "Teuchi-ojisan!"

-That Night-

"Oiiii K-chan! I'm backkkkkkkkk." She appeared in front of the titanic gate with a big grin on her face. The Gigantic fox was resting his head on his palms glaring at her.

"What do you want, Uzumaki?" His voice once more caused her clothes to flutter.

"K-chan! Call me big sister! C'mon, you know you want to call me it, y'know!" A growl that rattled the bars escaped from his titanic maw.

"Your voice and inane prattling annoys me Uzumaki, leave." The big grain on her face remained even through the insult. She rolled from the balls of her feet to the tips of her toes, and back to the balls of her feet again.

"Nah, I don't think so! Ya see, I got some news! War is gonna happen soon, ya know what that means? I'll probably be placed in a barrier, and so... We're gonna have so much time to talk to one another! Isn't that great, K-chan?" In response a titanic paw slammed into the gate, his claws peaking out through the gaps in the bars.

"D'aww, I understand! You're a bit embarrassed that you want to talk to your Big Sister. But that's okay K-chan! I'll keep coming to talk to you, y'know!" Another growl escaped from his maw.

"Enough of these foolish games. I know you're just acting like this to get my Chakra!" Naruko rapidly shook her head.

"Nu-uh! Cause the Seal will just give me your Chakra, or you'll shove some in when the time is right, cause we both know you really don't want me to die with this seal still on us! No, I'm doing it cause we're family! We're one you and I, sealed together until the day one of us meets our end! Don't ya know, I'm one of the last Uzumaki living, so that means every future Transmigration of myself... Will also be your Jinchuriki." It was a somber thought her death, but her words were also the truth. Only a Uzumaki or certain Senju could hold Kurama. Which also meant more than likely... Every single future Jinchuriki of Kurama would be in fact Ashura's transmigration.

She could see his pupils dilate slightly at the knowledge. "So, how about we make a deal? I promise in this life and the next - that I won't ever treat you like my mom and Mito did. No more spikes. No more chains. No more torture. In exchange, you don't mess with my Chakra Control anymore. Deal?" She could see the indecision in his eyes, the thoughts, the plans. No matter what anyone could say about Kurama. Full of hatred, wrath, and sadness. Evil Incarnate, anything like that. Kurama was not stupid he was far and away one of the most intelligent beings anyone could ever meet. 'Baryon mode alone...' So, when finally after a few moments he snorted and closed his eyes, she knew his decision.

"Alrighty K-chan! Hey, next time I come I'll probably be in that dumb Fuinjutsu Barrier. So I'll be really bored, how about YOU prepare some talking points next time little brother, y'know?!?"

She disappeared from the seal having said that, a huge smile on her face. 'What a nice little brother! K-chan is such a cutie him and his Tsundere ways!'