The Training Chapter Part 1 - Others

-Suna Rasa-

"Faster." His gold dust continued to pressure his daughter through each swing, getting closer and closer. Each time after his Temari beat back the dust, he came in just ever-so-slightly faster. Ever pushing, every prodding.

Five minutes later he had her captured in his sand, and he'd squeeze slightly to indicate her loss, before letting her go. Walking over Rasa would allow a slight smile on his face. "You did better this time. Tomorrow we'll work on power instead of speed. I want you running sprints tonight, alright?"

Temari panted for a few seconds before slowly nodding. "Alright father. Thank you for taking time out of your day." 

Rasa would shake his head. "It's no problem, it's just some chakra." 'It truly is a pitiful amount. The one thing that I lack is Chakra.' Sighing, he'd stop focusing on maintaining this construct and it would dissolve into speckles of gold.

Opening his one closed eye he continued to work on his paperwork he never stopped, even when training his daughter. "When is my scheduled training with Gaara?"

"Two hours Kazekage-sama." 

"I see. Inform Sasori he will need to read over all of these border reports to see if he comes to the same solution I have." With that said Rasa would continue on.

-Kumo Samui-

With one hand in a sling, the other would hold a sword that would lazily block blows. Samui would slowly beat back her student. "You need to be faster and sharper Omoi. Your blows need to have no hesitation."

"Aah man! But if I did that what if I hurt you sensei! Then the Raikage could like, kill me! Or start a war!"

"Do what I say Omoi, or you'll be banned from Anmitsu."

"Yes, Sensei!" 

-Killer Bee- 

"Faster kitty! Or else I'll grab your claws, WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" A tentacle reached out doing exactly that, grabbing Yugito by her hands and flipping her around like a ragdoll.

"You gotta be chill! Like a cat! Then ya gotta strike and hiss! Fool, ya fool! You first have to be like Miss Two, then ya gotta become sistahs! Fool!" With that, he'd fling her off into the distance.

"That makes no seeeeeeeeenseeeeeeeee!" The yell of Yugito gradually got farther away.

"Bee, you threw her off the Mountain." 'So? Either she makes friends, or she goes splat! Ya know?' A moment later a titanic roar could be heard.

"Good! Now let's brawl Miss Two!" He lunged forward, still not entering a cloaked state as he leaped off the mountain drawing his swords towards the currently forming Nibi. 'You and Yagura truly make those of us without a partner look... weak.' 'Duh, bro! Teamwork makes the Dreamwork! We be playing 20x20, while Miss Two be working on just a twenty-plus twenty. Well. Twenty plus five? Two? Little miss Yugito ain't that strong yet!'

-Iwa Roshi- 

He stood still so as too not aggravate his wounds while watching the field. "Your hand seals aren't crisp enough. You don't mold enough fire chakra within your Lave Release." He watched the Tsuchikage's granddaughter spew out a Lava Style jutsu, and couldn't help but feel slightly impressed. The girl was only 12 but was well on her way to being a Jonin, even with the fact that she had to master multiple additional skills compared to others.

"Good now try with more Earth. Lava Style is not about being set or singular, it is ever-changing. The ratio changes. Not just Fire and Earth, but also the amount of Spiritual and Physical Energies making up your chakra can also change once you reach a high enough level. Every single thing changes about it for every single jutsu - no for every single usage. Now try again."

"Yes Roshi-sensei."

'She'll make a good Tsuchikage. Han said her Taijutsu is becoming more and more impressive as well. It's a shame we can't use Particle Style, or else we might finally be able to truly fight Konoha.' Grimacing at that thought he'd rub his chest. 'What an impressive monster that Blue Beast is. Next time I'll have to fight him with someone else. Or finally make friends with that damn shitflinger.'  

-Kiri Yagura- 

"The two of you are the hope of the next generation of Kiri. Haku, you more than Chojuro." His voice was soft, slow, yet deliberate like always. "Haku, Zabuza has led you astray, in order to truly master Ice Style and reach its true powers like the Third Mizukage, you will need to first master the 2nd steps of Water and Wind, and start on the third step. For obvious reasons, we will begin with Water. Chojuro, you need to work on your Water Style as well. Water is not just about area attacks. Water can be the sharpest blade in the world. Watch."

He flipped through a single handseal and drew on none of Isobu's chakra. He did not inhale but simply spat out a singular water senbon. As if Kami had declared it, the ocean itself parted five hundred feet around the needle from the sheer pressure it moved at, before landing on an uninhabited island and causing a massive explosion, before the needle continued on after tunneling through it.

"Water style is versatile. It is vast. It is soft. It is hard. It is weak. It is powerful. To truly begin on the first step of water style we must..."

-Amegakure Nagato Rain Clone #57- 

"Hello, class!" With a peaceful smile on his face, he'd walk into the class.

"Nagato-sama! You're teaching today?!?!?" The general reaction was glee as he strolled on in from the class of 8.

"Of course! Neither Yahiko nor Konan need me today for anything special. Now we've talked bout Fire Release, Water Release, Wind Release, Lightning Release, and Earth Release in the past five classes. So how about we talk about Yin Release today? Next time we can talk about Yang, then Yin-Yang! Who knows what you'll all need to learn, or will face in your lives. So - the first thing to know about Yin is...."

His Rinnegan subtly pulsed, imprinting each of his words into their very souls, so that even if they didn't understand his words today, tomorrow, in a year, or even a decade - they could always reflect on it.

-Konohagakure Danzo- 

His cane knocked on the cold floor as he stared at the children on the ground panting. "Neji. Your strikes are not swift enough. Up your armbands. Hinata, you are far too aggressive. It seems you still aren't willing to listen to what Naruko attempts to teach you in Taijutsu Lessons. Sasuke, good job. Tighten up your footwork, however." With that said he'd lean on his cane. "You have five minutes to gather yourself before we work on Elemental Chakra. I don't care what your affinities are. Hinata you will be working on water. Neji you will be working on Wind. Sasuke you will be working on Lightning and Fire." That said he'd close his eyes.

'Maybe we'll finally get some useful Hyuga. The pressure Naruko's existence has brought onto most of the Major Clans has been very... useful. Her flagrant dislike of their very existence being privileged and above Ordinary Shinobi clans, and blatant public disregard of all of their Hiden is quite amusing. I particularly enjoyed her using the Akimichi's own jutsu against the young clan heir.' Letting out an ominous chuckle he'd open his eyes. "Time's up. Now, we will start with the instruction of Water..."