Eh? Why wouldn't I?

Splayed out on her couch Naruko would stare at the tiny little TV that showed the most boring things possible. 'Why did Sasuke ever get one in canon? These things are boring! Kami please, give me something to d-' 

"The Nibi is on the move." 

As the bodiless voice echoed in her apartment, she instantly shot up. "THANK YOU KAMI!" Fist pumping the sky she'd look around. "Alright, where's those three to teleport me?"

There was silence for a moment before the ANBU asked, "You wish to fight the Nibi in... that?"

Naruko looked down at the cute monkey onesie she had on before blinking. "Why not?" She could feel multiple stares of silent judgment. 

"Fineeeee gimme a moment. I think it's cute and super professional, personally." 

A moment turned into twenty minutes before she stepped out of the bathroom. "There you happy? For the first time I'm fighting another Jinchuriki I'll wear 'proper' attire." 

"I'm sure Hokage-sama will be pleased. Your squad is waiting for you on the ground floor of the building." 

Nodding her head Naruko would open up her window, hop out of it, close it, and then jump down to the street. 'Heh, easy way to the ground floor.' Opening up the front door of the apartment building she'd note it was empty except for 3 figures - Genma and Co.

"Alright, squad! Teleport me to that hot pus-"

A fist slammed into her head as Captain Bird materialized behind her. "Lady Uzumaki, you are far too young for such crass phrasing." He then disappeared back into the shadows.

"Meanie..." Ignoring the laughter she'd walk on over.

"Alright, do the WHOOSH!" 

As they formed a triangle around her, Naruko would lock eyes with the hidden Captain Bird. "Three men and a blonde? Aren't I specia-" She disappeared as the three-man Hirashin activated

"... Brat. Still say she's too young."

-Land of Hot Water- 

Ignoring the weird looks from the trio she'd let out a sigh. "Aah! Do you smell the air? Perfect for hot springs."

"Do you think we should mention to Hokage-sama that she wasn't even affected by the Hirashin's teleportation?"

"Of course not, clearly Naruko hasn't been trying to learn it in secret."

What a good squad her father chose! Genma taught his subordinates exactly as she did! By lying to them with a blank face and expecting them to understand!

Hopping in place a voice would ask behind her, "Are you... wearing toad pyjamas below your battle outfit?"

She'd look over to Raido who had a slightly flabbergasted look on his face. "Well, the ANBU didn't want me to wear my monkey onesie, but they never said I couldn't have an undershirt and underpants on."

Genma would start to stroll on ahead. "Of course not. Captain Bird can't expect you to go into battle with no protection, can he?"

Naruko nodded as she caught up with him. "Exactly. But one correction, this isn't a battle - this is me playing with a little kitty before we relax for an all-expenses paid one-day vacation."

Genma raised an eyebrow, "You're that confident?" Naruko waved a hand at herself with a bright smile.

"Of course I am! Look at me, perfection incarnation!" Giggling slightly, she'd continue on in a slightly more serious manner. "Yugito Nii can only make deals to go 'Bijuu Mode' i.e using the Nibi's true form. But this isn't Nibi's true power, if she's lucky she'll be able to call out 20% of that true power. Let alone actually being able to merge with it like a perfect Jinchuriki, allowing the Nibi's power to merge with her own and even multiply to a certain extent." 

Naruko clicked her tongue. "Truly, the kitty I'm about to beat up will only at most require me to use 4-tails. While certainly impressive, I'm only gonna be required to use 4-tails because there's just a gigantic leap in strength between my 3-tails and 4-tails mode. If I had a weaker variant I would. She's truly not impressive yet - if this was Han or Roshi I'd have to push myself and use 5-tails. If it was Yagura or Killer Bee, I'd have to actually make a deal with K-chan. Even six-tails wouldn't be enough." 

'Killer Bee was a monster that could keep up with War-Arc Naruto at least for a while. I'd likely need 7, or even 8-tails to tie with him. That's IF there's been no changes to him. Considering Yagura can keep up and even beat him, either Killer Bee is weaker... Or my theory about Jinchuriki is true, at least here, if not in the other Universe.' Genma, Raido, and Iwashi nodded along before Iwashi asked, "So from what it seems like the Kyuubi is just that much stronger?"

Naruko snorted. "That much stronger? You haven't even begun to fathom it. The full might of the Kyuubi would let him fight all other tailed-beasts at once, and more than likely win. K-chan is a fucking monster." 'In the War Arc Kura-chan himself had said that if he was whole.... He would have been willing to try to tussle with the Jyuubi itself. Of course, this wasn't a full Jyuubi, but still. The difference between the nine is obscene.' 

Stretching slightly as they walked Naruko would ask, "So do you think she'll want to go to the hotsprings with us?"

"Unlikely, but who knows? Yondaime-sama and Killer Bee in the middle of battle once stopped to eat. I still remember hearing the screams of Ay when he showed up." She grinned at that.

"Well, I'll ask 'cause she's coming right towards us with a squad y'know. Looks like you boys get to stretch your legs as well."

"Hai. We'll deal with the attachments, good luck Naruko." She nodded, and a moment later they leaped away splitting off from her.

'Wonder if they serve Ramen in the hot springs?' Continuing on as if she was on a leisurely stroll she casually leaned over to inspect a fallen leaf, right as a flaming blue mouse-like construct flew right over her head. "Eh?" Looking around confused she'd take a step forward as sharpened nails struck the air where she was previously standing. Blinking Naruko jumped backward as another swipe came toward her. "Oh! Hello there! Sorry, you must have gotten angry I didn't notice you."

Grinning slightly Naruko would tilt her head slightly as she stared at the blonde woman in her early-mid twenties. "I'm sorry about that! I was just heading to the hot springs and must have gotten in your way. I'm Naruko Uzumaki, would you like too go with me?"

The woman's eyes narrowed. "The Raikage told me about you. He said you would try something like this, just like the Yellow Flash. No Uzumaki, I'm here to battle!"

Naruko slumped. "Aww, but I was hoping we could just relax." A gleam appeared in her eyes, "But I suppose teaching you and Ay a lesson would be good as well." She slipped a Kunai into her hand.

"Lesson one Yugito Nii - I'm fucking 'Her', trying to battle me is stupid." She lunged forward with a grin.

"Lesson two - don't use your nails in combat, they take way too long to make look perfect." With that said just as Yugito used her nails to counter Naruko's kunai, they were sliced through. The Kunai stopped directly in front of her throat blocked by a flaming blue tail.

With a wink, Naruko would leap back. "Lesson three - I'm better than you, so always be a form above me. Now we can actually start this battle little cat." With a feral snarl, Yugito lunged forward. 'Fair. If someone cut off my nails I'd be pretty pissed too. Her fault though.' 

Ducking around the bubbling red chakra claw and the flaming blue tail, Naruko reached forward a Rasengan forming in her hand.

"Rasengan." It was a statement of fact, a declaration. The rapidly rotating gyrating blue sphere of death slammed into Yugito's stomach, grinding away at her skin and organs. A moment later Yugito went flying backwards blood flowing everywhere. "Lesson four - if you don't have complete control or a true bond, Version 1 of a cloak isn't super useful if you aren't the Kyuubi Jinchuriki. Especially when your opponent is me."

Leaning against a train hacking out blood, Yugito would grimace. "I... see." Coughing a bit more, dark red bubbling chakra began to coat her entire form, making it so that Yugito as a person wasn't visible, and it was just a dark-red chakra monstrosity with two blue flaming tails behind it.

"Your regeneration and durability are truly impressive, but I suppose that's the same for all Nine of us." With that said 3-Bubbling Red Chakra tails began to form around Naruko as her teeth grew, claws formed on her hands, and red chakra coated her form. "Now let us begin stage two, a brutal brawl." Naruko flicked the Kunai she had been using into a nearby tree, before launching forward.

Her clawed fist slammed into a tail. A bubbling red tail slammed into a firey blue one. With a grin, her two extra tails would slam forward intending to skewer Yugito, only for her hands to catch them. "Haha! Truly you have a bit of strength in this form." Still able to talk unlike Yugito, she'd grin, "But what about MY extra hand?"

Another Rasengan would quickly form, and she would slam it down - but at the last moment, Yugito opened up her mouth. "ROAAAAAAAAR!" A roar that spewed fire echoed around the area, singeing Naruko as she was rocketed backward by the explosion of the soundwaves and flames.

"Ooh! That was cool. Let's see what else you can do." Flipping through hand seals she'd deeply inhale, "Wind Style: Air Bullets!" Air bullet after air bullet flew out, and in response, Yugito opened up her mouth and, "Are those blue hairballs?" Each blue flaming hairball collided into an air bullet, before being empowered by the wind and came flying back towards Naruko. "Well then."

Flipping through twelve more hand styles as she jumped back, when she landed on the ground she'd slap her hands on it. "Water Style: Water Dragon Bullet!" With no water nearby she pumped a quite obscene amount of chakra into the technique, causing a gigantic water dragon to appear, that quickly swept away the empowered blue flames before lunging towards Yugito.

With a growl, she opened up her jaw once more, but this time red and blue particles began to appear around her mouth before a tiny biju bomb appeared and slammed into the water dragon.

BOOM! An explosion occurred causing smoke to fill the area. "That feels like overkill. It was just a waterdragon..." 

Chuckling slightly, she patted herself off only for a blonde brow to rise. "That's a big freaking cat." As the smoke cleared, she found herself standing in front of a titanic two-tailed Nibi. 'That's nowhere near Matatabi's true size. I was right, she can't call on much more than 30% of Matatabi's true power, let alone merge with her.' 

A strange grin spread across Narukos face. "Well in that case..." The chakra covering her slowly got darker and darker as a fourth dark red tail began to form, and her other tails began to convert to a deep dark red. Her skin began to seemingly peel off as Naruko began to enter her Four-Tails Version 2 state. 'But let's make this more fun, heh!' As her emotions swelled, the feeling of hatred and rage filled her mind, instead of pushing it aside, she allowed it to fuel her as she flipped through well-known handseals.

"Henge: KYUUBI!" A humongous poof of smoke appeared before a titanic nine-tailed golden-furred Kyuubi appeared. 'Let's let people think I have the Yang Half.' With a roar, it rose to its full height far eclipsing the comparatively tiny Nibi. 

She lunged forward, and the ensuing brawl was brutal, as what appeared to be the Kyuubi thrashed, ripped into, and bit the Nibi in a battle that was nowhere near close. After merely a minute and a half, a titanic golden tail lunged forward, grabbed the Nibi, and threw her into the air.

The Kyuubi's head would turn upwards, open wide, and with a sickening crunch would bite onto the mid-section of the Nibi before shaking its head rapidly. 'You... feeling okay buddy? I sense a lot of pent-up aggression.' "ROAAAAAAAAAAAR!" 'Alright. What's some abuse between family anyways?'

After some time and a lot more brutalization, the Nibi faded away leaving a beaten, battered, and broken Yugito Nii. A second later the Kyuubi faded as well, leaving a red-skinned Naruko who was rapidly healing. Sitting down on the ground next to Yugito with a relaxed and content sigh she'd say, "Hey, that was pretty fun. We should do this again soon."

The only response she got was a groan of pain and suffering. "Oh. Right. Pretty sure I accidentally crushed your vocal chords. Don't worry, those will heal soon with all of Mata-chan's chakra inside of you!" Naruko patted the poor broken woman on the head before standing up. "Alright, I'm gonna go meet up with my team to go to the hot springs. I sense that yours is coming on over." Stopping mid-movement she'd look back.

"Lesson Five. Each Bijuu is a sentient being with a full range of emotions. They've lived for over a thousand years, are the direct creations, and thus children of the Sage of Six Paths. They have names. They have feelings. They've had lives. They are now imprisoned for no reason other than human greed - bar Shukaku the crazed idiot. If the next time you don't even know the Nibis name, I will kill you and permanently take her away from Kumo."

Turning back around she'd start to walk away, a hand raising in the air to wave. "See you next time Yugito Nii. Little sister."