Preparing for the mission.

-3 Weeks Later-

"When are we taking another C-Rank Mission?" Hearing the question from Sasuke as she arrived at the training grounds Naruko hummed slightly, before looking around. Sakura seemed, hesitant - yet ready. As for Sai, he was neutral and uncaring as usual.

Thinking for a moment, Naruko would let out a sigh before nodding her head. "Alright, we can take one." 'I was hoping not to take one for a while to be honest. If I see the Wave Mission I'll feel like I have to take it. Any other Genin Squad would probably get destroyed - but why would Zabuza be in the Land of Waves, unless...' Splitting off a Shadow Clone, she'd speak aloud again, "Alright we'll do some warm-up stretches and then decide what to do after hearing back from my clone. Everyone keep it pretty light today, just in case y'know!"

-Naruko Clone- 

"Yo! Chunin-san, what C-Ranks do we have available for my squad?"

"Jonin Uzumaki with Squad 7, right?" Nodding her head in response, the Chunin would begin to peruse through scrolls before coming back with a list of possible missions.

"Your team is cleared for the following: another bandit destruction, we have a merchant needing escorting to the Capital, a bridge builder needing protection until his bridge is complete, and a village facing a 'boar crisis'."

Not reacting at all Naruko would simply say, "Sounds good! We'll take the bridge builder, would be good for my team to learn some patience."

Nodding along the Chunin would have an understanding look before smiling slightly. "Well, I'm sure a couple of weeks of watching a man build a bridge will certainly help them in that." Chuckling slightly, which Naruko went along with, a few seconds later the Chunin continued. "The bridge builder will meet you at the East Gate tomorrow morning, around 8 AM. Be warned, he's a bit of a drunk apparently."

Snorting slightly Naruko would say back, "Don't worry about that! If anything that'll make it even better for my team. Have a good day now Chunin-san!"

"You too Uzumaki-san!" Leaving the C-Rank mission room Naruko's eyes would furrow. 'Fuck. It was there. But this mission shouldn't even be C-Rank. The Land of Waves should be designated B-Rank minimum considering the fact that we're at war with Kiri. I'll have to tell Gramps about this, but either way, it more than likely has to be our team to take the mission. Sasuke with a 3-Tomoe Sharingan is just around equal to a fresh Jonin. Sai is nearing the same, and Sakura although I have my complaints could be a Chunin as well once her leadership improves.' 

Grimacing slightly, she'd flicker out of the Academy and head on over to the Hokage Tower. 'Have to tell Gramps, and then tell the team.' 

-Main Naruko-

"Alright team, do we want the good news, or the bad news first?"



"Good Sensei."

Nodding along, and cracking a smile at Sakura being the only one to say bad, Naruko would say, "Well, good it is. The good thing is we got our mission, and it's not bandit extermination! Tomorrow at 8 AM we meet at the eastern gate to protect a bridge builder from wave back to his home, where we will then protect him as he builds a bridge." Sai immediately narrowed his eyes at the information, whereas Sakura and Sasuke didn't quite get it. 'Which is why he's closest to being a Jonin.' "The bad part is that the Land of Waves shouldn't have any C-Ranks as it's one of the border areas between Kiri and that too one surrounded by water. As such, this should actually be a B-Rank mission. But someone decided it was a C-Rank. As such, even though it's C-Rank you'll be packing for expecting Ninja Combat."

Sasuke nodded along with a small grin, content. Sai was furiously thinking, whereas Sakura like usual was the concerned one. "Sensei, shouldn't a different team be taking this mission then?"

Naruko would nod, then shake her head. "Usually you'd be right, but there's a few things to keep in mind Sakura. First off - this is wartime, so the number of teams we have available for missions like this is quite small. The second thing is - we have to look at what our team actually is. Discounting myself, we have Sai - who any day now could earn a Special Jonin ranking. We have Sasuke, who albeit ranked a Genin is a solid chunin even without the Sharingan. Finally Sakura - although I go hard on you, you are far better than a Genin is expected to be, especially a fresh one. Even among Chunin squads, again discounting myself, you wouldn't be a weak squad." 

Sakura flushed at the praise, whereas Sasuke smirked with a hint of heat on his cheeks as well. Sai simply nodded.

"Now, I'm going to be giving you all a set of storage scrolls. You're to fill them with as much non-perishable food as you can, although no more than a month's worth. Water, clothes, bandages, weaponry, lighters, medicine, and the rest of the usual kit. As well as that, make sure you remember that the Land of Waves is wet and foggy. So your clothes will be damp a lot of the time. Sakura if I see you flush while looking at Sasuke I'll leave you tied up on a logpost for a few hours."

Sakura slowly looked down while Sasuke subtly shifted away, his face blank. Pulling out a bunch of scrolls Naruko would begin to give them out. "Now, what I want you all to do is go home, pack, and come back here in three hours. I'll individually go over your stuff." Clapping her hands, Naruko would make a shooing motion before popping herself out of existence.

-Naruko, Main Body- 

'This would've been a small problem, but luckily I was given permission to use my main body this time. Especially if I'm right - then my team will have to retreat while I take on hundreds of Kiri Shinobi.' Continuing to pack up the various garments, food, bandages, etc that were required Naruko would shake her head while grabbing something else. 'More than likely time to teach an embarrassing lesson to Sakura! Poor girl probably won't remember that on mission it's possible to become chakra exhausted and not be able to use that Jutsu. Or just be stuck in a situation where using Chakra could kill you.'  Giggling slightly at the idea of Sakura's mortified face Naruko finished packing up.

'Alright. I've got a couple of hours... time to get some Ramen!'