Teams Perspective


Rushing forward after his targets were given, his Sharingan flared to light, 3 black tomoe seemingly sucking in the light as he dashed forward, hand signs being flown through. "Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu!" 

Exhaling midleap, a titanic fireball lanced through his lips and towards the people he had jumped above, the Fireball impacting the trees.


Landing on another tree, Sasuke's hand slipped to his holster where he drew a Kunai, his eyes tracking movement. With a few deft twitches of his arm, he deflected the bundle of Shuriken thrown at him, before leaping downwards. His Kunai flashed through the air and slammed into the shoulder of a still off-balanced Chunin. 'Gotcha.'

With a heave and using the leverage that the Kunai granted him, he lifted up the man and shoved him towards the oncoming Water Jutsu, the wave of water slammed directly into the man's back, and a sickening crack was heard.

With another movement, his foot came up and directly into the stomach of the Kiri chunin, the two opposing forces onto his body causing the man to make horrifying noises. The water Jutsu ended, and the man slumped down onto the ground. 'One down.' 

Once more leaping into the trees, Sasuke began to look around, 'now where are... Got you!' Lunging forward, his Kunai would clash with a sword, as the slightly panicked look of another Kiri Chunin entered his view. 'Have to hurry up before the Ninjutsu user finds us.' With that thought his foot surged forward stepping into the man's guard, his second hand coming up to his kunai's pommel to apply more pressure against the sword. With a grunt of exertion, Sasuke pivoted on his foot into the man's guard, ducking low and dropping his Kunai at the same time. 

The sword flew over his head, and as it did so, Sasuke took the moment of surprise and in that same pivoting motion slammed directly into the man's stomach.


Spittle left the Chunin's lips as Sasuke slammed him onto the ground. The Sword the Kiri nin was using sank into the ground. Instantly Sasuke reigned down fists onto the man who had been briefly stunned as the air was forcibly expelled from his back meeting the forest floor.

'Now!' Exactly as Sasuke predicted, the man got himself under control, finally reacting and beginning to while on his back do his best to block the blows, yet - the Kiri Shinobi did not have a Sharingan or any other Dojutsu. He didn't realize the subtle movements of Sasuke's feet, nor the fact he was slowly being scooted closer and closer to the downed sword.

In a perfect moment- Sasuke faked a blow, only for his intention to truly be to grab the man's hands. "Hu-"

Sasuke heaved, and a sickening slurch could be heard as the Sword that was stuck into the ground sliced the man directly in half vertically. Sasuke's stomach roiled, but he ignored it, instantly getting back into a standing position.

A water Jutsu slammed into his back and he went flying, slamming into a tree. "Gra!" Forcing himself back up, with weary eyes Sasuke's Sharingan began to look around. 'Where are you?' A few seconds passed, with Sasuke slowly getting his breath and pain back under control, when he spotted it - movement, a kunai coming directly towards his skull. 'Gotcha!' 

He lunged forward ducking under the Kunai, his back and ribs twinging as he did so.


As the orders were given, with one hand he would grab his sheathed Tanto, and the other would pull out a scroll. Much like his previous fight against Kiri Nini, he would flick the scroll into the air, and the tip of his tanto would glow slightly with a blue light. The tanto met the scroll in mid-air, and the scroll unfurled facing the Kiri Nin.

A horde of ink beasts lept out of the scroll, and began to race forward!


"Water Style:"

"Water Style:"

As two water-style Jutsu began to be used, the third and final Chunin rushed forward sword in hand out of the forest. With one hand Sai began to go through seals before water-coated said hand, and he proceeded to swipe the hand across his blade. 'Water Style: Blade Coating' Still charging forward himself, Sai met the man with a sword, his own now water-coated Tanto clashing against the larger blade.

But in this case, reach and weight didn't matter. The Tanto cut through the Kiri ninja's sword like butter, before expertly slicing through his stomach, gutting him like a fish.

At the same time, his beasts had finally reached their targets. Crushing through the water Jutsu, completely and utterly ignoring it as the water-style chakra imbued into them overpowered the Kiri Ninjas jutsu. 'This was.... easy. Their teamwork is poor. They were unready even though we made ourselves obvious, and the intentions were clear. Naruko-sama wanted this to be training, this was just a slaughter.' 

A sickening crunch was heard as an ink lion latched onto its target.

-Kiri Ninja- 

Unlike her teammates who quickly disappeared from view, the pink-haired girl didn't rush off, but instead calmly walked towards him and Aida her hands going through handseals. 'What Ninjutsu is that?' Not recognizing it, he'd nod towards Aida, then towards the girl, before beginning to go through his own hand seals. 

Getting the message, Aida leaped from her perch on a branch and began to stalk forward. A weak ball of fire escaped from the girl's lips, and a chuckle escaped his own. "Water Style: Water Wave Jutsu!" A stream of water that turned into a decent-sized wave rushed down, countering and destroying the Fire Jutsu with only a small his of steam, before slamming into the girl.

As she cried out in pain Aida rode through the waves before with one smooth mo-


Tears rolled down her eyes, and her hands shook as the Kunai directly cut off the heads of both of the Genjutsu'd Kiri Ninja. 'If I was stronger. If I was better at Genjutsu. If I had more Chakra, I could have just knocked them out...' 

Her stomach roiled as two heads with a disgusting PLOP landed on the ground.

-Naruko Clone-

Humming with her face perfectly blank she'd slowly nod. "Alright Fuinjutsu clones, drop the barriers."

"Yeah, yeah. We got it."

Three clones at the same exact time slammed their hands on the ground, and from them Fuinjutsu script crawled off their hands onto the ground, before with a flash of light three invisible barriers that had separated her team came crumbling down. "Wooh! Now two of you go help out Sasuke and Sakura, the other one dispel."

"Tch, telling me what to do. Who made you the boss you bitc-"


"Well, I guess we don't need you to dispel now, ne?"

The two clones of a clone lept away from the clone devil, and in response, Naruko Clone Prime chuckled. "Yeah, that's right. I'm the boss!"

"Huh? I thought that was me, y'know?" 'Oh fuc-' 

She disappeared in a poof of smoke.