
As the rapidly spiraling sphere of death approached Kakazu's chest, there was simply no time for him to react. His body moved, trying to get out of the way - but it was meaningless to dodge a Hirashin sneak attack. It was what made it so dangerous, how do you dodge an instantaneous attack?

You don't. "TOBI SAVE KAKUZU JUTSU!" Hundreds - no thousands of vines came out of the ground forming a wall just mere millimeters from Kakuzu, and the Rasengan slammed into them, grinding away, shredding, and destroying the wall in less than half a second.

It was enough for Kakuzu to manage to jump away. 'Fuck. He's in a wood-style body. Damn Orochimaru!' With gritted teeth, she shifted herself so that she could face both of them. "Kakuzuuu! Are you okay? Tobi was so worried!" The buffoon made exaggerated motions, waving his arms around.

With a grunt towards Tobi, Kakuzu glared at Naruko. "You almost lost me a heart!" 'It would have done more than that.' 

Ignoring that slight stinging in her hand from the subtle wind chakra she had placed into the Rasengan, she would start to flip through handseals. "Tobi, water!"

"On it Kakuzuu!" Tobi and Kakuzu began flipping through hand seals as well, and all three Jutsu came out at the same time.

"Wind Style: Vacum Great Sphere!" A titanic sphere of wind the size of trees escaped from Narukos lips, and at the same time a bolt of lightning, and a torrent of water shot from Kakuzu and Tobi's mouths, before merging into one Jutsu and colliding with her own. An explosion rocked the area, before the combination Jutsu quickly overpowered her own - but by the time it reached where Naruko had been, she was completely gone.

Kakuzu's eyes shifted around, and at the same time, Tobi said, "We did it! Tobi and Kakuzu killed the Jinchuriki! But hey, where's the body?"

"She's not dead you idiot. Pay attenti- GYAH!" A tri-pronged Kunai stabbed him through the heart, fiercely humming with wind.

"One heart down." Twisting the blade to the side and wrenching it across his body, with a sickening thud Kakuzu was split into an upper and lower piece, and Naruko Hirashin'd away the second dozens of wooden roots each the size of a human came up trying to bind her.

"Kakuzuuuuuu!" Rushing over, Tobi quickly formed a handsign causing wooden roots to pick up both halves and put them together. As he did so, strange black threads emerged from Kakuzu's body, and a moment later he was whole again, but panting in pain.

Yet, through this, Naruko only watched having returned to her original position, a strange black marking now being visible on the ground she stood on. As Kakuzu slowly got to his feet, it was only then that Naruko said, "This is your last chance 'Tobi' and Kakuzu. Leave."

"Oh my! You see Kakuzu! She's focusing so much on me! I wonder why? Is it because she doesn't poop?" Kakuzu shifted his gaze between the two of them, the greed fading away as the mind of a Shinobi that had lived for a hundred years began to churn. Yet - even after being cut in half once there was no fear, just cold hard logic.

Staring for a moment, Naruko sighed. "You leave me no choice Tobi." A hand rose up and a finger was bitten, blood seeping onto the orange-painted nail.

"Uh oh! Tobi doesn't think that's good! Stop her Kakuzu! Kakuzu?!? Kakuzu why aren't you doing anything."

"Shut up Tobi, there's clearly something you're hiding."

"Summoning Jutsu: Yubei" A poof of smoke appeared as her hands slammed into the ground.

"Narukooo! You finally summoned me! Who are we fighting!"

"Someone that should be far above our pay grade, go sword form and start preparing to bond please Yubei."

"Eh!?! We've never practiced it, but sure! Let's get wild Yehehee!" As the smoke from the summoning disappeared, Naruko could be seen holding a thin sword in one hand.

"Shit. She's a monkey summoner?!?" At those words from Kakuzu, it got worse. 'Kurama. Purified Chakra, please. I'll explain later.' 'Hmph. On it, the monkey summoning monkeys, how amusing.' In an instant, her eyes turned golden and slitted. Her clothes burned brightly a glowing gold as the seal spread across her body. Six black magatamas formed around Naruko's collar, and the sword in her hand began to faintly glow gold as well. "Yubei, now please."

"Woah! SICK! Let's goooo! Beat up that fool!"

Naruko's teeth turned into fangs. "Ruh-roh. Tobi thinks this was maybe a bad idea. Maybe we should run. Kakuzu? Kakuzuuu! You left me Kakuzu!" Her arms bulged up as her usually incredibly compact muscles grew slightly, and some hints of fur bristled around her eyes and forehead. "Maybe Tobi should run? Tehehe! But then leader-sama would be mad... Oh, what should Tobi do!"

"Ooph! Naruko you've got so much chakra. This is all I can maintain."

"Thank you Yubei, this is enough. Now you... I think it's time I take that body from you." Tobi's body posture shifted, standing up straighter.

"Oh. Tobi doesn't like that. Tobi thinks that sounded like a threat! Tobi doesn't like threats. Threats make Tobi mad. Threats make Tobi a bad boy." His voice turned serious, losing its whimsical quality, and although she could see no eyes - she felt them boring into her. Yet, his voice while still serious, regained a slight hint of its whimsy, "Tobi thinks he should teach a lesson to the little girl!" Both of Tobi's hands rose up, a horrifying surge of chakra emanating from him. Naruko moved instantly, teleporting to a Kunai to Tobi, her Yubei-sword lashed forward as three chakra arms emerged from Naruko's back, each with a Rasengan heading towards Tobi.

It was too slow, she was too slow. "Wood Style: Heavenly Mother." His hands clapped together, and unlike the usual jubilant tones, his voice was utterly reverent. Her sword impacted, and her Rasengans impacted. But not Tobi - instead wood. From beneath Tobi out of the ground lifting him up into the air came a titanic figure. Nearly as large as a Bijuu, the wooden statue was clearly a woman. She had long flowing hair, with peaceful eyes that had no pupils. On her forehead, there was a strange ripple, as if something was hidden beneath. On the top of the statue's head, two horns grew out. 'GRRRRR' An instinctive growl wracked Narukos mind as Kurama pushed more and more chakra into her, his rage spiking at the figure subconsciously. 'Kaguya. I was right. This is Guruguru.' 

With that thought, she stared up at him, and the figure. There was no fear in her eyes, even as Yubei still in sword form shook in her hands slightly. "What a joke. You think this is enough to make me feel fear?" Her hands rose up, and she shifted Yubei slightly so she could form the cross seal. With a poof of smoke, six clones formed a circle with Naruko, each of the clones glowed with the purified Kurama Chakra, but not in their Monkey 'Bond' mode.

"Oh! Tobi thinks the upstart doesn't realize how outmatched she is. But that's okay, Tobi will teach the upstart!"

"No. I'm afraid Tobi... doesn't realize how outmatched he is." Her left hand that wasn't holding Yubei raised up, and so did all of the clones. The first clone's hand began to burn with fire. The second water. The third earth. The fourth lightning. The fifth glowed a strange white. The sixth glowed a strange black. 

"Oh. Oh. Tobi should run. Tobi should definitely run. Tobi thinks he made a mistake, and should have let leader-sama deal with the Kyuubi Jinchuriki!" Tobi made a handseal, and the statue began shifting, its legs beginning to move to run away. With sweat dripping down Naruko's forehead her hand began to hum and whistle with wind. It was at this time in the center of their circle, a tiny barely even there black ball began to form. "Oh! Tobi definitely recognizes that! Time to move!"

Yet, as the statue began to move away with large earth-shaking steps, the fanged teeth of Naruko and the fur around her forehead and eyes began to rapidly fade, and as it did the ball expanded to just barely palm-sized. At the same time, all seven Narukos moved at once. Each of their palms holding the five elements, yin, and yang thrust towards Tobi as each of them sent out a Chakra Arm to guide the eerily silent black ball.

In unity, they all shouted out as the ball faster than someone could even blink struck the titanic statue, "Truth Seeking: RASENGAN!" There was no explosion. Instead, there was only eery silence as the statue simply ceased to exist. Tobi was torn in half before the tiny palm-sized ball completely consumed him.

The next moment three things happened. Yubei was de-summoned. All of her clones popped. Then, Naruko dropped to the ground body shaking as she gritted her teeth, the golden chakra disappearing. 'Fuck. That hurts.' With deep breaths, she slowly pulled herself back to her feet barely holding back the moan of pain that wanted to escape. 'I just hope that even if he somehow managed to survive, he'll be wounded for a long time... damnit. I didn't think even Guruguru would start moving. At least in canon he was by far the strongest White Zetsu to exist, and was one of the remaining Kaguya Zetsu.' Letting out a hissed breath as her body shook in pain, Naruko slowly walked back to the base, silently grateful she had decided to take the fight outside of it.

As she walked into it, she was met with stunned silence, looks of awe, and horror. That was until Kosuke began clapping, then one by one, the base was clapping, cheering, and hollering. After all - not only had she just saved them, but Konoha now had one more monster. One that they had heard rumors about, but very few Konoha Shinobi had actually SEEN fight. 'This fight is gonna spread everywhere, isn't it...'