Naruko vs ????

Staring out from the walls Naruko's eyes rested on the far distance. 'How arrogant. Although they would have the right to be if it wasn't for the fact that I'm here.' The approaching army was not moving at a high speed but instead was slowly moving forward as if waiting for them to gather up. 'Let us gather up so they can more easily destroy us, eh? It would be hard to tell exact numbers if it weren't for the fact that I'm me, and the Uzumaki are broken as shit.' 

As the Konoha shinobi gathered up in their positions like the trained soldiers slash mercenaries they were, she made eye contact with Kosuke, who had been quickly hurrying over. "1,800 Shinobi. Hard to tell the exact numbers, but forces are primarily Chunin, with a small portion of Genin, and a rather small portion of Jonin-level chakra signatures, no more than 30. One Kage-level presence that is quite strong. But not as strong as I expect the Raikage's Chakra to be. Most likely Darui of the Black Lightning."

There was steel in Kosuke's aged eyes as he harshly nodded his head before barking out orders. 'But the question remains. If only less than 2,000 Shinobi came and it's Darui... then what else is going on? Where are the other 30,000 or so Shinobi? From what I've heard this war has been fought with comparatively only a fraction of each nation's armies. One-fifteenth of your army to try to take the main base on the border front? How preposterous. Even here - we have less than 1,600 Shinobi. So then, if you assume the same amount is dealing with Kiri and Iwa - where are the rest? Not only that, but this attack in itself is a bit weird. Konoha by far has higher quality Shinobi - our 'Special' Jonin that are combat-focused are on average the level of their Jonin. So then... what the fuck is happening here?'

The questions in Naruko's mind remained unanswered as the army began to be within eyesight range. Focusing on the oncoming battle instead of her many questions, Naruko unsheathed the sword on her back. 'No need to summon her. She's probably still recovering. Or training a shit ton and is exhausted.' 

"I'll send out a few clones to help, but until I deal with what's probably Darui I won't be able to help much." 'Damn canon adding stupid concentration as a reason to limit sage clones.' 

"We'll do our best to hold them off." Eyes focused on the oncoming army, she wouldn't respond and simply stared, trying to pick out who the Kage-level threat she felt was. 

"Tell me when you're all prepared Kosuke, then I'll start this off with a bang."

Thirty seconds passed as the Kumo army got closer and closer, before Kosuke finally shouted out, "Ready!" Her eyes began to glow as chakra seeped from her pores. Hand seals were weaved, and as she brought up her hands to her mouth, a titanic wave of fire left her mouth. Yet, that wasn't the end, as with a singular seal a wave of wind fanned the flames, spreading them out, yet also intensifying the heat.

The response was immediate as Shinobi stepped forward from the Kumo army's ranks, "Water Style: Water Formation Wall!" 'Get Madara'd, bitches.' 

As steam covered the entire battlefield before the battle could even begin, she jumped down onto the ground in front of the base's wall, and ten clones appeared beside her.

"Water Style: Water Dragon Bullet!" 

"Earth Style: Earth Dragon Bullet!

"Lightning Style: Lightning Dragon Bullet!"

"Fire Style: Fire Dragon Bullet!"

"Wind Style: Wind Dragon Bullet!"

As two dragons of each element launched through the steam, chains escaped from her back, dug into the wall, and with a push she found herself soaring through the air. 'Found you!' Twisting mid-air, she curled up her body, and with a thrust with both of her legs, she kicked her target, sending him flying out of the army. 'Shadow Clone Jutsu!' Another chain flung her forward again as four clones appeared once more in mid-air.

Within a matter of moments, she had flung across the entire army, kicked their commander away, and had four clones going through handseals, before slamming their hands onto the ground. "Violet Flame Formation!"

As the barrier went up around them, a cackle escaped her at the look of shock and befuddlement spreading against who was clearly Darui's face.

"Yeah! Bet you didn't expect an S-Rank combination Jutsu, alongside ten elemental dragons to just be a smokescreen, did ya, y'know?!?"

As Darui dusted himself off, he unfolded the sword on his back. "It seems Lord Bee was correct in how he described you, how dull." 'D-d-DULL?!?' 'Oh no.' 

"DULL? I'll show you DULL!"

"Aah. Just like Yugito as well. Dull indeed."

"ODAMA RASENGAN!" A titanic Rasengan formed above her hand as her eyes turned a slitted red, and she charged forward, only for Darui's cleaver blade to crackle with black lightning. With two hands on his blade, he let out a grunt of exertion as it met the Oodama Rasengan.

Black lightning clashed against the Odama Rasengan, before... BOOM! An explosion sent them both flying. At seemingly the same time, they both flipped in mid-air to land on their feet, and they charged forward again, this time blade meeting blade. Within a few moments, Naruko found herself steadily losing ground, even when her sword began to hum with the wind to try to match the black lightning coating Darui's blade. 'Tch. What is he, overcompensating for something? Ugh, he's better than me in Kenjutsu too. Fine! I suck at Kenjutsu anyways!'

In a split second, her sword was replaced with two Kunai, and the battle went from Naruko slowly being pressed back, to Darui having to rapidly defend himself. "I forgot to mention that Kenjutsu is just a hobby I picked up recently. Perhaps you should run away - oh wait you can't!" With a taunting grin on her face, she slowly pressed him backward more and more, closer to the flaming purple barrier. 

"How dull. Did I forget to mention that I too, only recently picked up Kenjutsu?" One hand left his titanic cleaver blade and began to form one-handed hand seals. 'Oh, bullshit! That was meant to be a secret technique.' Having thought that, of course, Naruko began to form her own one-handed signs.

"Storm Style: Laser Circus!"

"Fuinjutsu: Heat Seal!"

From Darui's pointer out came dozens of compressed water-like lightning that lanced through the air, only to be met with Fuinjutsu script unfurling from Naruko's one hand, and as the two met, the laser circus simply disappeared with a bright blue flash. "You knew I was going to use a Storm Style Jutsu?"

"Eh. You already used Black Lightning, and you know I'd be able to counter any elemental jutsu you throw at me. You really didn't think as a proud Uzumaki I wouldn't have counter Fuinjutsu for every single Kage-level Shinobi, for shame!"

"Thank you for the information, in that case, let's see if you can seal this."

He jumped to the side, throwing his blade up into the air behind him, and went through hand seals. 'Shit. Really shouldn't run my mouth.' Dozens of adamantine chains appeared from her back and began to rapidly surround Naruko as a protective shield. 'Shit! I didn't catch it before, but that's definitely Nature Energy!' 

"Black Storm Style: Infinite Laser Circus." Instead of a mere dozen beams, hundreds of them exploded out of his combined hands, each of them pitch-black, filled to the brim with nature chakra, and all of them coming for Naruko. Each of the different beams came at a different angle and at varying speeds. 'Fuck! Fine, you win this bout Darui. But.... Do you really think I'd let you win cleanly?!?' Knowing her hastily erected Adamantine Chains and even the Fuinjutsu barrier itself wouldn't be able to hold, one of the clones holding up the barrier hirashin'd to her, a mad grin on her face.

"Nice Jutsu! I think I'll take it!" A Hirashin Kunai being held horizontally in both hands, the clone and a dozen or so of the black laser circus beams disappeared, and at the same time, Naruko herself appeared back onto the main wall of the base, just as two BOOMs wracked the battlefield.

Taking a brief moment to survey the battlefield, a harsh frown fell onto her face. 'Far more Konoha Shinobi are dying or injured than is acceptable. In that case!' 

"Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Exploding out of her and into the battlefield, hundreds of clones charged forward. 'Although their strength and speed isn't that high... their skill with Kunai and Swords remain! Now Darui... let part 2 commence!' 

With a clenched fist, a red aura began to surround Naruko as her chakra began to be refilled, before out of her back came bubbling red chakra tails. 'Although the V1 state has slowly been losing its potency as I grow stronger... Let's see how you fare this time!'