Jiraiya vs Orochimaru


"There's no point to this Orochimaru. You'll never get what you want." His eyes which had yellow bars for pupils scanned the area around him even as Jiraiya's vast senses tightened down on the area around him. Even for him - sensing Orochimaru was difficult when the man was in his own Sage Mode. 

"Oh Jiraiya, you fool. Who's to say I haven't already gotten what I want?" The hissing voice of Orochimaru echoed out in the area, a simple benign trick he had mastered when they were kids.

"You can't play games with me Orochimaru! We're long past that." In a mere instant, Jiraiya punched a tree, sheer strength completely shattering it and causing a figure to fly out, slamming through dozens more trees, before finally turning into mud and slinking to the ground. 

"Kukuku Jiraiya! On the opposite, because of where we stand we can only now play more games. How about it? Would you like to enter the great big bad snake's play den?" Orochimaru's voice was mocking, with a tinge of something hidden in it, yet as he said it the ground began to warble and warp. Sensing the Sage Chakra filling the area that had begun to shift and change, Jiraiya swiftly went through handseals.

"Fire Style: Big Flame Bullet!" His mouth bulged, filled up with toad oil, before it was spewed out and set aflame turning into a titanic sea of fire! The forest was set ablaze, while his own Sage Chakra began to fight against Orochimaru's.

"Jiraiya, oh Jiraiya. Can't you learn new tricks?"

A snort left Jiraiya as he continued to scan the area. "Can't you Orochimaru? You say you wish to master every Jutsu, yet you use the same tricks every time." 

There was a sharp hiss as if a particularly angry cat that had gotten its tail stepped on. "Fine then! Let's change it up a little bit. It's funny, you Konoha Shinobi have my experiment running around, yet don't expect me to be able to do it as well. Truly arrogant! After all wood style, it's such a simple technique."

'Don't tell me!' Trees and titanic wooden beams grew out of the ground, rushing towards Jiraiya! "Wood Style: Deep Forest Emergence." There was glee in Orochimaru's echoing voice as he watched the newly shown-off wood-style rush towards Jiraiya.

"You desecrate the dead more every day Orochimaru! What's next? Do you have any morality?!? Any shame?!?" A Rasengan formed in each of Jiraiya's hands as he began to defend against the oncoming horde of trees and wooden beams.

Meanwhile, Orochimaru just watched unseen, occasionally letting out a chuckle. "It's interesting is it not Jiraiya? Our fights? Me watching you act like a buffoon trying to find me, and all the while I get to test new Jutsu on you. Dare I say it, you like to be my testing dummy."

A sharp glare spread across Jiraiya's face as his hands went up to form a cross-shape, and with a poof of smoke, a Shadow Clone emerged next to him. "Is that so?" The main Jiraiya closed his eyes and stood still, while the Shadow Clone went about the task of destroying the constant oncoming Wood Style.

"Oh? What is it you have up your sleeves now Jiraiya? Topping up your Sage Mode for it? Ohohoho. Let's see what interesting new trick you've finally learned. The Sage knows it takes you a while to learn anything, look how long it took you to perfect Sage Mode."

A taunting look appeared on the clone Jiraiya's face. "Yet which one of our clones can use Sage Mode, and which one of us can stay in it permanently as long as they're not fighting?" 

There was no response for a moment, yet when Orochimaru spoke his voice was still just as taunting. "My, my. You finally came out with a comeback, it only took a few decades. But no need to play coy Jiraiya, we both know you can only do that because Nature Energy just views you as a dumb rock."

A burst of laughter escaped the clone. "Aah! It's good to see you still haven't figured out how I do it Orochimaru. I bet that one is eating away at you. Dumb, talentless Jiraiya learned Sage Mode first. Then he learns how to permanently be in it like the Great Sage Elders of each of the clans, and then - he learns how to do this!"

The main body's eyes snapped open as he raised a hand above his head. "Sage Art: Flaming Rasengan!" A titanic red Rasengan that seemed to hold an infinite amount of rapidly rotating and colliding flames appeared above Jiraiya's hand. "Now... STOP HIDING OROCHIMARU!"

The Jutsu collided with the ground. There was no explosion. There was no noise. The world burned. 


"Impressive." The word escaped his lips instinctually as he stared in awe at the titanic flaming Rasengan, a combination of nearly two decades of practice on the original Jutsu, perfect sage mode, and numerous decades of fire-style training. Very few Jutsu could even come close to the Jutsu Jiraiya had just unveiled.

There was only one Jutsu he had ever seen that feasibly could do what this Jutsu was about to do with ease. It was truly impressive. A feat on the likes of which only Nagato Uzumaki and Hashirama Senju could do. 

The Fuinjutsu pocket dimension he had modeled after the masked man, that he had spent 13 long years creating and then perfecting. It shattered. Orochimaru laughed. He laughed as the Jutsu's flames burned him alive. He laughed as he was forced to regurgitate his body multiple times.

"Marvelous! Truly marvelous Jiraiya." His form appeared above the flames small bubbles of wind below his feet appeared and disappeared with every step. "Dare I say it - even Sensei in his prime would struggle to deal with that Jutsu."

Inside the ocean of flames that only seemed to be growing, Jiraiya's eyes solemnly rested on Orochimaru. "Perhaps. But I have not yet surpassed Sensei. I still have a have a long way to go."

A mad grin spread across Orochimaru's face. "Of course you haven't! Hiruzen-sensei is a man who mastered the world itself. Earth, Wind, Water, Fire, and Lightning bent to his whims! Every Genjutsu in the world was mastered by him! Every Hiden technique! Every theoretically possible combination Jutsu, he even learned how to manipulate already existing Kekkei Genkai! We are far from him Jiraiya! Even Hashirama Senju and Nagato Uzumaki can not match his sheer skill!"

There was awe and greed clearly visible in Orochimaru's eyes before he burst into mad laughter. "But is that not why we mastered Sage Jutsu? The one thing Sensei could never learn. The one thing stopping him from becoming the God of this cursed world?

The insane words caused Jiraiya to visibly shudder. "Orochimaru... you truly have fallen. Sensei - no all Shinobi, they are simply Human! We are not gods. Sensei is not a god!"

"Oh Jiraiya, I know that. I just said it! Sensei simply was missing that one key piece. But I will be one. I will obtain true immortality and ascend into godhood! I will learn everything the Universe has to offer and more!"

Something seemed to darken in Jiraiya's eyes as if he had lost something before his face set into steel. "Then, I'll stop you here Orochimaru!" 

A week later every nation in the world would send cartographers to jointly redraw maps as forests, mountains, and lakes were destroyed. They were sent to map the new forests, mountains, lakes, miles-wide craters, and so much more. They were sent to map the aftermath of two simple Shinobi fighting with their life on the line. A fight that had no winner, and no loser.