I still have no chapter name.

With the human-shaped log known as Fu over her shoulder, Naruko strolled on into the inn, ignored the flabbergasted employee, and walked right up the stairs. "Wait you-"

'I thought I heard something, did you hear something Kura-chan?' Naruko pouted at getting no response and continued on up the stairs. Arriving at the second floor she looked around before shrugging. "Man, that old hag really is cheap... look at this place. No artwork, cheap wood flooring, and this walling. Yeesh."

The floor creaked with every step as Naruko walked through the hallway passing by closed door after closed door. 'Sheesh. Did you have to be at the end of the hall Tsunade?!?' Arriving in front of a door where her sensitive nose could pick up the strong hints of alcohol, she hurriedly banged on the door. 


A few moments passed, and there was no response. "Open up ya old hag or I'll break down the door!" 



"What did you call me you brat!?!" With a heavy stomp, Tsunade stormed out of her room the door shuddering on its hinges as it left an imprint on the wall, a tic mark bulged out above her blonde brows as she glared down at Naruko. 'Boing boing... heh.' 

Blinking to clear her thoughts Naruko shrugged. "I just called ya an old hag, you old hag!"

"Why you I'-"

"Anyways, I have a patient for you - here's the Seven-Tails Jinchuriki." That said Naruko lifted up Fu from her shoulder and just shoved her forward directly into Tsunade, before with a pop! She disappeared.

Standing in the hallway with a twitch in her eye Tsunade looked down to her arms. "What am I supposed to do with the Seven-Tails Jinchuriki you damn brat?!?" A sigh escaped her lips as she turned around and went back into her room, unconscious Jinchuriki held in her arms. 

-An hour later, rooftop-

Feet swinging in the air as she sat on the metal guard rail Naruko's eyes were vacant as she stared out across the town she had found Tsunade in. Behind her, the clapping of heels could be heard, and a moment later Tsunade leaned against the guard rail looking out at the town as well. A few seconds passed before Tsunade said, "She'll be fine. It was pretty close though, if you didn't treat her when you did no matter how fast you got her to me she'd be dead." 

Naruko's eyes twitched slightly but she didn't respond causing Tsunade to raise an eyebrow. "What's wrong brat?"

There was silence before Naruko finally spoke up, "The Raikage has gotten power-hungry. He decided to work with Missing Ninja to stall me - some kind of Ninja who could make real clones of himself that could imitate other people perfectly, as well as Kakuzu formerly of Taki." 

Tsunade leaned more heavily on the railing as a sigh escaped her lips. "There's always one. Greed. It was Sensei for the first war, then there was Sakumo Hatake and us the Sannin in the second, then in the third, there was Minato Namikaze. Now in the fourth, there's you. Every single world war Konoha has Shinobi that pressure the other nations, and thus - makes them do rash things. It happens every time stoking the greed for power and fear of Konoha in other nations."

Naruko frowned her eyes focusing more as they turned from the town to Tsunade, "So we just ignore this greed? We ignore the fact that the Raikage willingly worked with missing ninja and that he sent at least a Batallion to capture one of our allies?"

Tsunade's eyes narrowed slightly as she continued to look out across the Town. "In the first and second war, we didn't turn the other way. In the third war, we did - sensei hoped that mercy and peace would let them see the light. What we'll do in this fourth war I don't know." Tsunade stopped herself there - obviously having more words to say, but deciding not to say them for now.

Naruko turned back towards the town silent for a while before saying, "Although I don't agree with an eye for an eye, an arm for an arm. But actions have consequences - cause and effect. To just allow vile and treacherous actions and not respond in some way will only encourage that behavior - nay it enables it. How many traitors, spies, and assassins did we find before this war started? Not just in genin or chunin - but in our Jonin and ANBU. Kumo when they tried to take the Hyuga Heiress Hinata. Then Suna when they tried to test us."

Naruko gripped the metal bar tightly, a creaking noise being heard as she did so. "Cause and effect - the truth is that the 'effect' part is also the 'cause' of the next cycle. Turning a blind eye allows them as an 'effect' to further increase their actions, and eventually as we continue to turn a blind eye as it gets worse and worse, we wind up in a world we can no longer suffer to live in, and it's all our fault. But at the same time - one must not go for an eye for an eye - you can't stoop to their level either..." 

Caught up in her thoughts that kept spewing out, Naruko did not notice the gleam in Tsunade's eyes, nor did she notice the quick smile that passed by her face. "It's a question worth thinking about for a long time - but perhaps you have other things to think about like the ANBU coming?" 

Naruko's eyes widened slightly at Tsunade's words. "Oh, thanks y'know?!? I can't let the ANBU catch me when I don't want to, what would happen to my reputation then?" Naruko turned into a blur disappearing from the rooftop, once more leaving Tsunade alone.

A moment passed before Tsunade shook her head chuckling. "What a precocious brat. Fine, fine. I suppose I'll agree with Sensei and that old codger for once." A dark look passed by her face, "Although it's a cursed position it's one needed for the stability of Konoha." The dark look faded from Tsunade's eyes, and she began to make her way back inside. 


"We were correct Naruko Uzumaki did take the Jinchuriki to Tsunade, but where is she? Doesn't she know better than to go missing AGAIN? Damn Uzumaki why do they always have to act like this!" The cry of frustration from the aged captain caused Elephant's lips to twitch behind her mask. 

"Captain, perhaps she'll come to us when ready?" At the innocent and naive words that came from the mouth of Cricket, Elephant barely managed to hold back her laughter, which got even harder at the ensuing roar from the Captain.

"Of course she won't you damn fool, she gets off on making it a game to find her!" Indeed, it was just a typical mission for Elephant when that darn Uzumaki was involved.

-Commander Dragon-

"It was the Akatsuki sir." Their voice like always was perfectly neutral, neither feminine nor masculine, neither deep nor soft, yet it echoed out.

The aged Lord Hokage in front of them sighed. "I thought so. Casualties?"

"A figure named 'Tobi' with a wood style on the scale unseen except for the First Hokage and the deceased 'Shirama' son of Hashirama. As well as a figure known as Zetsu who appeared to have the ability to merge with any surface, and unknown combat capabilities. Uzumaki took out 'Tobi' and I took out 'Zetsu'"

Hiruzen nodded a dark look in his eyes. "Was it Kumo, and how did she fare against this Tobi?" 

"Darui of the Black Lightning was there. As for how she fared against Tobi... she nearly killed Kakuzu of Takigakure before this Tobi person saved him. Then when he summoned what appeared to be a modified Wood Golem, something about it unnerved her - she proceeded to unleash a variant of Rasengan that appeared to have all five elements in it alongside 'Yin Release' and 'Yang Release' and the Monkey Clan's bonded Chakra. Tobi and the Statue completely disappeared after that."

At the clinical report Hiruzen nodded along before he froze. "How did she combine all five elements and Yin and Yang into one Jutsu?"

"With the usage of Clones Lord Hokage."

A breath of air escaped from Hiruzen's mouth as he leaned back. "I see. While impressive it's merely on the same technicality level as Ohnoki's Particle Style if she used clones. But certainly inventive. Is that all?"

"After I decapitated Zetsu she proceeded to sprint off towards the west - presumably towards Taki. I let Darui leave as previous orders stated."

Hiruzen accepted the hidden reproach with no comment and simply nodded. "Thank you for your continued service Commander Dragon, you're dismissed."

"Yes Lord Hokage." The red-cloaked figure of Commander Dragon seemed to freeze in place before he turned into purple static and faded away from view.