Chunin Exams 3/?

-Naruko POV-

Twiddling with the ink pen in her hand even as another one of her clones talked with Orochimaru, Naruko let out a sigh. 'This is more difficult than I anticipated. Then again, everything dealing with this subject makes no sense. It shouldn't even be possible for this Jutsu to work, let alone how well it actually does.' Shaking her head at the insanity of the Ninja World and the numerous impossibilities embroiled deep within it, she continued her writings trying to figure out exactly what was needed for her plan to work.

'Maybe if I....' 

-Sasuke POV-

Scanning across the paper an arrogant sneer spread across Sasuke's face, even as he didn't even deign to activate his Sharingan to cheat, and instead just answered the questions. 'This first test is a joke.' Even without his Sharingan activated, he could see numerous cheaters that were not called out, whereas some far less obvious ones were. 'Weeding out those clearly too incompetent, but also a selection of pure bias. What a joke of an exam.'  

Putting down his writing utensil, Sasuke closed his eyes. 'I just hope the next part is more interesting, this entire first phase is completely and utterly irrelevant. A chunin applicant should be a chunin in knowledge and skill, anyone that gets cut from this was either purposefully cut out so they weren't a threat, or should have never been sent here.'  At the thought of purposefully cutting someone from the test because of them being a 'threat', his sneer got even larger. 'This is truly sad. If you have no faith in your comrades to deal with those a little bit stronger, or who may hold the intent to kill, then your comrades shouldn't be in this exam.'

-Ibiki Morino POV-

Looking around Ibiki's eyes narrowed as the last disqualified team left the hall. 'Alright, we got all the losers we're going to get from this part.' "All right! Listen up. Here is the tenth question!" At his shouted words he could see the numerous different responses. From surprise, fear, curiosity, and somewhere perfectly blank-faced. 'The Kazekage's son... truly I get nothing from him.' As he went to continue, his eyes narrowed, 'What convenient timing.' the door creaked open showing a teenager with a black headguard that had cat-like ears, purple face marks, and a proctor next to him. 

Ibiki stared at him menacingly, "Aren't you lucky. It looks like playing with the dolls wasn't a waste after all?" He could see the reaction instantly, the sweat forming across the kid's brow, eyes narrowing, pupils dilated. 'Thinking he could sneak in his puppet, perhaps this boy isn't ready to be Chunin after all.' "Sit down, I'm about to explain the tenth question."

As the eldest son of the Kazekage sat down the 'proctor' took 'his' place. "Now, the tenth question..."

-Asuma Sarutobi- 

Sitting around with his fellow Leaf Jonin who had teams participating, be it whether they were the sensei permanently or just temporarily, he blew out a puff of smoke, and it twirled through the air before wrapping around the door handle and shutting it closed, stopping the Special Jonin of Konoha, and the Jonin from other villages from hearing them.

"You wanted to speak with us, Asuma-san?" At the words of Kurenai, he stopped his lips from twitching at the 'san' or the fact that she was glaring at his cigarette. 

"Yes, I heard this year's proctor for the first exam is that guy - Ibiki Morino." An amused snort came from Genma who had been recently promoted to Jonin, who was currently warily watching the blonde lying across the crouch creepily stare at him, teeth occasionally snapping towards him.

At those words Kakashi 'Why is he even here? He led that team for like a week.' leaned back in his chair, arm going up to rest on the back of it. "Of all the people, that sadist... It seems like your teams will struggle to pass."

Asuma eye-rolled, getting the insinuation that the two members of Team 7 would be fine. 'I can't really argue about Sasuke at least... everyone was clamoring to get that kid.' "Excuse me? Who's Ibiki Morino." At those words, his eyes snapped to Kurenai. 'How does she not- aah. Right.' 

"You wouldn't know him because you're recently promoted to Jonin Kurenai-san, but, he's a member of the Torture and Interrogation Core of the ANBU, more specifically - he's their Captain and Head Interrogator." 

Laying across a couch so that her head hung upside down, Naruko pushed herself up before speaking with a mad grin, "Ibiki's real nice! He helps me with my pranks all the time, and lets me test them out on all the people he has fun with."

At that, a shiver went down Asuma's spine, and he could spot something similar happening to all the Jonin in the room. 'That explains... so much.'

-Tayuya POV-

The cold, cruel voice of the proctor spoke up, and Tayuya rolled her eyes. 'More fear-mongering? Pathetic.' "First you all will have to decide whether or not you will take this tenth question. If you choose to take it and are unable to answer it correctly, then you will have to..." At the pause his eyes narrowed, a cruel glare sinking into all the exam participants, "Relinquish your right to take the chunin exams forever!" 'This dumb fucker doesn't think any of these bitches believe that, does he? Holy fuck, these dumb fucks are actually shaking in their boots!'  Tayuya stared baffled as numerous Genin across the room began to look around nervously, obviously debating on not taking the tenth question.

"But, I will give you the option to go back. For those of you who aren't confident, you can choose not to take the tenth question, and take the exam next year, or the year after that." A mad chuckle escaped from the proctor, "Those who will not be taking it, raise your hands! Once I confirm your number, I'll ask you to leave!" 'No fucking way this is working. Are these dumbshits truly that stupid?!?' 

As hand after hand came up, Tayuya's bafflement only grew. 'Are you fucking kidding me? Even that rock-for-brains fatso is smarter than this!' Eventually, hands stopped raising, although there were still nervous looks from the far more scarce room. Then, the proctor spoke up, his head tilted downwards. "The first exams... you have passed it!" The scarred proctor looked up smiling at them all. 'Fucking dumbasses, I can't believe people that fucking stupid are taking up my oxygen. Fuck, I can't help but feel like we're the ones in the right for torching this place to the ground.'  

-Sakura POV-

A slight smile appeared on her face as Sakura nodded along. 'I was right! This was a test in a test, just like Kakashi-sensei taught us on our mission and training together!' Although he hadn't physically exerted them as Naruko-sensei did, Kakashi-sensei had his own wisdom... when he wasn't reading his book or being late. As the head proctor announced they had all passed, someone finally shouted. "HUH?!? What do you mean?!?" 

The proctor's smile faded as he looked out towards them all, and Sakura looked down staring at her arms, and the goosebumps that had begun to form. 'That's not killing intent, nor is he leaking his chakra. How is he doing that?' As the question rang in her head, the proctor began to speak. "By grading the exam on a group basis, I added the unimaginable pressure of dragging down your teammates. This all mounted throughout the entirety of the exam, all the way up to one point - the final question. One where I informed you that if you failed, you would be permanently barred from the exams. THAT was the final question. It was a test of your resolve and decision-making ability. It was a test of your trust in your comrades, and their trust in you."

He took a deep breath, making sure to look each and every one of them in the eyes. "A chunin is a leader. They lead their team throughout missions, they have to make tough decisions. A chunin is not a position you get through sheer strength, but instead through perseverance, willpower, and decision-making! This entire first part of the exam was all about that." He slowly reached up from underneath his black cloak and began to undo his bandana/headband. "To be a chunin is to persevere through everything, to keep going, to protect your team, to protect the mission, and to never look back!" 

As the bandana fell away, his bald horrendously scarred head appeared. "I bear each of these scars with pride, for they are my sign of making it through each mission. I hold no regrets, a Chunin MUST know when to back away..." He looked them all in the eyes, "But they also must know when to continue forward, no matter how insane it may seem."

The room fell into silence, and Sakura remained staring at the scars across his head, thinking about his words. 'Am... am I truly ready?' As the thought slithered through her head...


A window was crashed through as a poster was pinned to the opposite wall, causing it to flutter open across the room.

"THE SEXY AND SINGLE, ANKO MITARASHI - PROCTOR OF THE SECOND EXAM!" Landing directly in front of the poster was a purple-haired woman, wearing a trench coat, a short orange skirt, and ONLY mesh armor. 'Nevermind. I'm ready.'  Sakura stared deadpanned at the short but absolutely insane interaction played out, an internal sigh. 'Why did I ever doubt myself?'