Chapter 18


"Come on kitten...let's visit your friend in the hospital" I called out to Sapphire as I stood up and fixed the folder from my table. He immediately looked at the scan Then smiled with effort.

"U-uhm...she was a-already discharged" she said nervously as she walked to me. Work time is over, so I'm going home, but I want her to tell the truth first.

"Oh? Come here" I ordered as she tensed. She walked closer then stopped in front of me with her head down.

"You're lying, Sapphire" I said gently afraid that she would get more nervous. She slowly looked up to look at me, her eyes are swelling up with tears.

"I'm sorry..." She sobbed. What the h*ck?!! Why is she crying?!!

"Huuuuhhhh!!!" She cried out and covered her eyes with the back of her hands. D*mn!! What should I do?!!!

" don't - - "

"Hhhhhhhhhh!!!!" F*ck! This is insane! What the hell is going on?!!

"Sapphire! Kitten...look at me!" She stared at me slowly as she sniffed. But I must admit, she looks so beautiful even when she cries.

" what's wrong??" I asked slowly as she tried to hold back her sobs.

"I- I know you would help me if-if I tell you th-that my grandma needs some m-money for her o-op-operatiooonnn!!!" She cried out the last word as I smiled.

"Of course I would - - "

"I don't want you to thaaatt!! I would feel dirty for myseeellfff!! I would feel that I'm selling my body to you and-and - - " I grabbed her shoulders.

"Enough! Kitten what are you saying?!! You're looking down on yourself, baby! Please!" I never thought that she would think of this in that way. Is that why he is asking how much his salary is?

"You don't know what I have gone through, Bryan!! They forced me to seduce you and grab your money!! Because if I don't do that, they won't give the money for Grandma's surgery!! She's all I have ... I can't - - " I was speechless hearing what she's saying. So she just wanted to seduce me for money?!!! But she doesn't seem after my money - - f*ck!! She fainted.

"D*mn!! Baby! Kitten! Wake up! F*ck wake up!!" I'm freaking out. She fell in my arms as I lifted her up.

"Dude do you - - sh*t! What did you do to her?!!" Luca shouted when he entered my office and he looked shocked as hell!!

"What happe - - sis in law?! What did you do to her!!" Lance said he was about to cry.

"You m*ron!!! She fainted! Get the car ready!!" I yelled as they both scrambled out and ran to grab the car. I carried Sapphire out Then we went down using my private elevator. All the employees around are staring.

"Drive to the nearest hospital!" I said to Luca as we got in. We reached the Hospital owned by Luca's Dad. He was the first to come out, so all the doctors and guards at the hospital were alerted, then a stretcher was brought.

"No! I'll carry her!" I yelled as they all back off. I immediately ran inside the hospital. I went to the room where the nurse instructed.

"Sir, I'm sorry but you need to go out" the doctor said nervously as I glared at him.

"F*ck off!! I want a female doctor! You get out!!" I yelled in his face as he ran out with the nurse.

"Man, calm down" Lance said and patted my back.

"She just fainted, nothing serious" Luca followed when we suddenly felt cold. As if something powerful is behind us. I immediately turned my back and we came face to face with Luca's father.

"You three, get out" he said seriously and walked in.

"Uncle Max... I need to stay" I said sadly as he stared at me before looking at the two.

"Take him out" My eyes widened when he said that. F*ck!

"Sorry dude" Luca and Lance said as they held my arms tightly and dragged me out forcefully.

"Get the f*ck off me!!!" I yelled as they held me down.

' little kitten'