Chapter 24



"AGAIN! Repeat all this cr*ps and don't - - "

"Bryan? Can you accompany me to buy some baby dress?"

I was in the middle of an important meeting when Sapphire suddenly came up and interrupted my words. Yes, Sapphire needs a lot lately, so for 2 months our house became an office because I couldn't leave her.

"Saph, can't you see that this meeting is very important?" I tried not to show how angry I am with this meeting.

"But...can't you just - - "

"Miss, don't you understand?! This - - "

The Marketing Team Manager suddenly spoke in a rude way...the shock and shame on Saph's face when Violie spoke was obvious. I couldn't control my anger as I stood and slammed my palms on the table making all the Company Managers and Directors flinch.

"Who allowed you to speak that way to her?" I didn't yell but my voice still sounded scary even in my ears.

"Sir, she's - - "

"SHUT YOUR D*MN MOUTH. YOU'RE FIRED" I said in a growl, I was just staring at Violie and I didn't even notice that Saph was already running away...f*ck! I need to coax her again???? I just asked him last night because I didn't go with him to watch 'the mall the marrier' and I need to do it again now? Because of that girl Violie?!!!

"Repeat all the reports. Dismiss" I said seriously before I ran to where Saph went. I know she's locking herself again in our room.

"Saph?", I knocked carefully as I heard her sobs. She's been acting like this for the past 2 months and I can't do anything but to coax her.

"Saph...please kitten don't cry" I said softly as I twisted the doorknob. It's locked.

"I fired her already baby...please come out" I said softly and I heard light foot steps before a clicking sound of the doorknob. The door opened revealing my tiny goddess with her reddish cheeks and teary eyes.

"She yelled at me..." She pouts and buries her face on my chest as I pull her closer and sniff her hair.

"I won't let her have another job...she dares to mess with my kitten" I scoffed as I felt her mouth bit on my chest. I didn't make any noise so she wouldn't notice that I was hurting...she'll cry again and think that she's hurting me.

"You done, kitten?" I asked when I felt her teeth let go of my skin. He nodded.

"Then let's go buy some baby dress" I said and kissed her head. She looks so cute wearing her pink pair of sleepwear.

"Come on...let's get you dressed up" I carried her back in the room and chose her what to wear.