Chapter 44



I went directly to my son's room as soon as I arrived from work. As usual, I found him next to his laptop while his mommy's video was playing. I walk towards him carefully as I grab the laptop and look at my kitten... I missed so much.

It's been 3 years but I still can't find him... I'm so worthless. I am able to find anyone but not my girl?! That's absurd!

I don't know if I can still live without her childish and lovely actions around... But I have my son, our son. I'll live for him... And I am sure as hell that I will live to find you. I won't stop, I won't give up.

My tears slowly drop as I caress the screen of the laptop where Sapphire's face is viewed.

I immediately turned my gaze to Ash when he suddenly moved and sat on his bed. He stared at me as I averted my eyes trying to hide the tears.

"Dad..." I was shocked when I suddenly heard his was the first time he spoke and called me dad! I immediately looked at him.

"Don't stop your tears from strong. It's not bad to cry so let it be" I couldn't believe my ears as he speaks fluently. Hey...


"MOM!!! LET'S GO" I exclaimed as I pulled my luggage out of the house. Mama followed behind and brought her luggage. I forgot to say that she has a son...but they got separated.

We are now going to the Airport and we are going home to P Country.

I frowned as I stared at my passport. Kheillen Thompson is my name on the passport.

"I used another identity so we can pass the security" Mama Vanessa whispered when she saw me frowning staring at my passport. I frowned even more when he said that.

Why do I need a different identity????

"I'll explain when we go back" she whispered again as I nodded...I trust her.


I got off the airplane and am now at a 5 star hotel in the nation's capital. We sat down on the sofa.

" know they planned to take you to ACournty dba? Then, that person who planned everything made sure that you will never be able to return to this country...they eliminated our names on every airports...So I had to use another name to get through" she explained as I absorbed everything that she said.

"I'm glad we're back here...I need to find someone important" I said dangerously as I stood up and grabbed my things inside a room and started to unpack.


"Maaa! Are you coming? I'm going to the mall" I called out as she ran out of her room all dressed up. She's wearing a blue jeans and white simple shirt...ohhh. I am wearing a black oversized shirt and a black pants. I just laughed when I saw that mom was already did she know that I was leaving??

We both exited the unit and went to grab a's now opposite the mall and we're going inside. I first looked around outside the mall and my eyes landed on a little boy...wearing a formal suit trying to cross the road.

"Maa...Kana go inside first" I whispered as she nodded and left. I went straight to the side of the highway across where the boy was standing...I waited until the stop light turned green when the boy suddenly met my gaze and started walking unconsciously towards me.

My eyes immediately widened and I immediately ran in the middle of the highway when I noticed a black van approaching the boy...the Van was moving very fast and I barely caught up but still...I manage to grab the boy in my arms as we landed on the other side of the road.

"M-mom..." His sweet little voice said as he stared up at me while we laid down on the ground. This little boy...

"Ash?!" Another male's voice called out worriedly as my heart skips a beat. The voice...


I was busy with piles of papers in my office when my phone suddenly rang. I answered the call without looking who it was.

"Sir! Ash is gone" Tina, the nanny said in a panic as I quickly got up from my seat and ran out of my company. It's close to my company because it's in the mall so I didn't bother to drive anymore as I run towards the mall. I saw him a little far away from me as he tried to cross the road with many cars passing by. My eyes widened when he started walking.

"Ash.." I whispered as I ran faster towards him, luckily there was a woman who saved him before a van crashed.

"Ash!" I shouted as I ran towards them. Back sla sken while on the floor.

"D*mn man" I exclaimed as I lifted him up to the ground. He stared at me while pointing to the woman on the ground.

"Mommy" he said as I frowned and looked down at the girl who looked as shocked as me.

"Saph..." I unconsciously whispered as I felt my son fall to the ground.

'This… Am I dreaming, this is Sapphire… She's right in front of me.'

"Y-You're back" I whispered before pulling her into my arms and hugging her tightly. I buried my face in her neck as I sniffed her familiar sweet smell.

"Uh..e-excuse me" I pulled slowly when I heard him complain.

"Saph... It's me, it's me baby..." I almost screamed as I held her shoulders. He got even better.

"No, I think you got the wrong person" he said politely as I frowned.

"Mommy... Don't you miss Asher?" Ash suddenly spoke next to me while looking at him. His eyes quickly softened as he gradually shed tears.

"Asher... Cearl Asher?" Her voice said in a low tone... She's back... She's finally back... The happiness inside of my chest made it harder for me to breathe.

"That's our child, kitten" I smiled and looked at me.

"B-but I can't remember... I just- - - "

"Saph?" Another woman's voice called when we faced her... Is that my mom?

"Mom?" I whispered then realized that mom was gone so...

"Bryan? Son?" She whispered back as a tear slipped out of my eyes then she suddenly pulled me into a hug. Please... This can't be a dream, first my little kitten and now my mother. I am the happiest person in the world right now.

"Grandma..." Ash said next to me as shock and joy grew as he hugged her while I stared more at Sapphire.

", it's me" I said softly while walking towards him.

"You...feel so familiar. Your voice... Your face... Your endearment... Your figure... Your warmth..." I pulled her closer to me as I covered her mouth with my mouth I. he sighed before answering.

"I finally found you... Saph, baby... Please don't leave me again.. I can't.." I cried out as I rested my forehead in hers.

"I'm back..."