Chapter 48


Unbeknownst to everyone, while in the hospital Vannesa was worried about whatever her husband went through from the past...

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JOAQUIN'S POV: (the father)

"What's up Joaquin?!! It's been 3 years since that woman disappeared but isn't Bryan depressed yet?!! How can I regain my position?!! This is your last chance, you need to k*ll the young boy!! Or I will k*ll you all together at the same time!" Vittero Hossi, the Italian Business Man who held the position of the top 10 years ago... But my son Bryan jumped up.

"You will not touch my grandson, Vittero. He is innocent!" I yelled as he suddenly involved my beloved grandson.

"Don't try I'm sorry Joaquin! You'll do what I want - - or maybe you want to add more holes to your body?!" He boomed as I looked down. Every time I disobeyed what he wanted, he would have his staff grab me and take me to a dark room that was a very familiar scene because I had been put in that place 20 times. I also have a lot of scars on my body from the deep wounds that he gave me.

"I will not risk my grandson's life just to save myself, I will not increase my sin on my son, Vittero... Do what you want, but if I'll have the chance - - I would take your life instead of theife of my grandson. You'll step over my dead body first, Vittero "I growled dangerously as he flinched. But he immediately covered up his shock at realizing that his staff were surrounding him. And because of pride, this person does not want to show weakness.

" Y-you got me right there, Joaquin! HAHAHAHAH!! You did too much to your son, from killing his first dog, his favorite Nanny, his own Mother and his beloved wife! HAHAHA what if you add one more?! " He suddenly said all that as all the memories came crashing in my head, I k*lled his dog and his Nanny when he was 10... I admit, but I never touch my wife with a bad hand. I would rather cut off my hand before I hurt my angel Vanessa.

"I didn't pin*tay Vanessa..." I smiled devilishly as I said that in a low voice.

"I never k*lled my wife! And I did not touch my daughter-in-law! You st*pid f*cking m*ron!!! "I screamed as his eyes widened in shock before he raised his hand that is holding a gun and shot me in the right shoulder.

" Aaaarrrrrggghhhh!!! " I groaned loudly as I felt the hardest pain from the bullet.

"You lied?! All this time they're alive?!!!! " He kicked my bleeding wound as I fell to my knees.

"You think I'm scared, Vittero? "I asked darkly as I held back the painful groans. I saw him step back as I stood up slowly.

"You're a fool!!!" I yelled and every gun in the room came pointing at my head as I laughed at them.

"You are all pathetic!!!" I yelled before I charged towards them and punched the nearest man which is their boss, Vittero. He fell on the ground as I grabbed his gun and pointed it at him. I also trained for 4 years in the army, so I have a lot of knowledge and skills in fighting.

"Make a move and I'll put a hole in his head" I said to his men, his men pulled the trigger slowly.

"Weapons on the ground! Now!!" I yelled before I grabbed Vittero up by his collar and pointed the gun on his neck.

"Now take your pants off!" I yelled as their eyes widened, I pressed the gun on Vittero's neck.

"Do what he says!!" He screamed fearfully as I smirked. I can still feel the pain from my shoulder.

They slowly took off their pants, so I went out the door of Vittero's office and of course he was with me.

I locked the door from outside as I walked out successfully before I hit the back of his head with the gun and he fell on the ground unconsciously.

I ran out of Vittero's house and got into one of his cars and went straight to the hospital. I need to clean the wound.

I limped inside the hospital as I stared at my way but my vision was blurred.

"D*mn! I'm loosing too much blood!" I groaned as I walked to the counter and all the nurses stood up.

"M-Mr. Daniel!!" They all shouted as I rolled my eyes weakly and stepped back but I bumped into someone. F*ck!!!

"Look - - - " I stop in my track as I stare at the pair of gray colored eyes...

"V-Vanessa... My love" I whispered before I blacked out.