Birthday Went Wrong

Bengal Kingdom, Bakhtiyarpur, morning of 2nd April, 1557.

After more than a month of travel, Queen Raamya and her entourage of 4,000 soldiers arrived in the Bengal Kingdom. They had reached the fiefdom of Bakhtiyarpur and were set to remain there for a few days to replenish their supplies and rest.

The morning sun streamed through the large open windows of the royal quarters, casting a warm glow across the room.

Princess Amira slowly awoke to find Maya, a 14-year-old girl she had rescued and who now served as her maid, sitting at the corner of her bed. Maya's face lit up with a smile as she saw the princess stir awake.

She found herself staring at Maya, the fourteen-year-old girl who had been rescued by Queen Raamya from the brutal practice of sati pratha. Maya now served as Amira's personal maid, her eyes full of curiosity as she sat cross-legged on the corner of the bed.