| C H A P T E R -3 |


The next morning, I arrived at David's office. I was well aware that he had just returned to the town and might be facing a mountain of work, but there were pressing matters I needed to discuss with him.

Approaching the Boston Police of LarksVille precinct, the sight of the bustling police station made me cringe. It was swarming with people; some were pestering officers to help them locate their missing cars, while others were lodging complaints about public transportation being too fast for them to cross the road safely during red lights. The excuses people came up with never ceased to amaze me.

My destination was David's office, and I paused near his assistant's desk.

"Uh, is Mr. David Barnes in the office?" I inquired, addressing a nearby policeman who seemed absorbed in his computer.

Looking up from the screen, he replied lazily, "He's busy, ma'am. You can leave your card, and he will call you back."

An amused smile tugged at the corners of my lips. I was keenly aware of his celebrity status and just how many individuals clamoured for a chance to meet him each day, desperately seeking his assistance with their cases.

This newfound fame had been thrust upon him after his exceptional collaboration with the Boston Police and the CIA the previous year when he masterminded the resolution of a high-profile murder case in the vicinity of Harrington, Virginia.

"Thanks, but I'll take my chances," I responded, passing by the policeman and making my way toward David's office.

"Ma'am, please don't..."

Before the policeman could complete his sentence, I had already barged into David's office. He was slouched in his chair, still wearing his glasses, and his desk was cluttered with files. My abrupt entrance, along with the assistant's warning, jolted him awake.

"A?" He greeted me with a warm smile.

"Good morning, sleepy head!" His mildly furrowed brow indicated his surprise at seeing me so early. "I brought you coffee!"

We quickly settled into a conversation, and the matter with the assistant was discreetly resolved. David was quite obstinate about not letting anyone in during his working hours, and I couldn't help but experience a pang of sympathy for intruding as I did. I wouldn't have intruded if the matter weren't so crucial.

"What brings you here?" he inquired.

"I need your help," I stated.

"Help?" David appeared intrigued.

I nodded. "I'm searching for a case file from twenty years ago," I explained. "And I need you to help me locate two individuals, Dave."

His eyebrows knitted in confusion. "Two individuals?"

"Yes," I confirmed. "Diana Morretti and San Dios. I need information about them. Do you think you can help me track down their whereabouts?"

David's confusion deepened. "Who are they?"

Looking up, I nervously met his gaze. "Someone I need to find out that could lead me to..." My voice trailed off.

His puzzled expression continued. "Are you referring to Emma Brown's case? Your mother?"

I nodded in response, and he sighed. There was a hint of pity in his eyes, something I detested, but I managed to conceal my emotions well.

Taking a deep breath, I responded, "They were my mother's business partners back in 1996 since the Emma Group of Jewelries was established. Two years before I was born," I said. "I found a picture of them from 1999. I also found out that they were good friends from their college time. But they left right after my mother's disappearance in 2003. Possibly they know something about Mom. And I need to find them, Dave. Perhaps they can provide some information. The truth."

There was something in my chest that was heavy. I needed to breathe. Talking about her has always been like this. So much emotional overload. It was something that had haunted me besides my dream. Taking a deep sigh, David responded with a nod.

"I'll do what I can, A," he assured me. "I'll need some time to search through the archives. However, it's been many years, and we don't even know if they're still in the country or connected to the case."

"I know, but I still trust you," I replied with unwavering faith. "I understand you're swamped with work, but I've dedicated five years to collecting evidence, and now I see a glimmer of hope. I'm willing to exercise patience if it means I can uncover even more."

He held my gaze, his eyes locked onto my piercing electric blue orbs that seemed to encapsulate all my pain, much like an unyielding tide. Perhaps, within their depths, he glimpsed the urgency driving my need for his assistance. At last, he replied, "I'll locate them."

Gratitude filled my eyes as I smiled. "Thank you. I knew I could count on you for help."

He nodded, and his gaze dropped to the floor. "Do you suspect someone in your mother's disappearance?"

I shrugged. "I'm not sure. But there's no reason not to investigate. It's puzzling why my mother would disappear so suddenly. From what I remember, she was content. She had a successful business and a loving family... and then one day, she just decided to abandon everything and vanish. It's quite unusual, don't you think, Dave?"

He kept quiet.

Tears swelled in my eyes, which I tried to push back. "I've always wondered what compelled her to leave a five-year-old child behind and vanish into thin air. I need to understand, Dave. What really happened to her and where she is now? And not just what people are feeding me about her. I need to know the truth."

"Understandable," David replied with a small nod. "But won't your father...?"

"I know he won't appreciate delving into the past. However, I truly need answers. Why did she vanish so abruptly? And her position was taken by..."

"Do you still believe she's alive?"

I sighed. "I can only hope, Dave."

"Where are the pictures of these two suspects?" he inquired.

I retrieved a photo from my bag, a printout I had prepared earlier that morning, sourced from the internet the previous night. "Just this."

David studied the black-and-white image with a deeper intensity. It depicted a young and joyful Emma Brown, my mother, standing beside a tall blonde woman, Diana Moretti. San Dios stood next to Diana, captured in front of Emma Jewelers' first shop in 1996, from the article of firstest 100 businesses, 1999.


David and I sat sipping our drinks in sombre silence and discussing the matter at hand. The air was heavy with the weight of a recent tragedy that had befallen our small town. It was Olivia's suicide, a shocking and heartbreaking event that had shaken the community.

David sighed, setting his coffee cup down with deliberate care that hinted at the weight of his words. His expression turned more serious, and he began, "Olivia's case has been assigned to me. I'll be in this town for a while. I might not be able to give you all the time you need for your mother's case, but I promise I'll do what's within my power."

I nodded in understanding. "I know you will, Dave," I replied. Taking a deep breath, I realized I needed to change the subject. "What about Olivia's case?"

Raising his gaze from beneath his curled lashes, he responded with an intense look, as though deep in contemplation. "It's mysterious why the Reed family abruptly called off the investigation on this case," David explained.

"What?" I exclaimed in surprise. "Why would they ask to close the case of their own daughter?"

David shrugged. "I don't know. It seems there must be more than meets the eye." He exhaled deeply, continuing, "That's why I'm here — to uncover the truth."

"Have you found anything significant?"

He leaned in closer, taking a deep breath. His voice became low and grave as he shared, "We found a few bruises on Olivia's body in the post-mortem reports, initially suggesting she might have been a victim of abuse and torture. But there's a twist, Ana." He paused for a moment, collecting his thoughts.

My curiosity piqued, and I urged him to continue. "What kind of twist?"

David tapped his fingers on the expansive glass table as he spoke. "The case was initially closed as a suicide. The truck driver's statement and the CCTV footage seemed to confirm it, but then..." His voice trailed off. "The note discovered beside Olivia's body changes everything. It's reminiscent of a pattern I've encountered before."

"A pattern? What do you mean?" I asked, my brow furrowing in confusion.

David leaned in closer. "In the southern USA, London, and in Spain, there's a notorious psychopathic killer known as the Devil. He has been targeting a select group of affluent, elite individuals and ruthlessly eliminating them. On each occasion, a note is discovered beside the lifeless bodies, consistently enclosed in a distinctive red envelope. The note is signed 'Devil' and states, 'Justice has been served.' Howard Falcon and Juliana Cruiz are among the unfortunate souls whose destinies were sealed by the hand of this infamous killer."

"Devil? What kind of bizarre name is that?" I asked, my confusion evident. "It sounds like something out of a crime novel."

David chuckled grimly. "I wish it were just that. However, this Devil is a true monster who derives pleasure from ending lives. He takes his time, orchestrating the deaths so meticulously that it becomes challenging to determine whether it was an accident, a suicide, or a homicide."

I gasped at his chilling words.

"Howard Falcon, the illustrious chairperson of Starlight Hotels & Resorts, had once commanded the respect and admiration of Arlington's elite. The first one to die in his hand. However, his life took a dark and sordid turn. In a shocking turn of events, he was discovered dead in an unsavoury adult club, purportedly the victim of a drug overdose. But beside him, the red envelope was found." He said. "Later, we found numerous bruises and cuts on his body, which indicates he had been tortured to death and then dumped in that place."

"My god!" I exclaimed in shock. "The cases you have been assigned recently?"

David nodded with a tight face, "Not only that, Juliana Cruiz, a wealthy widow who owned extensive land holdings in London and Spain, was another unfortunate soul claimed by the Devil's actions. Her lifeless body was found suspended from the ceiling of her luxurious home, with an open throat and blood drained out, a gruesome spectacle that sent shockwaves through the quiet streets of London."

"Oh my god!" I cringed with imagination her state.

"But the only clue is that, in each of these cases, the Devil had left his macabre signature: a menacing red envelope carrying only a message at every crime spot - 'Justice has been served.' The entire city was left to grapple with the mystery of these high-profile murders with no clues at hand," he said. "We were trying to solve the case when I received this assignment regarding Olivia, and somehow, after studying thoroughly on the Devil, I can conclude he is the one."

"How are you so sure?" I pointed. "I mean, why would the Devil target a college student?"

"As the investigation continued, one thing became abundantly clear: the Devil was no ordinary psychopath but a cunning and relentless adversary who loves hunting. At first, we thought it only left the USA and England's elite trembling, but now I may have to reconsider as no one was beyond the reach of his sinister game."

David sighed, flopping into his chair. "I have no idea why he would target a college student, but I know for sure that either the Devil is in town, or someone is using his name for this. And in this case, the evidence is screaming his name. So, I have to find that culprit out as soon as possible, Ana."

"You're saying that this Devil may or may not be responsible for Olivia's death?"

David nodded gravely. "That's one of the possibilities, Ana. And we can't ignore it. We need to consider the idea that Olivia might not have committed suicide but was forced into this situation. The note beside her body fits the pattern of the Devil's previous crimes." Taking a deep breath, he said while looking at Olivia's picture from the crime scene, "After all, Preston was known for its mysterious surroundings!"

"Mysterious surroundings, huh?" I chuckled. "I guess the town is giving me one more reason to stay back!" David nodded with a smile.

He took a deep breath before looking at me. "True. But don't let this get into your head, A. Focus on your career. Your father wouldn't like this if he came to know you were in the police station on Friday morning, discussing a case."

I chuckled at him. "I agree. But now that I am here, we are going to solve this one too."

He nods, agreeing with me. "As far as this case is concerned, I am looking into it. But you need to be careful, Ana. If this is the work of the Devil, we're dealing with a dangerous criminal. Stay safe and vigilant. This town isn't safe anymore. And I will do everything in my power to help this town again." He said. "So, if you hear or see anything unusual, please let us know immediately. And stay alert always while I continue the investigation."

I nodded, my heart heavy with the knowledge that our town was facing a threat far more sinister than we could have ever imagined.


As I left David's office at the police station, my mind was preoccupied with the grim details of the case we had just discussed. The heavy door creaked shut behind me, and I stepped out into the fading daylight, taking a deep breath.

My thoughts were still consumed by the investigation as I walked away from the station towards my car. I noticed a row of tall, imposing trees that lined the road. The cool breeze rustled their leaves, and the fading sunlight cast long, eerie shadows on the path. Then, while walking, out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of someone standing there.

My breath caught in my lungs.

Partially hidden by the trunk of one of the trees.

A figure, far away from me, leaned casually against the tree. In an all-black-clad, a cigarette glowing in his hand, and those flaming eyes darting towards me. Despite the thick fog, I sensed his subtle grin directed at me.

A shiver ran down my spine. My lips parted, and my breaths turned heavy. An eerie feeling washed over me, and I couldn't help but frown. Could it be again... my stalker?

I paused for a moment, uncertainty gnawing at me. The distant figure continued to smoke and gaze in my direction, hidden in the gloom of the approaching night, unfazed by me. I couldn't discern his features from this distance, but the way he watched me felt unsettlingly familiar.

It has to be him.

Six months. It has been six months he has been tormenting me with his weird and abrupt show-ups. That silhouette figure has somehow managed to be always present everywhere I go, and this is kind of giving me panic attacks day by day.

In my dreams. In reality. So many places that I found myself with dissociation syndrome. Getting confused about what is reality or what is a dream.

He loves to play. I have known that by now. But what he doesn't know is that now I am no longer scared of him. I know he has to be a coward, always hidden beneath a veil.

I kept watching him, and so did he. I know I should have been scared, and called the police on him. But something about all this had always intrigued me. Who is he? What does he want?

Furthermore, why me?

All these questions have been swirling in my head for a long time. Yet, like a fool, I have been keeping it to myself. I want to catch him. But I also want to catch him myself. Want to ask those questions and tell him that he is no good than a coward. But the question is, will I be able to do that?

My breaths began to get heavy with my thoughts. My lips parted as I kept gazing at him. The man standing there does not seem to be an ordinary stalker. Yet, I am intrigued beyond imagination. His deep gazes were sending shivers down my spine, and he also had somehow found a spot to make me...

Suddenly my phone buzzed with a TING, and I looked at it to find a message from the anonymous number.

"If you keep staring at me like that with your mouth open, I can't control myself thinking how good those lips would look closed around my dick, Estrellita."

Asshole. I frowned and huffed in anger. 

Does this fucker realize his threat? I could literally go inside the police station to report him. But as good as a magician, he is, the message delivered had vanished from my phone. As usual. As if everything was a lie.

My heart began to race, and my instincts told me that I needed to get away.

I considered returning to David and divulging everything, but at that moment, I couldn't be sure if what I was witnessing was real. So, I swiftly got into my car and drove out in the opposite direction. Through the side mirror, I stole one last glance at the distant figure as it receded into the distance.

He was still looking at me.
