| C H A P T E R - 4 |

ANASTASIA:I woke up to the soft morning light coming through the curtains in my bedroom, making the walls look warm and golden. My bed, covered with comfy blankets and messy pillows, made me want to stay a bit longer. However, the new day called me, waking me up from my peaceful sleep.I yawned and stretched in my bed, enjoying the warm sunlight on my sheets. My dark brown hair was messy from dreams, and my calm blue eyes felt tired from the night. With a satisfied sigh, I got up, feeling the soft carpet under my feet.My room mirrored my personality—a mix of comfortable disorder and simple style, with a touch of organized mess. Books, files, and colourful sticky notes were cheerfully scattered on the nightstand, showing my love for thrillers and cases, no matter how messy they might seem to someone else.In the corners, various sweaters were scattered from the previous night, each with its own colour and texture. I knew that, despite being a bit annoyed by my untidiness, Robert would bring order to this chaos, as he always did. He was my support in this mix of chaos and creativity.But as I took a deep breath, I felt something was different in the air today. But I couldn't pinpoint what exactly.Maybe because I finally slept without the nightmare. I don't know.With a smile, I padded into the bathroom, greeted by the familiar scent of lavender. Last night, as usual, I had spent endless hours poring over case files, giving up on my sleep. A partial reason was that I was avoiding the dream, or maybe I just wanted to keep myself busy to divert my mind from my stalker. Only today I realize maybe that was a bad idea.Who wants a bad skin day and puffy eyes anyway?Thankfully, the hot water worked its magic, washing away the remnants of drowsiness.I stayed back for half an hour, soaking myself in the relaxation.It feels weird. After the last encounter with my stalker, it has been more than ten days, and he did not give me his usual sudden attendance. Was he finally scared to see me outside the police station that day? Or was he planning something else?But for some reason, I knew that he wasn't going to go like that. I couldn't bring myself to talk about this mystery guy to my dad. One reason was that my dad was a busy man. Secondly, I didn't give it much thought until I moved here.I had thought this would have ended in New York. But he did come all the way to Boston with me. But for what exactly?Does he have something to do with the anonymous leads to my mother's case?Possible and not possible.I had to do a good few minutes of debate to finally settle on not possible.If that was the case, why would he hide in the shadows?Finally, as I emerged from the shower, I stared at an unexpected sight—a mark on my neck.What the hell?Panic and confusion flooded my thoughts. Looking closer, I realized it looked like a hickey! How could this be? It was impossible. I mean, I haven't met anyone who could probably give me one of those.For the record, I never had a boyfriend. Since the very first lead to my mother's case, I promised myself that I would not be distracted by anything. Then how does this occur? That too, in this house!I gasped. Did he come here last night? And he touched me?But there were about ten guards and forty cameras in this house for someone to break in. I know, looking at the cameras would be a disappointment. It's clean like nothing ever happened. After a few minutes of debating the fact, I finally settled on an answer. Maybe it was just a bite from some insect, I reasoned. But still, there was something uncomfortable in my stomach about the fact.In my walk-in closet, I donned comfy jeans, a blue top, and a jacket. Also, I didn't forget to apply concealer to hide.... whatever that mark was. Dressing quickly, I cast a last glance at my reflection before turning to the photograph on my bedside table. It was a picture of my mother, her warm smile frozen in time."Happy birthday to me," I whispered to the photograph. "I guess, if you were here with me, you would have said that, right?"A lump formed in my throat, and tears welled up, threatening to spill. But I fought to hold them back, determined not to let them surface on my birthday. Not today.I secured the gold chain around my neck—the last gift from my mother. That is when I noticed the scar on my left hand. A scar from intense burning, yet the memory of the accident is pitch black. Dad said I burnt my hand in the fire when I was young, trying to heat a marshmallow. But I have always doubted it.How can that turn so intense?I sighed as I mentally noted that now I needed to get going or I'll be late!****I descended the stairs with a warm smile, my hair cascading loosely around my shoulders.As I made my way down the stairs, the sounds of laughter and chatter grew louder. Confusion knit my brows. Who could be here this early? Besides, Robert hasn't even—Dad?My excitement quickened my steps, and my smile widened as I approached the breakfast table."Dad!" I called out in surprise, and his head immediately turned toward me, the unique blend of white and black hair neatly styled in his business formals and the ever-present warm smile."Ana!" he exclaimed joyfully, setting aside his coffee cup to embrace me. We shared a bear hug, and his woody, smoky fragrance, with a hint of spice, enveloped me—a scent that had always meant home."Look at you; you've gotten more beautiful since the last time I saw you!" he remarked as we sat. "I assume New York has treated you well?"I playfully rolled my eyes. "Dad, stop it. I don't have a boyfriend there!"He playfully held his hands high as he replied, "I am just saying. It's not a crime to hope.""Dad!" I whined. "You know I am not ready for this." I sighed as we settled down. "New York was fine, but I missed you a lot.""And I missed you, my little princess!"Ava, my stepmother, sat beside him. Tall and striking, she wore a ruby-red dress, her presence asserting itself as my mother, albeit a stepmother."Hello, Ava," I greeted her with a polite smile. Our relationship was a complicated one. We didn't particularly hate each other, but we didn't completely like each other either. I was somewhat relieved to know that my father had someone to lean on, even if she was primarily here for his money. But it was also hard to see her right beside my father, where it was supposed to be my mum."You look quite energetic, Ana. Did something exciting happen while we were away?" Ava inquired coyly, her bobbed hair and red lipstick giving her a diva-like appearance.Like I said. Stepmother. She forgot it was my birthday. But I wasn't reminding her of that."Uhm-No. Not really. Just been busy with the prep. It's my first day at college," I replied, my voice tinged with a touch of nervousness as I fiddled with my fingers.My dad's keen observation caught me off guard. He glanced at my restless fingers and remarked, "And you seem a little nervous?"I took a deep breath, trying to ease my anxiety around new people. "Well, it's just that... I get nervous around new people. You know that!"He smiled reassuringly. "Oh, come on, you are a Brown. Confidence and power run in your blood."I chuckled softly. "Well, that's the exact opposite case, I'd say. Anyways..." I began, trailing off as we took our seats. "But, how are you here? I mean, aren't you supposed to be in China now?" I inquired, genuinely curious about his unexpected presence.Ava chimed in, sipping juice from her glass. "He felt guilty for not being here to welcome you. James almost cancelled his meetings just to be here."My head snapped towards him. "You didn't have to do that!" I almost whispered to my father, aware of his commitment to his company. I wonder if he remembers my birthday. Not that I will accuse him of that. Because I know how busy a man he is.Ava's phone suddenly rang abruptly, and she glanced a sweet smile before she stood up, excusing herself to answer that.He smiled warmly, a glint of affection in his eyes. "Oh, come on, Ana. I absolutely had to do that. After all, my little princess was coming home, and I wasn't even here to welcome her. But luckily, Mr. Yang had it all covered, and now I can finally be with you. After all, it's your birthday!"My eyes lit up. He hasn't forgotten!I managed a bright smile. "Well, I am just getting a day older, aren't I?"He handed me a neatly wrapped box and said, "That's more reason to celebrate, little Dove. Open it."I gasped in surprise as I unveiled the keys to a brand-new Bugatti. "That's your birthday and homecoming present, my princess."I was momentarily at a loss for words, my eyes widening in disbelief. We were undeniably affluent, but I was stunned by the fact that my father remembered my birthday and my favourite car. "This is... Perfect," I finally managed to say with a heartfelt smile. "Thank you.""And I hate to break this at this time of our little reunion," Ava interrupted as she approached us, her tone carrying a sense of urgency. "But we have to leave tonight for Harrington. An urgent case needed our attention, James." She held out the phone, showing my father some messages. He frowned as he read through them, his expression becoming more somber with each passing moment. Eventually, he nodded, and a regretful smile flashed in my direction."I'm sorry, little Dove," he said with remorse in his voice. "But I have to leave again. There's an urgent matter that needs to be handled."I smiled as I took a bite of my scrambled eggs. "I'm staying here for a long time. I'm sure we'll have plenty of time to catch up!"He nodded as he returned my smile, though it held a tinge of sadness. "Very well, then. I was also thinking of throwing a welcome party for you when I return." He took a sip of his coffee, and his eyes glinted with enthusiasm.****As I finished my plate and sipped my juice, he broached the topic of transportation. "You can take the new car to college. It's safer and more reliable.""Um, no. I'll take Tressa today."He frowned slightly. "Ana, that thing is as old as time. I don't want you to run into any problems on your first day of college. You can take the new car..."I stood up, finishing my plate and sipping my juice before offering him a smile. "No, Dad, you know I've missed Tressa all these years. Let me ride her today."Finally, he relented. I kissed his cheek before taking my leave. Ava didn't bother to look at me. Neither wish me.****I rode down the familiar-unfamiliar road, feeling the wind kiss my face. Although the lanes and roads were new, they weren't entirely unknown to me. I had travelled through these streets countless times during my childhood, with my parents by my side. Dad and mom...I pushed back the lumps in my throat as I focused on the road. As I navigated the road, I couldn't help but think about Tressa, the silver Aston Martin GT I was driving. It was my mom's favourite car, a legendary symbol of my parent's love story. However, despite all the years that had passed... my mother was no longer here with us.I miss her. Terribly.I sighed and shook off the melancholic thoughts, focusing on the road ahead. My destination, Preston University, was approximately twenty-five kilometres away from Larksville. Even though Larksville couldn't compare to the bustling streets of New York, it still had its fair share of traffic. And, of course, I was running late.Listening to the google map, I decided to take a shortcut. It led through an empty road beside the forest, connecting to the main route. Tressa sped through the wind, seemingly in a hurry. The early winter air was bone-chilling, but I pressed on.As I took a look, this road was deserted. Like the famous poem, I remember from one of my books, "The Road Not Taken," by Robert Frost, looks like this route was seldom chosen by travellers. Yet, fate had led me here. A sense of pride welled up within me, being part of something extraordinary. That was until Tressa suddenly sputtered and came to a halt in the middle of nowhere."Tressa!" I cried out in frustration.This was certainly not how I envisioned my first day at college. Regret gnawed at me for not heeding my dad's advice. I glanced at my watch; time was of the essence. I had to physically submit my documents before noon, and being stranded here with Tressa being dead in the middle of nowhere was definitely not helping.I reached for my phone, only to find it had no network. Panic set in. I was genuinely stuck here until I found help or, better yet, someone came down this road and was willing to offer assistance."Urgh!" I groaned in frustration, kicking Tressa in vain. She remained lifeless. My patience wore thin as the clock ticked on, twenty long minutes passing without a single passing car. Hope dwindled, and I questioned my decision to take this road, or perhaps, to bring Tressa along. Maybe even the thought of fitting into this city again.I don't know. Nothing seems right at this point in time.Amidst my chaotic thoughts, the sound of a roaring engine reached my ears. Hope surged within me, a faint smile forming. I waited, focusing on the direction from which the sound was approaching. I had to stop whoever was passing by and plead for their help if necessary.So, I stood on the side of the road, frantically waving my arm to flag down the approaching biker. He was clad entirely in black, his helmet concealing his identity.Such a Déjà vu."Stop!" I yelled desperately, hoping he'd hear my plea. Yet, to my dismay, he seemed unperturbed, his accelerator revving up. "Stop! Hey! Please, help me!" I shouted once more, desperation in my voice. But instead of stopping, I heard the engine's roar growing louder as he appeared set on ignoring me.Would he not stop?Frustration surged within me as I realized he might ride away. I couldn't let that happen. "Please, stop! Hey!" I pleaded with every ounce of my being as he approached me as a complete ignorant.However, it seemed like fate had turned a blind eye to my desperation. The biker continued to pass me by as if I didn't exist, causing me to gasp at its speed. Anger flared within me, and I yelled, "You, idiot psycho!"To my surprise, this time the tires screeched, and the biker came to a halt.Shit!